1st timer 500mg Test E, 100mg Test P EOD and just finished 4 weeks of Halo (will keep you posted on pending liver funtion test)
I was 5'8, 200 but in 6 weeks I put on 20 solid pounds.
The strength is WAY up something like 60 lbs on my bench. With increases in squats and and every other exercise .
Sex is fu*cking right on (feels like I'm back in my school days when you get boners in class from nothing)
And the sides are minimal yea I felt like slapping the sh*t out of someone if they breathed the wrong way. Yea I have some zits on my back. Yea I grew out of alot of cloths and yea Prop injection sites make me cry like a b*tch.
But my job reqiures me to run...alot. So what if I drop the Test E run Prop 100mg ED thru the end of my cycle. What may that do? Or just increase my cardio :-(