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Thread: Help would be great.....Thanks

  1. #1

    Talking HELP A FIRST-TIMER.....PLEASE!!!!

    Well, after researching a lot, I am just about to start my first cycle, so I little help would really be a good thing, I am planning to do this as my first cycle:

    Week 1-8: 500 mg/week Testoviron or Sustanon (need help to decide)

    Week 1-4: 30 mg/day D-bol
    Week 5-8: 50 mg/day Winny
    Clomid: 3 days after last winny, 300 mg 1 day, then 100 mg for 10 days and 50 mg for 10 more days.
    Also some liver-protector (have not decide one yet)

    question: Is it ok if I include some Nolvadex in the cycle even dough I dont get gyno sympthoms??? How much if I take it??
    Is D-Bol + Winny too much for a first cycle??? I mean too much stress for the liver...maybe just use one of them....
    Sustanon or Testoviron??? I know that Testoviron is supossed to be better for a first-timer because it is easy for your body to deal with one kind of test than to deal with 4, but I read almost every review that I found and almost all of them say that Sust is better than Testoviron, fewer side efects and water retention. Would like a word about this.
    Let me know what you think...thanks......

    Last edited by first-timer; 03-05-2002 at 03:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    wow thats a lot of questions ,ok lets see.atleast u did some research thtas nice to see.well dboll is notrealy a begginers drug ,but hey.that looks good but it is 17 alk and so is winny that will be a good amount of stress on the liver.i would say for the first time one or the other.but if u still insist do itthe winny 7 -8-9-10 a week after last winnie shot start your clomid. i dont know where you got 3 days after last wiinie shot to start are running test eithr one is a long acting ester therfore u need to start clomid three weekks after last test shot.the way i told u will help u maintain your gains and i t kinda gives your liver a little to wich test u use is up in the air realoly theres mixed feelings,i like sust but testoviron is the cream of the crop enethates no pain clean,and good up to u.good luck and be careful.

  3. #3

    Exclamation My stats....

    Here are my stats: I am 26, 5'11", 175 lbs, been training for almost 7 years. I also tought that using two oral steroids like D-Bol and Winny was too much, I think I will stick with winny only. what do you think??? (For quality gains), I dont really want to be bloated. My main goal is to get quality muscle, And maybe the winny will help me.
    What do you think of this cycle:

    Week 1-8: 500 mg/week sustanon or testoviron....dont know yet??
    week 1-6: 50 mg/day winny????
    week 1-8: 10 mg/day nolvadex
    clomid: 2 weeks after last shoot of testosterone, 300 day 1, 100 mg 10 days, and 50 mg for 10 more days. Liver protector all the way as well.
    Keep in mind that I am not looking for "explosive"results, just quality gains. Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    testoviron at 400 mgs per week for 8 weeks. dbol at 40 mgs per day for the first 4 weeks then discontinue it. nolvadex only if signs of gyno occur. clomid 3 1/2 weeks aftyer last test injection.

    this is all you need this time bro. trust me.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by bigkev
    testoviron at 400 mgs per week for 8 weeks. dbol at 40 mgs per day for the first 4 weeks then discontinue it. nolvadex only if signs of gyno occur. clomid 3 1/2 weeks aftyer last test injection.

    this is all you need this time bro. trust me.
    Thanks, but I still've got one questions: Wouldnt winny give me more quality gains????? I read in the profile on AS that stacking test with winny gives you more quality gains, also more easy to keep. Thanx.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    bigkev has spoken! what ever he tells you to do, DO IT!! later!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    BigKev laid it all out for you bro-'nuff said.

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