After years of training, months of research, two bloodtest, and weeks of waiting and debating I have my first cycle in hand.![]()
I have desided to do 300mgs of Test-C per week for 10 weeks for my first cycle. Is it better if I take 150 on Monday and 150 on Thursday.... or will I get the same results from doing one 300mg shot per week.
I have HCG, that i'm going to take on and off throughout my cycle, and clomid for PCT.
BUT... and it's a big BUT..... my source doesn't have anti-E. Should I wait until I can get some nolv before I start.... or do I not need it with this small dose of Test-C. (I think I know the answer.. but maybe not)
I really don't know where I can get any antie's.... so I don't know what to do?
As many of you may have experience, it's hard to be physically and mentally ready to start.... have the cycle in hand... but you can't take it. But I have to do this right.... I have worked too hard and too long in and out of the gym.... spent too much money..... and spent too many hours on this board to screw this up. Thanks for any advise.
oh.... I'm 32, 5'10 about 220lbs with a bfp of about 17%.