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Thread: Juice Newbie, Please help me get set up on first cycle. (Tren)

  1. #1

    Red face Juice Newbie, Please help me get set up on first cycle. (Tren)

    Hey everybody... this is my first thread, so I'd like to say hello.

    Today I bought my first bottle of juice.


    I have 30ml... I'm told is enough for 8-10 weeks... EOD I believe.
    My cousin is a juicehead, and a lot of his buddies are as well, however he has a mean case of ADHD and doesn't explain things well, so I am here.

    Here are my questions...

    1) Is tren as good as it has been explained to me?
    2) What should I have paid for it?
    3) Could someone please explain in newbie terms how to set up my cycle as far as what anti-estrogen **** to take and when? And where to get it?

    All help is very much appreciated... thanks...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    see the search button at the top start there....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Tren alone is not a good cycle, and definately not a good first cycle. Sell it back if you can, or save it for the future.

    A good first cycle would be 250-350mg/week of Testosterone Ethnate or Cypionate for 10 weeks. If you're concerned about gyno or estrogen-related side effects, take 10mg of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) per day along with .25mg of Liqidex.

    Two weeks after you last injection take:
    20mg of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) per day for 21 days AND
    300mg of Clomid day 1
    100mg of Clomid day 2 - 11
    50mg of Clomid day 12 - 21

    All of these anti-estrogens can be purchased at our board sponsor

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrivelz
    Hey everybody... this is my first thread, so I'd like to say hello.

    Today I bought my first bottle of juice.


    I have 30ml... I'm told is enough for 8-10 weeks... EOD I believe.
    My cousin is a juicehead, and a lot of his buddies are as well, however he has a mean case of ADHD and doesn't explain things well, so I am here.

    Here are my questions...

    1) Is tren as good as it has been explained to me?
    2) What should I have paid for it?
    3) Could someone please explain in newbie terms how to set up my cycle as far as what anti-estrogen **** to take and when? And where to get it?

    All help is very much appreciated... thanks...
    First of all you should have researched before purchasing your first bottle of juice. being you already got your juice and are going to juice anyway this is all i have to say. I think tren is a bit too much for a first time user, it can be done(if you dont mind ed/eod injects) Also you need some sort of test as a base in your first or in any other cycle to speak off. As for your cycle you will need some anti-estrogens to help you with the bloat and to prevent gyno(if indeed you are prone to it) You will also need nolva/clomid Pct. Check out Pheednos pct in pct sectiom.

    My advice is to research more, or post your questions here, there are more than enough helpful bros to give you a hand. good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    IMO i don't think tren is too much for a first time user, but the sides might be

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i think you could use it but you will need a test. bro you really should hold off and do some research, this is not a game.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Tren? thats really jumping right into the deep end of the pool bro

    Most people, myself included, will recommend a test only cycle - AFTER you have done a ****LOAD of research.

    Test is a less complicated compound.. with tren you have to factor in many other side effects as well as other ancillaries such as bromocriptine for prolactin induced gyno.


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