looking to harden up and was thinking of, Test Enan 300mg wk and Masteron 100mg a wk, anyone tried this b4??
looking to harden up and was thinking of, Test Enan 300mg wk and Masteron 100mg a wk, anyone tried this b4??
You may want to use test prop instead of enanthate...less water retention. Kind of small doses though.
thanks bro
And Masteron needs to be injected ed or eod. 50mg shots will do the trick. If you go eod, you can bump it up some, like 75 or 100mg
Enanthate is fine if you run Letro, or L-dex during your cycle. Plus the Masteron will help keep the bloat down too. But Masteron has a Propionate ester attached, so you need to go at least EOD with it.
Something like this should work out nice:
1-10 Test Enan 400mg/wk
4-11 Masteron 350mg/wk (which is 100mg EOD)
1-11 .25mg Ldex ED
put the test at 500mg a week and run it 12 weeks then follow detroits cycle he has listed.
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