Which is better to use...Nolvadex or Proviron. I would get both but cash is very limited!!! In what price range should I be looking for these two??
Is it neccessary to take something while I'm on this cycle?
20mg/day D-Bol - Weeks 1 and 2
Weeks 6 - 8
1cc Omnadren/week - Weeks 1 - 3
1cc Deca/week - Weeks 4 - 8
This is my second cycle. My first cycle ended 5 weeks ago and I've already gained 11lbs in my first week of this second cycle.
How long after this cycle should I start taking clomid??
This is what my first cycle consisted of:
25mg/day D-Bol - Weeks 1 - 3
1cc Omnadren/week - Weeks 1 - 4
1cc Sustanon/week - Weeks 5 - 8
With these low doses is it neccessary to use nolvadex or proviron?
And how much of my gains will clomid help me keep??
Thanks for the help fellas!!!!!!!