sup all, im one week into my 50mg tren/75mg prop/40mg dbol ed cycle ive been feeling really sick for the past 4 days and im startin to worry it may be the gear, im using good tren and home brew prop its painless going in, but im sore as hell for a day or two after i dont mind the soreness im injecting , thighs, glutes,delts, so im a little sore everywhere lol. the flu like symptoms i have are whats worryin me, when they come on strong i do some advil and lay down for a while it helps but it keeps comin back. im doing 4000mg vit C with my usual multis, and zinc anyone have this type of problem. or am i just freakin out. i thought it was the ECA i was using but stopped it the first day so i dont know. thanks in advance to all