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  1. #1
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    upping fina dose from 100mg to 150??anyone?

    i ran fina at 100mgs/ day and the only side i can say i really had was crazy nights sweats. being tired alot was my other concern although i have been working my ass off at work and training very hard so maybe it wasn't the fina.
    has anyone (well i'm sure some have) done 150mgs ED and in my weight range 185-190??just curious as i would like to use it at that dose starting this coming monday.

  2. #2
    Gills's Avatar
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    I am 188 pounds. I upped my Fina dose to 150 after my 6th week of fina/test P. The sides really didn't get much worse. You should be just fine.

  3. #3
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    I was at a higher weight range, but I have. Didnt notice much more sides, a little harder to sleep at night, small increase in BP.

  4. #4
    Gilster's Avatar
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    Right here!Are you blind?
    I did 300mgs/d for 8 weeks and it pretty much turned me off of fina for life. The sides were horrific, and it shut me down so hard I never fully recovered. I also have scar tissue on my lungs that I believe may have been caused by the fina cough. On the other hand I was huge, ripped and as strong as a couple of angry bulls.

  5. #5
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    **** bro

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilster
    I did 300mgs/d for 8 weeks and it pretty much turned me off of fina for life. The sides were horrific, and it shut me down so hard I never fully recovered. I also have scar tissue on my lungs that I believe may have been caused by the fina cough. On the other hand I was huge, ripped and as strong as a couple of angry bulls.
    300mgs/ d. i wish i could do that but my sense of mortality may keep me away from that.somehow now 150 doesn't seems so bad.
    i'll try 150mgs for 6 weeks and see what the deal is. if it's not bad i'll extend it to 8 a see how it goes.

  6. #6
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    thank billy

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    I was at a higher weight range, but I have. Didnt notice much more sides, a little harder to sleep at night, small increase in BP.
    long time no see. maybe it's me as i have been slammed at work and not on as much in past weeks , but feel like i haven't seen you in awhile!!i hope all is well and thanks for the input!!

  7. #7
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    I found this on another board Posted by capinatl @ (it made me think twice about upping my fina dose..)

    On my first fina cycle I started with testosterone and 75mg trenbolone EOD and exploded in strength, vascularity and hardness. After a few more cycles with fina and experimenting with dosages ranging from 75mg EOD to 112.5mg ED I have concluded for myself that 150mg EOD is all I desire. At 75mg EOD I receive some results, but nothing outstanding. At 150mg EOD I gain in size, strength, vascularity and hardness – however – at this dosage I also receive negative side effects like shoulder and lower back cramping, aggression, heartburn, sleeplessness and night sweats. For me, when I begin to get negative side effects I also begin to get positive sides as well. At higher dosages like 112.5mg ED my side effects become unbearable. The muscle cramping pain becomes so intolerable that I often have to stop my workouts, quick in the middle of squat routines, avoid deadlifts, and even totally skip shoulder days. I’ve come to the conclusion that trenbolone dosage is a unique balance of sides vs. results. Once the sides prevent me from achieving my workout goals or force me to modify my routine drastically, it’s time to cut back.

    I have a good friend who included trenbolone in his second cycle at 100mg EOD with testosterone and told me he wanted to go to 100mg ED. To this day I still regret replying with a simple, “O.K.” as his side effects went through the roof. His aggression and attitude changed so much that his mother said to her normally laid back son, “What happened to my son? I don’t even know you anymore!” He said he couldn’t control himself around his family and girlfriend and unfortunately both relationships dissolved before his cycle completion. Now there are a few on the boards who have done 150mg ED, but all I’ve been in direct contact with have said those high doses have left them with a sour taste for trenbolone. My friend won’t even consider using trenbolone again.

  8. #8
    hung-solo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    I found this on another board Posted by capinatl @ (it made me think twice about upping my fina dose..)

    On my first fina cycle I started with testosterone and 75mg trenbolone EOD and exploded in strength, vascularity and hardness. After a few more cycles with fina and experimenting with dosages ranging from 75mg EOD to 112.5mg ED I have concluded for myself that 150mg EOD is all I desire. At 75mg EOD I receive some results, but nothing outstanding. At 150mg EOD I gain in size, strength, vascularity and hardness – however – at this dosage I also receive negative side effects like shoulder and lower back cramping, aggression, heartburn, sleeplessness and night sweats. For me, when I begin to get negative side effects I also begin to get positive sides as well. At higher dosages like 112.5mg ED my side effects become unbearable. The muscle cramping pain becomes so intolerable that I often have to stop my workouts, quick in the middle of squat routines, avoid deadlifts, and even totally skip shoulder days. I’ve come to the conclusion that trenbolone dosage is a unique balance of sides vs. results. Once the sides prevent me from achieving my workout goals or force me to modify my routine drastically, it’s time to cut back.

    I have a good friend who included trenbolone in his second cycle at 100mg EOD with testosterone and told me he wanted to go to 100mg ED. To this day I still regret replying with a simple, “O.K.” as his side effects went through the roof. His aggression and attitude changed so much that his mother said to her normally laid back son, “What happened to my son? I don’t even know you anymore!” He said he couldn’t control himself around his family and girlfriend and unfortunately both relationships dissolved before his cycle completion. Now there are a few on the boards who have done 150mg ED, but all I’ve been in direct contact with have said those high doses have left them with a sour taste for trenbolone. My friend won’t even consider using trenbolone again.

  9. #9
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    a 100mgs/ daily, unless it was underdosed was not THAT kind of problem. isweat alot to the point where i changed the sheet twice a night for the first,i would say, two weeks, then that subsided. tired alot, but again, i work alot and train hard, although everyone does this. so who knows? 100mgs didn;'t do me in and i was NEVER aggressive. so how knows.i'll try it out at 150 and if i have to taper down i will. we'll see how it goes i guess as people respond differently and i find myself very intuned with my body at all times.

  10. #10
    hung-solo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    a 100mgs/ daily, unless it was underdosed was not THAT kind of problem. isweat alot to the point where i changed the sheet twice a night for the first,i would say, two weeks, then that subsided. tired alot, but again, i work alot and train hard, although everyone does this. so who knows? 100mgs didn;'t do me in and i was NEVER aggressive. so how knows.i'll try it out at 150 and if i have to taper down i will. we'll see how it goes i guess as people respond differently and i find myself very intuned with my body at all times.
    i think that would be the best way man... like you said everyone is different.. might as well experiment with yourself.. just dont kill anyone. hahahaa

  11. #11
    Gilster's Avatar
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    Right here!Are you blind?
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    I found this on another board Posted by capinatl @ (it made me think twice about upping my fina dose..)

    On my first fina cycle I started with testosterone and 75mg trenbolone EOD and exploded in strength, vascularity and hardness. After a few more cycles with fina and experimenting with dosages ranging from 75mg EOD to 112.5mg ED I have concluded for myself that 150mg EOD is all I desire. At 75mg EOD I receive some results, but nothing outstanding. At 150mg EOD I gain in size, strength, vascularity and hardness – however – at this dosage I also receive negative side effects like shoulder and lower back cramping, aggression, heartburn, sleeplessness and night sweats. For me, when I begin to get negative side effects I also begin to get positive sides as well. At higher dosages like 112.5mg ED my side effects become unbearable. The muscle cramping pain becomes so intolerable that I often have to stop my workouts, quick in the middle of squat routines, avoid deadlifts, and even totally skip shoulder days. I’ve come to the conclusion that trenbolone dosage is a unique balance of sides vs. results. Once the sides prevent me from achieving my workout goals or force me to modify my routine drastically, it’s time to cut back.

    I have a good friend who included trenbolone in his second cycle at 100mg EOD with testosterone and told me he wanted to go to 100mg ED. To this day I still regret replying with a simple, “O.K.” as his side effects went through the roof. His aggression and attitude changed so much that his mother said to her normally laid back son, “What happened to my son? I don’t even know you anymore!” He said he couldn’t control himself around his family and girlfriend and unfortunately both relationships dissolved before his cycle completion. Now there are a few on the boards who have done 150mg ED, but all I’ve been in direct contact with have said those high doses have left them with a sour taste for trenbolone. My friend won’t even consider using trenbolone again.
    Very close to my story, but imagine my sides at 300mgs/d. Totally beyond my control. I turned into complete animal. They did not keep me from my goals however. I did get strong as HELL, HUGE and RIPPED. I had vascularity like I have never seen on anyone but pros, but yeah, I will never use tren again. One thing I did notice though was that I slept like a baby and tren never really messed with my sleep but all the other sides were 100x what I hear from most people, even at lower doses.

  12. #12
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilster
    Very close to my story, but imagine my sides at 300mgs/d. Totally beyond my control. I turned into complete animal. They did not keep me from my goals however. I did get strong as HELL, HUGE and RIPPED. I had vascularity like I have never seen on anyone but pros, but yeah, I will never use tren again. One thing I did notice though was that I slept like a baby and tren never really messed with my sleep but all the other sides were 100x what I hear from most people, even at lower doses.
    I could not even begin to imagine 300mg ED. I'm roughly doing 50/75mg ED. I just started my 2nd week of it and really haven't noticed anything accept last night it was hard to sleep and today working out I began to cramp a bit. When did you guys notice it really kicking in?????

  13. #13
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    i noticed my tren kick in about the second week.ive ran it before at 150mg/ed and it wasnt bad except for the emotional roller coaster it caused. i didnt have any night sweats or insomnia. did have major increased aggression, and incredible strength and hardness,but thats it. i say give it a try for a

  14. #14
    Doc M's Avatar
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    Pb..I've ran it at 150/ed and didn't notice any added sides that I had when running it at 100/ed..Personally, I love Tren and can deal with the sweating, sleeplessness, and occasional breakouts..That compound shreds me and makes me vascualr like crazy..And the strength is almost scary for me..The only time I have ever been able to do 120 pound dumbell military presses for reps without a spot, was when I was on Fina..Just keep an eye on your sides and you should be fine..

    Doc M

  15. #15
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    i noticed my tren kick in about the second week.ive ran it before at 150mg/ed and it wasnt bad except for the emotional roller coaster it caused. i didnt have any night sweats or insomnia. did have major increased aggression, and incredible strength and hardness,but thats it. i say give it a try for a
    Thanks bro...150ed still seems very high to me. I will stick with 50/75mg ED and see how it goes. except for the sides, I'm extremely excited for it to finally kick in....

  16. #16
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Pb..I've ran it at 150/ed and didn't notice any added sides that I had when running it at 100/ed..Personally, I love Tren and can deal with the sweating, sleeplessness, and occasional breakouts..That compound shreds me and makes me vascualr like crazy..And the strength is almost scary for me..The only time I have ever been able to do 120 pound dumbell military presses for reps without a spot, was when I was on Fina..Just keep an eye on your sides and you should be fine..

    Doc M
    Wow, Listening to this, I can't wait for the Tren to kick in...

  17. #17
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    thanks doc

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Pb..I've ran it at 150/ed and didn't notice any added sides that I had when running it at 100/ed..Personally, I love Tren and can deal with the sweating, sleeplessness, and occasional breakouts..That compound shreds me and makes me vascualr like crazy..And the strength is almost scary for me..The only time I have ever been able to do 120 pound dumbell military presses for reps without a spot, was when I was on Fina..Just keep an eye on your sides and you should be fine..

    Doc M
    i'm loving the fina thing. the sweat aren't bad except the girl i'm seeing now has to sleep in a puddle, but hey what can i do??we have to change the sheet twice and it's becomign a pain, but i loves me the fina

  18. #18
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    long time no see. maybe it's me as i have been slammed at work and not on as much in past weeks , but feel like i haven't seen you in awhile!!i hope all is well and thanks for the input!!
    schools back..gotta jobbie and time is decreased a bit

    i put my AC on about 65 when I goto bed everynight...helps tons!

  19. #19
    Dally's Avatar
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    Im at week six of the fina at 100mg ed, I have gained in size and strength. I dont have any sides tho... no night sweats and no agression and the wang and nuts are alive and WELL.

    I do think I should up the dose now my gains have seemingly slowed and I am not AS vascular as when I first started. This is my first cycle really and first time on the fina... so, should I up the dose to see if I can get abit outta the shat? and what if the sides after upping it are not tolerable... will dropping the dose have any negative repercussions?

    later dudes.

  20. #20
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    now i am kinda hesitant on trying fina. i have heard nothing but great things, never knew the sides were that bad!

  21. #21
    ironfist's Avatar
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    My attitude went to **** but that's about all I noticed...

  22. #22
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    Im at week six of the fina at 100mg ed, I have gained in size and strength. I dont have any sides tho... no night sweats and no agression and the wang and nuts are alive and WELL.

    I do think I should up the dose now my gains have seemingly slowed and I am not AS vascular as when I first started. This is my first cycle really and first time on the fina... so, should I up the dose to see if I can get abit outta the shat? and what if the sides after upping it are not tolerable... will dropping the dose have any negative repercussions?

    later dudes.

    please tell me u arent running it alone??? i sure hope u have some b-6 for the progesterone and incresed prolactin. and fina for your first cycle? wow thats heavy duty

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    now i am kinda hesitant on trying fina. i have heard nothing but great things, never knew the sides were that bad!

    the sides arent that bad IMO. but the benefits of fina far outweigh the side effects if u get them. they dont call it the "golden nectar of the gods" for no reason.i never got night sweats or insomnia, but maybe its jsut me. but i **** sure got shredded and strong like bull.

  24. #24
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    I'm about to try tren for the first time at 75mg eod, is this a sensible first time dosage?
    (The rest of my cycle is posted under 'Next cycle, dosages OK?')

  25. #25
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    75 mg EOD isnt enough. need at least 50mg/ed, 75mg/ed is better IMO

  26. #26
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Even for my first tren cycle? - in blt's post the guy he's quoting says at 75mg eod he exploded with strength and vascularity...

    This may sound like an ignorant question but I have some Negma Parabolan and I have some BD trenbolone 10ml @ 75mg/ml on the way, are these two the same ester i.e. are they interchangeable with one another?

    Thanks bro!

  27. #27
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    no they arent the same esters. run it at least 50mg/ed IMO. someone else might think differently but that is what i think

  28. #28
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    So they are different esters, which is the faster acting ester? Will I be OK to run one then the other?

  29. #29
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    bd is the quick acting if im not mistaken. it should say trenbolone acetate on the bd on. tren acetate is the quicker acting of the two, but not by too much

  30. #30
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    So if there's not much in it I'll be OK running them one after another right?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    please tell me u arent running it alone??? i sure hope u have some b-6 for the progesterone and incresed prolactin. and fina for your first cycle? wow thats heavy duty

    no mang.

    I got some test prop and running that at 50mg ed... I have Ldex at .25 and nolva at 20mg ed and yes b6 taking that at 250mg ed.

    not sure if you remember but my first cycle ever was about 3 weeks long on test prop and cut short due to no anti'es/no brains and gyno popping up.

    so, I am running the test at a low dose and watching that very closely, so far so good.

    Fina is the only thing I think i am gonna do, no sides for me. Ive always been a snappy cranky bastard till I get a few drinks in me but... ehheheh

    no, so far so good. Do you think I should up the fina to 125 or 150 mg ed? for the last 4 weeks?

    later mang

  32. #32
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    i personally wouldnt. pick one and stick with it IMO

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    i personally wouldnt. pick one and stick with it IMO

    alright then mang.

    We'll do.

    later bro.

  34. #34
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    no mang.

    I got some test prop and running that at 50mg ed... I have Ldex at .25 and nolva at 20mg ed and yes b6 taking that at 250mg ed.

    not sure if you remember but my first cycle ever was about 3 weeks long on test prop and cut short due to no anti'es/no brains and gyno popping up.

    so, I am running the test at a low dose and watching that very closely, so far so good.

    Fina is the only thing I think i am gonna do, no sides for me. Ive always been a snappy cranky bastard till I get a few drinks in me but... ehheheh

    no, so far so good. Do you think I should up the fina to 125 or 150 mg ed? for the last 4 weeks?

    later mang

    i would go with 125mg/ed before i woudl go to 150. so u are only running 50mg/ed of test? mind if i ask how your sex drive is? i know u are afraid of gyno popping up again, but u could alwasy up your dose of nolva and l-dex if u are that worried

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    alright then mang.

    We'll do.

    later bro.

    that one was for notsmall bro. my mistake i should have clarified

  36. #36
    Dally's Avatar
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    its the weirdest thing. I run low dose or any dose of test and my sex drive seems to drop and my nuts shrink up and I dont wanna hump.

    with fina alone... yes I did run it alone for 4 weeks... I got veiny and ripped..... in my WANG. ehehhe seriously tho, NO PROBLEMS. I mean I dont even have shrunken nuts ...

    personally I think its either not real fina or the oddest thing, but considering my lack of sexdrive with test alone... Im not that surprised.

    FINA is my gift from the anabolic gods. I have no shutdown and wake up EVERY morning pitchin a tent.

    weird eh?

    and yes the dose is low.. and yes I can up the nolva and ldex.. but I just dont wannna, the fina is seemingly working so ...

    whaddya think?

  37. #37
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Yeah, my attitude is fantastic, though I'm only about 12 days in. Last night I slept like a champ! I do have low back pain (kidney's) so I'm upping my water intake...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    its the weirdest thing. I run low dose or any dose of test and my sex drive seems to drop and my nuts shrink up and I dont wanna hump.

    with fina alone... yes I did run it alone for 4 weeks... I got veiny and ripped..... in my WANG. ehehhe seriously tho, NO PROBLEMS. I mean I dont even have shrunken nuts ...

    personally I think its either not real fina or the oddest thing, but considering my lack of sexdrive with test alone... Im not that surprised.

    FINA is my gift from the anabolic gods. I have no shutdown and wake up EVERY morning pitchin a tent.

    weird eh?

    and yes the dose is low.. and yes I can up the nolva and ldex.. but I just dont wannna, the fina is seemingly working so ...

    whaddya think?

    hey if it aint broke dont fix it. i did a few fina only cycles, first one wasnt bad, just a little decrease in libido. but the other i couldnt get it up to save my life. did u buy the tren or homebrew it? wow im suprised to hear it hasnt shut u down yet, especially at that dose, but if it works again keep it up. let me know how the effects are when u up the dose

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    hey if it aint broke dont fix it. i did a few fina only cycles, first one wasnt bad, just a little decrease in libido. but the other i couldnt get it up to save my life. did u buy the tren or homebrew it? wow im suprised to hear it hasnt shut u down yet, especially at that dose, but if it works again keep it up. let me know how the effects are when u up the dose

    me too, I surprised and thought FOR SURE I was gonna have to run test and chance gyno.. seein as how sensitive I was to it.

    its tren acetate from a buddy in a hoesst rouessel bottle .. all fully capped and shat. But, the odd thing about it is that is says 33mg tren per ml in a 30ml bottle. But, the dude said 100% that it is mixed at 66mg per ml, maybe it is maybe its not... but I think it is cause there is sediment like a cream colored sediment that when shaken up, looks likes the finest crystals you could imagine. so....

    I have no sides really, at all, abit of bacne but nothing abnormal.... (knocks on wood) and my strength is up there man.

    yah, I up it abit more for the end, but if the sides are no good, what if any harm will lowering the dose back down do?

    later bro

  40. #40
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    So if there's not much in it I'll be OK running them one after another right?

    ok i jsut did some more reading and research and parabolan is a long acting ester or trenbolone , a very long acting.

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