Okay I live in Canada and Yohimbe or Yohimbine is hard to come by...Anyhow I got a bottle of Yohimbe (Yohimbe Bark 3% extract) 500mg per cap from my source...I have heard wonders about an ECY stack as opposed to your traditional ECA stack and wanted to give it a shot....NOW my main concern is that the pros on AR have advised on several threads the use of YOHIMBINE at 5mg in an ECY stack and my question is that since I cannot get PURE YOHIMBINE HCL POWDER would YOHIMBE be just fine at 500mg per cap with the stack and if yes, should I only take it in the AM or can I take it both the times Im taking the stack.....This is a stupid question I know but just wanted some pointers since I can't find any distinct info anywhere in regards to this specific problem......So in otherwords is 500mg of YOHIMBE equavilent to 5mg of YOHIMBINE....Thanking everybody who reads this thread and forward their .02 cents.....Really Appreciate it....