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Thread: Help!!???

  1. #1
    Doc Slin's Avatar
    Doc Slin is offline Respected Member
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    Help!!??? Possible Abcess!!

    Ok so as a few of you know i have been using T4 and everything has been fine besides the ****ing unbearable pain. A few days ago I stuck a half CC in each tricep and they hurt like hell for days and i also got really sick and had a fever and had reealy bad hot and cold flash's and was sweating very badly. I got over that and my tri's are still enflamed but alot better, the only troubling thing is on my right tricep right where i did the injection there is a small lump, it is not hot or sore to the touch just this little rock hard lump like a little iron ball in my arm. what the hell is that??? abcess????
    Last edited by Doc Slin; 09-06-2004 at 02:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    It could be filled with air. A while ago I had a shot of test e, and i pushed down on the syringe to get every single drop of oil out, and because i pushed down on the syringe so hard it actually pushed out a bit of air as well that came out after the oil. After that I had a lump. I just rubbed it a for a few days, and massaged it in the shower under the hot water and it went away. So it could be that. Also, sometimes gear such as what ur using and gear like test prop seem to leave lumps and pain fairly often. I dont think its anything serious

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    maybe you didnt shoot deep enough into the muscle and that is the oil building up under the skin.

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