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Thread: Aspiration on Insulin Pins?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fortress of Soltitude,North Pole

    Aspiration on Insulin Pins?

    Last year I overcame my fear of the dreaded Needle that had been haunting me for ages. I used to have my "experienced " friends hit me in the delts as I would turn my head in the opposite direction in hopes of not Passin' out.(Sinister Giggle)

    Anyway, the 5/8 inch insulin gauges helped me overcome my fear and become quite artistic with my site injection. 8 weeks out from contest I was hitting Tren/ Winny up and down my thigh (Vastus Lateralis) with no problem at all and it really brought out some prominant muscle growth even after I discontinued my cycle.

    As far as my injection procedure was concerned with the Insulin Gauge : I just heated the pin under hot water for about a minute, swabbed the site with Alcohol, hit the location , aspirated, and when I saw the tiny bubbles emerging I took my time pushing it through.No problems whatsoever as fair as Pain, Soreness, or skin reaction.

    My question concerns hitting the lateral head of the calves, and possibly the inner as well. If I use the same Insulin Gauge on those locations and aspirate with no blood , Am I in the clear ?? Is there any chance that I could hit a nerve or anything else besides the muscle even with a successfull aspiration? The reason I ask is because I am wondering if the blood might be too thick to enter a needle with such a small gauge. Any info on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    personaly i dont have any experience with caves.i would asume if u aspirated and its good then you should be ok.why would the blood be thicker in the calves then anywhere else?like your thighs you said you aspirated and it was ok ,well it should be the far as hitting a nerve or something i would immagine that it may possible.youll feelm it trust me.good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fortress of Soltitude,North Pole
    Sorry , let me clarify. I don't imagine the blood around my calf be any thicker than the rest of my sites, I just mean too thick for an insulin pin period.True, I've never had any problems with my Vastis thigh shots but it has be know to be a preferable and less risk inj. site compared to the calves.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fortress of Soltitude,North Pole
    Anyone down with the 411 ?

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