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Thread: Are steroids legal in Taiwan?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Are steroids legal in Taiwan?

    Hey i have just moved to Taiwan and i will be here for a year currently situated in Taiwan and will be here for 1 yr. I have currently found a gym, albeit far but for now will suffice, although finding it really difficult to find anything healthy to eat since their diet seems to consist of little meat and lots of white bread, fried foods and noodles. (Could be b/c i can't read chinese that well) anyways i was wondering if steroids are legal in Taiwan and if i could just walk into the phramacy and buys some, also interested in ephedrine and clenbuterol could be bought here as well? Anxious for the responses thanks a lot guys Would also like to know how other people couped while they were in Taiwan.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Montreal (Canada eh!)
    Theres your problem as far as I know in Taiwan they speak Thai not chinese.... and from what ive heard they are legal in Taiwan...but im not 100% sure bro....sorry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I knew a guy who lived down there a few years ago. I'm pretty sure they were legal.

  4. #4
    In Taiwan they speak Mandarin (Chinese) not Thai (that's Thailand). You can order most any steroid at any of the pharmacies but they will not have it in stock, they will have to order it and it is not as cheap as just ordering it from overseas yourself. Keep in mind you will have trouble ordering from mainland Chinese sources because you cannot transfer money directly from Taiwan to Mainland China. I was on there and had more trouble getting enough protein in then I did using gear. Oh yeah, and Taiwanese chicks really don't like big guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    Theres your problem as far as I know in Taiwan they speak Thai not chinese.... and from what ive heard they are legal in Taiwan...but im not 100% sure bro....sorry

    This one is priceless....

    I see they do not teach linguistic geography up there in Canada. What do you order at a Thai restaurant...Taiwanese food?

    They speak Chinese there bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the average taiwanese prefers to eat junk food, good luck finding some meat. careful not to eat dog meat if you're afraid. i think they have it in china, not sure about taiwan.

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