Whats up fellow iron pumpers , need your opinions. For about the past month I have been dieting and doing cardio , to decrease my bf % , I started out at 240lbs at guesstimating about 20% bodyfat , currently I am 230lbs , at 5'10 , with a waist of 34 , arms 17.5 , quads 27 inches , would eventually like to get down to 200lbs before starting my first cycle. MY goal is to come in at a hard 220lbs post cycle with bf of around 8%. My cycle will be comprised of 800mgs of T400 , that I already have , 200mgs Deca 200 , and 35 mgs of dbol for the first 4 to 5 weeks. What do you think my results will look like? Please include any suggestions. Thanks , Pump