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Thread: 27 and ready to do first cycle

  1. #1

    27 and ready to do first cycle

    AFter reading the stickies and the reccomended cycles for rookies im planning on doing the following

    12 weeks of 500 milligrams of Test E
    which i will split inject 2 times perweek. The guy I lift with is a juicer and he will shoot me up. Im afraid to stick myself

    + nolva 20milligrams + arimiodex 1/4 milligram

    Since I am already very lean and hard and get a ton of cardio from the job I plan to eat about 4500-5000 calories every day. I cant eat 8 meals a day like some of the hardocre diet people do cause of my job but ill eat at least 4 meals per day. I dont think its possible for me to get fat.

    Is this a sound plan ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    4 meals a day is low

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    First I would lower the nolvadex to 10mg/ed since you don't know if you are even suseptable to gyno. As for eating 4 times a day, I do the same thing. However, I make up three extra meals a day with a mixture of different supps. For example, before a workout, I drink a meal replacement shake (like Ultramet, seems to be the best tasting), some flax oil and a banana for carbs. After the workout, I eat the same thing except I add a shake high in fast absorbing carbs, like Ultra Fuel, imediately after the workout. And then, before I call it a night, I drink a protein shake with some flax oil. Don't eat any carbs before you go to sleep. These supps really make it easier to eat 7-8 times a day. Without them, I don't think I'd be able to do it either. The meals that make up actual food don't have to be huge. Your body can only absorb so many nutrients. But remember, without a strong diet, you aren't going to see many gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    5-6 meals at least, includin recovery shake after workout and protein before bed!
    test only is a good first cycle (and yes, use 10mg nolva and .25mg adex ed)... but to avoid seein you here after 4 wks "complaining" with something like "no gains after 4 wks" (or similar), id go with prop too wk 1-4 (and wk 13-14 too). this will make u happier since wk 1 or 2 (instead of 4 or 5).
    what about pct?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    5-6 meals spread evenly is more like it. dont forget your Pwo , ppwo as stated above. Test e is a good beginners cycle. i also started my first cycle at 27. good luck bro!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCollar
    AFter reading the stickies and the reccomended cycles for rookies im planning on doing the following

    12 weeks of 500 milligrams of Test E
    which i will split inject 2 times perweek. The guy I lift with is a juicer and he will shoot me up. Im afraid to stick myself

    + nolva 20milligrams + arimiodex 1/4 milligram

    Since I am already very lean and hard and get a ton of cardio from the job I plan to eat about 4500-5000 calories every day. I cant eat 8 meals a day like some of the hardocre diet people do cause of my job but ill eat at least 4 meals per day. I dont think its possible for me to get fat.

    Is this a sound plan ?

    for god sake dont be a puss and shoot yourself up man. its not bad at all. i did prop for a first cycle which involves ed shooting. you get used to it..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    for god sake dont be a puss and shoot yourself up man. its not bad at all. i did prop for a first cycle which involves ed shooting. you get used to it..
    a) Agree, shoot yourself up. What you doing to do if he gets sick. It hurts less than popping a big zit.

    b) take two shakes a day and get your "meals" to six.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Mate , do the injections yourself. If suddenly in the middle of your cycle , that guy starts asking you money for the injections what the hell are you gonna do ? Or he gets into an accident or something. Then you are screwed. In my opinion , if you are not ready to selfinject you are not ready to do something serious like steroids. By the way , 4 meals is totally fine. But eating 1200calories clean in 1 meal is another question.

  9. #9
    OK - ill read that spootinjections page again and start with quadraceps injections.

    I think i have the post workout drink down - 50 grams protien and some maltodextrin. My older buddy know how to make them and seems to know what hes doing about that stuff.


    Quote Originally Posted by SaTyR
    Mate , do the injections yourself. If suddenly in the middle of your cycle , that guy starts asking you money for the injections what the hell are you gonna do ? Or he gets into an accident or something. Then you are screwed. In my opinion , if you are not ready to selfinject you are not ready to do something serious like steroids. By the way , 4 meals is totally fine. But eating 1200calories clean in 1 meal is another question.

  10. #10
    My buddy had originally suggested prop but then he said I have to inject it every day. Ive been a pussy about injections and opted for Enathate which in only 2 times a week.

    I think ill stay with the enathate until I get good at injecting myslef. Once im good at it then ill switch to the prop


    Quote Originally Posted by fabry
    5-6 meals at least, includin recovery shake after workout and protein before bed!
    test only is a good first cycle (and yes, use 10mg nolva and .25mg adex ed)... but to avoid seein you here after 4 wks "complaining" with something like "no gains after 4 wks" (or similar), id go with prop too wk 1-4 (and wk 13-14 too). this will make u happier since wk 1 or 2 (instead of 4 or 5).
    what about pct?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    a) Agree, shoot yourself up. What you doing to do if he gets sick. It hurts less than popping a big zit.

    b) take two shakes a day and get your "meals" to six.

    so 1 shake PWO - where does the other come in ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCollar
    so 1 shake PWO - where does the other come in ?
    protein shakes will "complete" your diet. there is not a specific time durin the day when to take them. i find very easy to use the pwo shakes and the one before bed, but if u are able to eat protein before goin to bed, u can add a protein shake mid morning or mid afternoo.
    there is nor rule about 2 shakes/day... could be 1 or 3, i repeat, depend on the total kcal u are able to intake with "solid" food!

    also, hope u didnt mean to start with enanth and continue with prop in the same cycle... if u decided for enanth, just go with it for the entire lenght of cycle... prop will be for another cycle...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    a) Agree, shoot yourself up. What you doing to do if he gets sick. It hurts less than popping a big zit.

    b) take two shakes a day and get your "meals" to six.
    i thought that too up until the day i decided i'd hit my biceps with 400mg/ml suspension! wow was that a fun one!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    yeah biceps injectiona rent fun i like winny in my tris though

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    sounds great but you need to do your own inject. Only you can feel if the needle is seated in a good spot in the muscle. Take a ml of test up an artery and you'll be having a long day.

  16. #16
    my buddy said that if I end my last 2 weeks of the cycle with prop, then I can recover faster because I can start doing Clomid nolva and one other thing right away.

    If I keep doing the Enathate ill have to wait over 2 weeks until I can start taking the recovery stuff

    Is this right ?

    Quote Originally Posted by fabry
    also, hope u didnt mean to start with enanth and continue with prop in the same cycle... if u decided for enanth, just go with it for the entire lenght of cycle... prop will be for another cycle...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yeah thats a great idea cuz you can stop the enanthate and during the three weeks it takes for it to leave your system you can run the prop wich will only take 2 days.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Dallas, Tx
    I'm 27 too and I started my first cycle 4 weeks ago with 300 mg deca and seeing great results! I'm gonna add the sus and d-bol halfway through! I've been training since I was 12 yrs old, and I have a good base! Good luck brutha!

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