Well, you can't do it in this thread. If you've seen my other thread, you'll have seen that I have basically proven that no amount of Anti-E's will prevent me from getting gyno symptoms, even on a cycle of 350mg of prop a week, shot ED @50mg. So now I'm at a crossroads. I'll continue taking my anti-e's, and I'm going to attempt to jump into a non-test cycle, to salvage some of the hardness that the prop brought me. I'm thinking of jumping into 60mg of Var for 6 weeks, or maybe even Winny for 6. One or the other for now. I'm leaning towards var, but winny is exponentially cheaper, and I'm wondering if anyone out there has any advice that doesn't consist of "SHOOT UP TEST YOU PUSSY," because chances are I still look better than you. Carry on.