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  1. #1
    Angelis's Avatar
    Angelis is offline Banned
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    Exclamation What kinda gains can I expect from this? (All available info is there!)

    Im not looking for any flaming or anything... I just wanna know what kinda gains I could expect from this cycle and all the info I post: Im looking to gain Lean muscle mass will this do it?

    Wk 1-3 Dianabol 40mg/ED
    Wk 2-13 Test Prop 100mg/ED
    Wk 2-12 Trenbolon (Fina) 75mg/ED
    Wk 6-13 Winstrol Tabs 100mg/ED
    Wk 2-13 Nolvadex 10mg/ED (Wk 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg/ED)
    Wk 2-16 Arimidex .25mg/ED
    wk 14-16 Clomid (Standard PCT 300/100/50)

    During PCT I will be running Clen and T3 to cut

    Age: 22
    Height: 5ft 10
    BF%: N/A

    5 Liters of Water
    4000 Kcals
    ---600g Protein
    ---300g Carbs
    ---75g Fat

    Total-Body Strength Training Workout with Ab Emphasis
    Complete one set of each ab exercise, then complete the rest of the circuit twice.

    Traditional Crunch
    12 - 15 repetitions, 1 set

    Bent-Leg Knee Raise
    12 reps, 1 set

    Oblique V-Up
    10 reps each side, 1 set

    1 - 2 reps, 1 set

    Back Extension
    12 - 15 reps, 1 set

    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Bench Press
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Military Press
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Upright Row
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Triceps Pushdown
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Leg Extension
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Biceps Curl
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Leg Curl
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Tuesday (Optional)
    Light Cardiovascular Exercise Such as Walking
    30 minutes at a brisk pace.

    Total-Body Strength Training Workout with Ab Emphasis
    Complete one set of each ab exercise once, then complete rest of circuit twice.

    Standing Crunch
    12 - 15 reps, 1 set

    Pulse Up
    12 reps, 1 set

    Saxon Side Bend
    6 - 10 reps on each side, no rest between sets

    Side Bridge
    1?2 reps on each side, no rest between sets

    Back Extension
    12 - 15 reps, 1 set, no rest between sets

    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Bench Press
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Military Press
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Upright Row
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Triceps Pushdown
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Leg Extension
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Biceps Curl
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Leg Curl
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Thursday (Optional)
    Light Cardiovascular Exercise Such as Walking
    30 - 45 minutes at a brisk pace.

    Total-Body Strength Training Workout, with Leg Emphasis
    Repeat entire circuit twice.

    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Bench Press
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Traveling Lunge
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Military Press
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Upright Row
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Triceps Pushdown
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Leg Extension
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Biceps Curl
    10 reps, 2 sets, 30 seconds rest between sets

    Leg Curl
    10 - 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 rest between sets

    Saturday (optional)
    My day of rest.

    Abs Workout Plus Interval Workout
    Complete one set of each ab exercise, then choose one interval workout

    Traditional Crunch 12-15 None 1
    12 -15 reps, 1 set, no rest between sets

    Bent-Leg Knee Raise 12 None 1
    12 reps, 1 set, no rest between sets

    Oblique V-Up 6-10 each side None 1
    6-10 reps each side, 1 set, no rest between sets

    Bridge 1-2 None 1
    1 - 2 reps, 1 set, no rest between sets

    Back Extension
    12 -15 reps, 1 set, no rest between sets

    Thanks in Advance Bros

    And if anyone could recomend a better workout with emphasis on Abs and Pecs that would be great... I wanna do more days but dont wanna over train!

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Everything looks good but your workout sucks ass for building any kind of mass at all

  3. #3
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    The workout is definitely your weak point. It's not geared to body building at all. Grandmother's do full body workouts.

  4. #4
    Angelis's Avatar
    Angelis is offline Banned
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    Well I got it off of this site so thats why I asked if any one had anything better for me to build quality lean muscle... with emphasis on my pecs and abs they need the most work!

  5. #5
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    Without a doubt you need a better split, one to two groups per day, usualy only one, I do a 6 day split myself. A good site for the basics of bodybuilding is tons of info there on splits, routines, etc.
    I think you might be being a little over optimistic about how much you can eat too, 600g of protein is extreme hard to do, I don't think you could do it with a full time job or school, I mean BDTR does 600g of protein... a 180lb person doesn't need that much, excess goes to fat.
    Since you're throwing all this in your first cycle you'd also be smart to have some finastride on standby, because you don't know how 700mg of test will effect your hair line, or 100mg of winny - can't do much about the tren .
    Its all kind of over kill really, I've gained 30lbs on Test and Dbol , I don't think you could hold onto much more mass in the same time frame.

  6. #6
    statuZ's Avatar
    statuZ is offline Banned
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    in your brainz
    try a diff split, what im doing now is:
    day1: chest and tri
    day 2: back
    day 3: quads
    day 4: shoulders/trapz
    dat 5: bi's
    day 6: abs /calves
    sunday - rest.

    granted i never work trapz on thursday becuase my traps are so sore from deadlifts but still its a badass routine gl

  7. #7
    statuZ's Avatar
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    in your brainz
    oh yeh and i agree with what 1-cent said, if its your first cycle youd be better off doing test alone or test/d-bol becuaes your going to get massive gains anyway. Also the better the gains the harder it is to keep them, thats why slow long cycles work. Yer cycle is overkill bro, maybe test/deca , or test/d-bol, or test/eq, as a first cycle or test alone. I know when im gonna do my first cycle im going to do Test. Best of luck bro.

  8. #8
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    Heres mine, works very well for me:

    Monday: Chest
    Tuesday: Bi's
    Wednesday: Abs / Traps
    Thursday: Tri's
    Friday: Back
    Saturday: OFF
    Sunday: Quads / Calves

  9. #9
    nwp's Avatar
    nwp is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    Well I got it off of this site so thats why I asked if any one had anything better for me to build quality lean muscle... with emphasis on my pecs and abs they need the most work!
    Like others said the routine is a little off and not geared toward mass building. Personally I prefer going very heavy and gving myself plenty of time to rest between sts.
    I can understand wanting to bring up your pecs, but making abs the focus of a workout a routine seem a little weird. IMO opinion you can't really change the appearance of your abs as much as other body parts. Throw some weighted crunches or soemthing in at the end of your workout. Most exercises you do for other other body parts indirectly work your abs (ex: heavy squats, etc.)
    Focus your efforts on all your body parts and worry about the bringing out the abs with a good cutting diet down the line. Looks like you have put a lot of effort into everything, which is awesome, good luck.

  10. #10
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
    UrbanDawg is offline Banned
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    cozy little Ghetto in PA
    workout all wrong - 1 BP per day go 5 days per week

    Whey too much protien

    cycls is way off too much gear and bad choices of drugs. Forget the winny - dries you out, kills your hair and it does NOT build mass

    you are too small anyway - you need to train natty a few years and build a base.

    keep reading

  11. #11
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    the workout u have is an excellent one for athletes that are training in other sports and dont have the time to specifically target certain muscle groups for growth.....i am actually liking your routine for my martial arts training because sometimes i just dont have the time to do single or pairs of muscles.

    but if your target is growth and you want to gain maximum benefit of the steroids u are using then cut down to one or two body parts a workout and focus on diet (your is good) and rest. after you are done with the cycle and pct, then look at getting ripped using cardio + diet.

  12. #12
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    the workout u have is an excellent one for athletes that are training in other sports and dont have the time to specifically target certain muscle groups for growth.....i am actually liking your routine for my martial arts training because sometimes i just dont have the time to do single or pairs of muscles.

    but if your target is growth and you want to gain maximum benefit of the steroids u are using then cut down to one or two body parts a workout and focus on diet (your is good) and rest. after you are done with the cycle and pct, then look at getting ripped using cardio + diet.

  13. #13
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    the workout u have is an excellent one for athletes that are training in other sports and dont have the time to specifically target certain muscle groups for growth.....i am actually liking your routine for my martial arts training because sometimes i just dont have the time to do single or pairs of muscles.

    but if your target is growth and you want to gain maximum benefit of the steroids u are using then cut down to one or two body parts a workout and focus on diet (your is good) and rest. after you are done with the cycle and pct, then look at getting ripped using cardio + diet.

  14. #14
    Angelis's Avatar
    Angelis is offline Banned
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    Sorry I copy pasted from my thing that is the wrong cycle... heres the good one:

    Wk 1-3 Dianabol 30mg/ED
    Wk 2-13 Test Prop 100mg/ED
    Wk 2-12 Trenbolon (Fina) 50-75mg/ED
    Wk 6-13 Winstrol Tabs 50mg/ED
    Wk 2-13 Nolvadex 10mg/ED (Wk 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg/ED)
    Wk 2-16 Arimidex .25mg/ED
    wk 14-16 Clomid (Standard PCT 300/100/50)

    I was thinking about taking out the d-bol but someone told me it would be better to use Winny with Fina... he seemed like he knew allot so I took his advise... yeah im devising a new workout right now too with free weights... I know allot about body building its just people on here are telling me to change it around all the time so im getting confused everyone is contradicting themselves!

  15. #15
    Angelis's Avatar
    Angelis is offline Banned
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    what would be my optimal amount of protein to take in I was gonna take about 100g from a Protein Shake...

    Keep in mind I wanna gain muscle but quality lean muscle...not fat or water?

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