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  1. #1
    BullDogg20's Avatar
    BullDogg20 is offline Member
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    chest injections( scary i need help )

    I have been hearing lately about people doing chest injections, this sounds cary and dangerous i am use to injecting in shoulders and glutes. but is a chest inject with winney dangerous and i need to know specifics on how to do it

  2. #2
    The Iron Game Guest
    its not as scary as it sounds but before you do chest injections why not biceps/triceps?

    Chest is not dangerous, just make sure you go into the muscle.

    Good thing about winny is it goes through a slin needle, well good stuff anyway

  3. #3
    BullDogg20's Avatar
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    I dont want to inject it into my heart thou... lol i know i am being paranoid and all but still please some one in ed some expert advie on this

  4. #4
    The Iron Game Guest
    hehe dont be silly

    go in at an angle and you wont come close to your heart. I just did a chest injection right now with 25g and one amp of zambon.

  5. #5
    BullDogg20's Avatar
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    what do u mean angle

    what do u meanb an angle should i go in angleing don from top or angleing up from bottom or angle i tsideways should i fully stick the full 1 inch in my chest

    need more info i want huge pecs that are hard ...LOL

  6. #6
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    well when injecting into your chest i WOULD NOT recomend injecting straight into your up before doing this man...because if thats the way your gonna go about it....your bound to hit somehting you def dont wanna hit,,,you wanna go in on an angle...doinf it properly, you have no worries bud!


  7. #7
    BullDogg20's Avatar
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    ok i just took your advice and did half a cc in each pec i went in on a huge angle from each side i was shaking when i was doing it.

    i feel fine now it just stings a little bit right now anty reason why

  8. #8
    cnyce89's Avatar
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    one more thing

    you say you want huge pecs????? by injecting into your chest...doesnt make your pecs grow any you tink we all inject in our asses in order to make our asses get bigger?
    weather or not you inject in your glutes bi's chest...ect....doesnt gets spread throughout your system

    read up buddy


  9. #9
    BullDogg20's Avatar
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    i know that it gets spread out thru the wqhole body but iwas told and i also read that it helps lagging body parts by sight injecting.
    that why people inject in calves and triceps and biceps, it doesnt neccasarily make it any bigger just more of the juice seems to focus a little more on that area

  10. #10
    cnyce89's Avatar
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    you inject in dif areas to switch up on the inj injecting into the same area you build up scare tissue...
    therefore you rotate...keeping your inj sites fresh.


  11. #11
    CYCLEON Guest
    well - winny does seem to have some localized benefit for injections - this has been debated and im not really a fan personally of site injections but the argument does seem to have merit - the more so in the smaller muscle groups.

  12. #12
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
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    Damn it CO , you just wrecked my day. You said it works good ONLY for small muscle groups. I was gonna do it to "the 'ole corporal" but since it has to be small, I'm afraid it's not going to be possible, as it is rather quite immense. Oh well, i'll try an an abomb up the urethra. Hope it doesn't hold too much water....

  13. #13
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    chest injections guys are crazy!

  14. #14
    The Iron Game Guest

    Re: one more thing

    Originally posted by cnyce89
    you say you want huge pecs????? by injecting into your chest...doesnt make your pecs grow any quicker...
    read up buddy

    have you ever done this? I doubt it

  15. #15
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ok I don,t know much about this but I would have thought you would have to go in pretty deep to hit anything vital within your chest?

    Also I was under the impression that spot injections do help to "build" up the smaller muscles like Bi,s and Tri,s

    Like I said I,m not sure enlighten me bro,s!!


  16. #16
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    ever seen Pulp Fiction when Johnny T. has to shove the adrenaline needle into Uma's heart? That's how you're supposed to inject it. It gets spread throughout your system in a jiffy, even makes your heart last an extra 10 years every time you do it! Some say they've seen penile growth too - I'm still waiting.

  17. #17
    cnyce89's Avatar
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    hey iron game...was i wrong? does site injetions help build up smaller muscle groups? i personally have never injected anywhere other than the glute. maybe i got the wrong impression...leme know if i was wrong...a new things learned veryday!


  18. #18
    r6guy is offline New Member
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    I used sus/deca in my shoulders and they have seemed to grow a little bit more than the rest. I don't know if I'm imagining things or what.. But my friend injected in his chest, he did it from the side. My chest is lagging, compared to the rest of my body, I've thought about it, but I'm way too chickenshit. Tell me how it goes however. =]

  19. #19
    The Iron Game Guest
    When you inject into local muscle groups that are relatively small in size (not the quads and glutes) with 2-3cc's of oil then it is safe to say that this oil remains in the site injected in for a relatively long period of time. I mean it doesnt leave right away. Now so you have say 3cc's in your bicep and as a result your muscle fascia is going to stretch. Now if you stretch it you will have more room for new growth no?

    Now why dont you have a large quad or glute because according to this theory you should do. Right? Wrong. Look at the size of the biceps compared to the size of your quads or glutes. Lets say the quad is 6-7 times bigger than your bicep. If you inject 3cc's into the bicep then to see the same results you would need to inject 6 - 7 times this amount in the quad. ( 18 - 21cc's ).

    Ever seen anyone do this?

    Then there is also the increased blood flow / pump that is of benefit.

    IMHO Site injection does work

  20. #20
    cnyce89's Avatar
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    very well exlained... explained that very i know! my bad for the mistake i hae made in my previous post!
    looks like i learned something new!

    thanks bro


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