with no names involved I found a price of 100 ct of Anavar for 170$, now I read on this site that Anavar is a brand name that comes in 2.5 mg tabs. And I have read that the recomended dosage for anavar is 25 - 50 mgs, now just for the sake of this lets say I am using the minimum dosage that would be 10 pills a day for lets day 6 weeks (which I think is the max you should use an oral right?) that is 10 pills a day (2.5 * 10 = 25) for 42 days, which would account for 420 pills, lets truncate to 400, that comes out to 680$ for a 25 mg a day anavar cycle!?! 1360$ for 50 mg everyday ?!?! is this right? I heard its expensive but is this right? Or is my logic wrong? And if it is right is this steroid really worth the price?