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Thread: Test Only Cycle

  1. #1

    Test Only Cycle

    Currently I am on
    test 400 wks 1-10
    winny weeks 9-14

    I am having incredible results and three of my fellow teammates want to hit the juice now but they do not want to pay all the money for the winny. What would a cycle of test only do for them? Would a 10 week cycle of test 150 do good for them? We are all baseball players on the same team.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    did u mean 250? i wouldnt think that 150 would be sufficient but then again ive never took steroids before, so dont put alot of stock in my opinion. i do plan to do a 10 week test e cycle myself for my first cycle. i might even do ur exact same cycle, but anyway, i would think that test 4oo would be good for them, just my 2 cents...keep us posted on ur results?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    you need at least 300mgs a wk, I'd say do more like 500mgs. I did a test only cycle and gained a good 30lbs, but my bf when up 2.5% (ate a crapload though)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    150mg is nothing...I think thats even less than your body naturally produces..but dont quote me on that...All I know is at that dosage, you are basically wasting your money...

    500mg a week is good, you will see gains with that....I suggest at least 500mg Test/week...would be good to throw in some Deca too, I gained 30 pounds easily with that and my cycle was only 10 weeks.

  5. #5
    I might just get them test 400 and have them shoot it twice a week for 10 weeks. they basically just want a cheap first cycle to see how it goes and then right before baseball season hit a good cycle with test and winny. I have enough pins and syringes for them left over from me and then I will have to order them the nolva clomid and ldex.

  6. #6
    I kinda feel used lol. I have been reading here for about 6 months now doing research and now I will have to babysit them since they have not researched like I have. I guess it will pay off in the spring though when we are killing other teams.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    At 800mg's a week they are going to have unbelievable results, BDTR did an experiment on high dose vs. low dose cyles with some newbies. So I won't say it is too much for a first timer, but it may put them at increased risk for sides. If they dont want to take that chance maybe cut it back to 400mg a week, with 2 1/2 ml injections.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    No offense, but I think you may need to do a little more research after the dosage you have posted...As far as the other guys, you should have them to some research as well before they make the guys better get on the ball soon though, drug tests are a bitch these days with all the testing going on in sports....Good Luck!!

  9. #9
    I meant to say test 400 at twice a week with 1/2cc shots.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    800mg/week for a first time is a bad idea in my opinion only for the reason, as Lozgod mentioned, is the side effects are unknown...they could develop gyno or other effects and be screwed...on the other hand they may not, but the risk is much higher...I am able to handle 500mg/week of test and 300mg of Deca/week without anti-e's and not get gyno...but i didnt just jump into that....

    What I did was start with a low dosed cycle with anti-e's on hand just in case...I was able to handle levels up what i mentioned above withouth any type of effects (besides bloating) and didnt have to use anti-e's...

    Now am I saying run a cycle and not worry about anti-e's?? Absolutely not...I had anti-e's on hand at all times, but never had to use them...If I needed to, you bet your ass I would of swallowed those things like tick tacs (figuratively speaking)...

    My point is, that yes, for a first time cycle (for your friends) start low

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    yeah 500/week would be good for 1st timer

  12. #12
    I have had great gains with 400mgs a week.

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