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Thread: Fast acting; begining or end?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Fast acting; begining or end?

    Just wondering what others thought about starting w/ a fast acting Test or ending w/ a fasting (short lasting.) test.

    I used T Prop at the end of my last cycle but I'm not sure if it did much or if it did and I just didn't notice (as in keeping my gains)?

    This cycle does have Sust. in it from weeks 1-8 and Deca weeks 2-10. So there is a little Prop in the Sust to begin w/ so should I just save it for the last 2 weeks, or would it be more beneficial adding more at the bigining?


  2. #2
    you could run the prop for like the frist 6 weeks.....

    im running it 4 weeks at the end of my cycle....but im also running dbol at the begining to kick start it....

    but i dont see why prop wouldnt do the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    So if I had something to kick in (like A bombs, dbol etc...) it would be more benificial to keeping my gains to have Fast acting at the end of a large Test. cycle?

  4. #4
    Bro, fast acting test (ie prop) doesn't really help you keep more gains. The reason most people use it at the end is so that they don't have to wait as long before starting clomid. That down time between your last shot and starting clomid is where you start to lose some of the gains, and so bridging that gap with fast acting test helps reduce that effect. If you are using sust, you probably won't start seeing gains until the 4th week (unless you are injecting it at least eod, in which case you would see some benefit from the prop in it). Therefore, you could use something to start seeing results from day 1, until the long acting esters in the sust have a chance to start kicking in. You could use dbol, abombs, halo, fina, prop, suspension, or even no-ester durabolin or no-ester eq. If you use prop or another test to jump start gains, don't count it towards your total weekly test amount. Just use the sust as you were going to and add in prop shots on your off days from the sust. But, instead of using prop, you could use dbol for the same purpose and it costs a hell of a lot less (especially ** dbol).

    I don't know if that response came out right... If you didn't follow what I'm trying to say, ask away....


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Great responce!!!

    I have been taking (i'm in week 1 now) A50s (today I'm at 100mg since 50 did nothing). So keep the Prop 'till the end? start week after last shot and begining of Clomid? That sounds good to me since I have the bombs and about 20 50mg (of yo uknow whos) dbols.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Is there a such thing as fast acting test?

  7. #7
    prop starts to show results in 2-3 days, and suspension can start giving you awesome pumps in several hours. Phenylprop is another 2-3 day test. So, yes, there are fast acting tests.

    thecoachman, start the prop the week after your last sust inject, and run it 2-3 weeks. Then start clomid 3 days after last prop inject. Example:

    wks 1-10: slow-acting esters (sust,enanthate,cyp)
    wks 11-12: Prop ed
    Start clomid 3 days after last prop shot, sometime in week 13

    By week 13, the long acting esters would have faded out of your system, and the prop only last a couple days, so you should be clean for the clomid by beginning-mid week 13


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'll keep you guys posted:

    Here is what the final Cycle looks like.....

    weeks 1-4 Abombs until too harsh then dbol

    weeks 1-10 Sustenon

    weeks 2-10 Deca
    600 all the way
    weeks 2-6 T Cyp
    500, all the way

    weeks 7-10 Winney 50's
    50, 100,100,50
    weeks 9 and 10 T Prop
    50mg Ed or 100 EOD (dep. on ass pain).

    arimidex starting week2 all the way
    Nolvadox starting at the first sign of Gyno.

    Clomid post cycle 3rd week
    300 day 1, 100 6 days, 50 last 7

    Wish me luck

    gonna eat like a hog!!!!!!


  9. #9
    I like to kick start with dbol and switch to prop for the last 4 weeks just so that I can start clomid 3 days later. To each his own..

  10. #10
    Looks good, but I got a couple of questions....

    Why add in T. Cyp when you are already running so much Sust? I would just pick one of the two (the T. Cyp) and use that. Why not put the prop in weeks 11 and 12, during your down time from deca and long-acting test? You are already going to have high levels of test in weeks 9 and 10 (where you were going to use the prop).

    Just my opinion, the cycle still looks pretty good. Good luck, and get big!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Gonna Be HUGE
    prop starts to show results in 2-3 days, and suspension can start giving you awesome pumps in several hours. Phenylprop is another 2-3 day test. So, yes, there are fast acting tests.

    thecoachman, start the prop the week after your last sust inject, and run it 2-3 weeks. Then start clomid 3 days after last prop inject. Example:

    wks 1-10: slow-acting esters (sust,enanthate,cyp)
    wks 11-12: Prop ed
    Start clomid 3 days after last prop shot, sometime in week 13

    By week 13, the long acting esters would have faded out of your system, and the prop only last a couple days, so you should be clean for the clomid by beginning-mid week 13

    Exactly what I was looking for since I want to do the very same thing for my next cycle, with enanth not sus.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    See, I would have never done that! I will put the Prop in weeks 11 and 12. The reason for the CYp is that I have a small qty left. I was just going to put it in to see what will happin (in theory, more mass for me). I would put it in another cycle but I don't have enough for one and I already have all the Sust.

    Mr. Cat, I will keep everyone informed and let you know what to expect. I used Enanthate last cycle, carefull of inj. site pain!!!! OUCH! Great gains and lifts though!

    One Q.? Is A50 suppose to make for a better lift at the gym or for a bad lift at the gym??? Today was day 2 at 100mg of A50 and I didn't really have that great of a bi, tri (my favorit) day?



  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    oh yeah, Are you guys sure that is not too long of such high levels of Test.? I will get my balls back, right????

  14. #14
    At the doses you are planning, maybe a little bit of mid-cycle HCG wouldn't be a bad idea to keep your jewels in check. I have never used it, so hopefully someone will give a better opinion on this....

    As far as the anadrol, you should start to notice it around day 5-7ish, At least for me. You will get the most unbelievable, almost painful, pumps ever...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I can't wait for those pumps!! I LOVE that pain especially in the bi's and tris!!!!!!

    I have an old amp of HCG and 2 vial of the saline to go w/ it. do you think I will notince just 1 ProfasiHP 500 IU????

    that's all I have left. If not I WILL get more, I do love my nutz and so does my fiancee (two "E's" for the wife, one for me (fiance) the future husband. We just found that out the other week. just a little FYI).

    Let me know GBHuge and I will place an order tom.


    (wish me luck, fly fishing the Colorado River today for FAT Trout).


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    HCG profasi Serono Italy 5000 i.u. 12$
    Denkadiol 75mg $120
    Loeffler HCG 10k 10ml $65
    Proviron 30 tabs 30$

    which one is better and is that Denkadiol worth it?????

    thanks again

  17. #17
    Like I said before, I am no expert on HCG. I have never even used the stuff before, but I think you need 5000 ius 2-3 times in a week somewhere in the middle of the cycle. I think you are supposed to do all 3 shots in the same week, but I am not sure??

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ok, I'll do more research on the matter!!

    Thanks for your help....

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