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Thread: New Cycle/Thoughts on this/Take a look

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    new jersey

    New Cycle/Thoughts on this/Take a look

    OK here the deal. I'm in my mid 40's, 5'11"/240lbs with 13%BF. Skin is obviously not as tight as a 25-30 yr old guy. My first cycle I did 35mg dbol 1-4, 500mg Sust 1-10, 400mg Deca 1-10, 50 Winny tabs 8-12. Nolva when needed, Clomid 13-15. Got very strong, went from 207 to 249, clean diet, held some water and ended up 240lbs. 2nd cycle substituted EQ for the Deca, not nearly the same strength, diet probably less calories but not by much and gained nothing, strength or body weight. For my 3rd cylce I want to go back to the 30mg dbol 1-4, Deca at 2-300mg 1-6, 750mg Test 1-12, 80mg Tren ed 7-12, Winny 50mg tabs 7-12, Clomid 13-15, Armidex throughout. The reason for the small amount of Deca is for the joints, makes me a little fuller with the skin issue and much stronger than EQ. Also don't want to use too much Deca along with the Tren, progesterone sides. Any thoughts or help with this. Thanks

  2. #2
    you put 42 lbs on your first cycle.. man that's huge.. but i guess i'm missing the quetion are you looking for another cycle??? cut or mass???

    4plates out together a cut cycle that i thinks looks ready good and sence you've done tren i'll share it with you

    week 1-10 test prop 100 ed
    week 1-10 fina 80 ed
    week 5-10 winny 50 ed

    then the only thing that i would add and this is up to you is ECA and Clen stacks everyother week and your diet looks good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    new jersey
    Mass cycle. But other people on other boards are saying that I should run the Tren in the beginning and the Winny at the end, easier on the system. . I kept 33 lbs on the 1st cycle, 207-240. Your thoughts??????????

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