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Thread: is it worth it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    is it worth it?

    I've been debating for quite a while now whether or not to start a cycle (possibly m1t+4ad). Looking over the member pics of before and afters I'm not impressed by a lot of them, it seems like the only ones who take the pictures are the smaller crowd. Then the ones that claim these huge gains never have proof to back it up

    Is it really as good as people claim? I've been training for a little over 2 years and made some incredible gains, but it all seemed to come to a halt the last couple of months only gaining a couple pounds during that period.

    So stay natural or join the dark side?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    the whole worlds gone dark buddy.........4ad or 1mtl or whatever else you got is no better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I still believe that eating meat and licking pusssy is the best bulking cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SteveeeO
    I've been debating for quite a while now whether or not to start a cycle (possibly m1t+4ad). Looking over the member pics of before and afters I'm not impressed by a lot of them, it seems like the only ones who take the pictures are the smaller crowd. Then the ones that claim these huge gains never have proof to back it up

    Is it really as good as people claim? I've been training for a little over 2 years and made some incredible gains, but it all seemed to come to a halt the last couple of months only gaining a couple pounds during that period.

    So stay natural or join the dark side?
    Depends how old you are. I would not contemplate having a cycle until you are at least 26, and are training your butt off, and getting nowhere for awhile. I am now 29 and going to do my first cycle. Think i would have done one maybe ayear or two ago if i had my **** together with training. I agree with your statement that there are a few people on here that juice and still look like they are natural. I started gym at about 16 years old and about 70 kgs. Abpout age 2o I was about 85 and put on 5kgs in a week over xmas due to eating and traiing, and being completely natural. I ahve now grown to 130 kgs at age 29. I am very big, and its all been natural. It's all about eating, and training hard and heavy. I actually manged to get to 150kgs at one stage, but was pretty fat. I was working as abouncer than, and guys who were juicing that i worked on the door with were smaller than me. They couldn;t believe i was natural. Not alking myself up but if you learn about your body, and feed it protein, and train heavy, you will succeed. The nwhe nyou have made the most of it, then cycle to get to that next level. Rememebr that once you cycle you a slowing oyur natural gains permanently.
    Never checked your age, but just stick with it till you are older. I wanted to juice since i was 17, but i held off and held off to make the most of it. Depends on oyur goals. I alwyas wanted to be a pro bodybuilder, and with the frame i ahve made now naturally, I beleive if i do things right i can storm in and win mr australia now.
    Just hack it out, train hard, use creatine, hmb, glutamine and loits of protein. If your young keep oyur carbs high. Don;t worry about some excess body fat, it jsut helps you press more. Just don;t let it get out of control.
    I let my bodyfat get to high, and now have a task getting rid of it, but i have always maintained good shape, and get complimented on that. If you do want tocycle, research it thoroughly. What they say on this website, and in the forums differs from person to person, and site to site. Look at it all, and make the best judgement.

    Godd luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I too am in the same boat as you but its probaly best not to. It just sucks when you see a really good case of a guy who juices and goes from nothing to jacked. Sure its much easier but staying natural aslong as possible is totally the way to go. Once you start and see the gains in weight and strength it will suck to workout when you're not on juice because you will always think that why do this when I could get way better gains by doing another cycle. By the way judging by your pics you're already looking awesome for 19 so don't sweat it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Unfortunatly most people do not eat enough, do not train properly and don't sleep enough and drink and partyy too much, now matter what you take if you do not create an anabolic enviroment within your life style you will not get the result you want...XXL

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