ok, this is the new topic i have been doing research on. i want to get some input from some other bro's though. its on dosing dbol and/or prop in the early morning and still getting natural test levels at nite.
half life for dbol is 4.5 hours.
half life for suspension is 2-3 hours.
half life for anavar is 9 hours
half life of winstrol tabs is 9 hours
the highest levels of natural testosterone is excreted in early hours of the sleep. Lets say you go to sleep at 11pm and wake at 8am and take your AAS.
Lets say you take 25mg of dbol and 100mg of test susp at 8 am. After 12 hours have past your dbol levels will be less than 6mg in the body and the susp will be less than 25mg in the body. I dont think this would suppress the natural test levels. BUT I AM including 4 grams of tribulus T. and 20mg of nolv in this little scenario. What would be the problem with this? Im guessing the susp would reek havok on the test levels anways. so im gonna give another scenario.
Lets say you take 25 mg of dbol and 30mg of anavar every morning. or winstrol at 50mg instead of the anavar. but ill stick to the dbol and var for this scenario. by taking these early in the morning they have worn off by the time your highest level of natural test levels are excreted ect.. ect.. ect.. would this be effective to use for say 20 weeks and never shut down your natural test levels?? that is with the TT and nolv.
I have read this could be done with dbol for sure. And some say anavar has no effect on natural test. so if both of these are true you could get the best of both worlds!