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  1. #1
    Sigmund Froid is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2002

    High Dose Cycle Report

    Presently taking:

    225mg Oxymetholone
    75mg Methandienone

    2700mg Test Enan.
    600mg Boldenone Und.
    400mg Tren Enan.

    This clearly isn't your average bull**** cycle.

    Side effects so far:

    Testosterone : Annoying out of control sex drive. Not much worse than 500-1000mg. Gyno irritation. Started anti-estrogens.

    Trenbolone : Some aggression. Difficulty gaining weight. (Tren always stalls my gains on the scale. I attributed it to loss of bodyfat while simultaneously building quality muscle.)

    Boldenone: Nothing to report. I assume it will add some useful anabolic properties to offset the heavy androgens.

    Methandienone: Gyno irritation. Started anti-estrogens.

    Oxymetholone: Ok. This is the mother****er of the stack. Anadrol at 225mg everyday has caused severe heartburn/acid reflux. I have a strong stomach and have never had heartburn. However, within a few days at this high dose, I am actually experiencing *painful* heartburn - not just irritating. Also, I feel incredibly run down and unbelievably tired. My mood is miserable, aggressive, judgmental, and cruel within an hour or so of taking Anadrol at this high of a dose (Of course, I choose not to act on it).

    General Comments: Gyno irritation could be caused by any number of factors. Also, the orals have caused a distinct anorectic effect, probably from dopaminergic action of the methandienone, and the severe acid reflux caused by the Oxymetholone.

    Overall, the side effects aren't that bad. In fact, if it weren't for the oxymetholone, I would say there aren't really any bad side effects. An over the counter antacid treats the heartburn very, very effectively (I never had to use it before in my life). The gyno is subsiding before it becomes a problem. The anorectic effect of the orals (anorectic= kills your appetite) has made sufficient calorie intake for bulking very difficult. I found a way around this by using a modified BDTR-shake. 4 scoops of NLarge2, 2 servings ice cream, 2 servings peanut butter (over 1,000 calorie shake).

    Is it normal to feel ****ty on 225mg of Anadrol?

  2. #2
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    how long have you been running the DROL?? what is your cycle history..i have done many,many cycles and have never gone over 200mg/ed because it completely depletes my appitie(counter productive).i also get hartburn as a side from it,i now prefer D-BOL.results are just as good without the sides and it doesnt effect BP as much as A-50'S DO.

  3. #3
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you for real.

  4. #4
    1badcamaro's Avatar
    1badcamaro is offline Anabolic Member
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    ridin dirty
    wow, this is a hell of a cycle

  5. #5
    djboots's Avatar
    djboots is offline Associate Member
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    HOLLY *%*$#@!*^

  6. #6
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    bdtr would be proud, **** that a lot of Drol though, much water retention?

  7. #7
    Sigmund Froid is offline Associate Member
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    DEVLDOG, I have done several cycles in the past, a few high dose ones, but admittedly, this is a little aggressive. If the appetite suppressant effect continues to interfere with calorie intake, I might consider lowering the drol dose. I only plan to run the drol for 4 weeks, the dbol for six weeks, increase the trenbolone as I come off each oral.

  8. #8
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    I'd lower that drol dose. I've run up to 150mg and was pissing dark urine and dropping hair. Not to mention ****NNN to the rest of the cycle, but you are either really stupid or you dont train worth a **** to require that much gear. I've run test up to 1g and I cannot see why anyone would require over that, I was growing like crazy( 6'2 235lbs 16% bf, 420bp 610sq never maxed on deads), how much size have you put on?

  9. #9
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
    UrbanDawg is offline Banned
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    Bro - I apprec your desire to do what it takes but is it worth it to fel run down all day ?

    Fina did it to me real real bad and I finaly realized that felling toxicly sick all day and having to take 5 naps just to be functional is not worth it.

    If you fell that bad - your body is telling you something.

    Really bro - Id back WAY off

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigmund Froid
    Presently taking:

    225mg Oxymetholone
    75mg Methandienone

    2700mg Test Enan.
    600mg Boldenone Und.
    400mg Tren Enan.

    This clearly isn't your average bull**** cycle.

    Side effects so far:

    Testosterone : Annoying out of control sex drive. Not much worse than 500-1000mg. Gyno irritation. Started anti-estrogens.

    Trenbolone : Some aggression. Difficulty gaining weight. (Tren always stalls my gains on the scale. I attributed it to loss of bodyfat while simultaneously building quality muscle.)

    Boldenone: Nothing to report. I assume it will add some useful anabolic properties to offset the heavy androgens.

    Methandienone: Gyno irritation. Started anti-estrogens.

    Oxymetholone: Ok. This is the mother****er of the stack. Anadrol at 225mg everyday has caused severe heartburn/acid reflux. I have a strong stomach and have never had heartburn. However, within a few days at this high dose, I am actually experiencing *painful* heartburn - not just irritating. Also, I feel incredibly run down and unbelievably tired. My mood is miserable, aggressive, judgmental, and cruel within an hour or so of taking Anadrol at this high of a dose (Of course, I choose not to act on it).

    General Comments: Gyno irritation could be caused by any number of factors. Also, the orals have caused a distinct anorectic effect, probably from dopaminergic action of the methandienone, and the severe acid reflux caused by the Oxymetholone.

    Overall, the side effects aren't that bad. In fact, if it weren't for the oxymetholone, I would say there aren't really any bad side effects. An over the counter antacid treats the heartburn very, very effectively (I never had to use it before in my life). The gyno is subsiding before it becomes a problem. The anorectic effect of the orals (anorectic= kills your appetite) has made sufficient calorie intake for bulking very difficult. I found a way around this by using a modified BDTR-shake. 4 scoops of NLarge2, 2 servings ice cream, 2 servings peanut butter (over 1,000 calorie shake).

    Is it normal to feel ****ty on 225mg of Anadrol?

  10. #10
    Sigmund Froid is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2002
    So far, so good. My body is adjusting to the side effects. I am gaining about a pound per day, give or take. My urine is on the darker end of the spectrum and it slightly burns to piss...I am increasing my water intake accordingly. My muscles feel pumped all the time, and my veins are full of blood. I am beginning to appear more vascular.

  11. #11
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    how long are you running the orals for?

  12. #12
    dannyboy62682's Avatar
    dannyboy62682 is offline Associate Member
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    Bro, that is some crazy dosages. Hope everything works out for ya. I know about the heartburn, its a son of a bitch. See if you can get you hands on some Prevacid and take it at 30mg a day. I use it and works great. Man, good luck with everything!

  13. #13
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Wow, what are you looking to attain from this cycle (how many lbs)? There are better ways than pickling your liver with 2100mg of orals a week. Ever thought about HGH, IGF-1 LR3, and Slin?

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