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Thread: question about sust+winny cycle

  1. #1

    question about sust+winny cycle

    what kind of results can i expect out of this cycle and should i add deca to it, it will be my second cycle and am only looking to put on about 15 -20 pounds and keeping it. i was thinking od doing sust and winny now and then deca and winny before summer to help harden up. i am 5 9 160 and pretty hard as it is.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym
    before summer???? where do u live that summer is just coming now?...

    but that would most likely be a nice cycle

  3. #3
    I am currently on a sust/winey cycle and i am injecting relativly low dosages and i am seeing amazing results so far.
    i have put on around 10 lbs and i still have 3 weeks to go and the full effect of sust dont really kick in till the 4 th week

    i take 1 amp every 5 or 6 days for 7 weeks i take 1 cc of winney every other day for 8 weeks total

    the size that i have gaineed i belive is to be quality muscle and my stregnth has increased dramatially and muscle hardness is awsome

    any ways

    be safe


  4. #4
    Hey. I am currently on my 3rd day of taking winny 50mg a day, and i'm also taking sustanon 600 mg a week. How long will it take to see results? in five weeks I plan on taking clomid. Does anybody have anythin to say?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by addict
    Hey. I am currently on my 3rd day of taking winny 50mg a day, and i'm also taking sustanon 600 mg a week. How long will it take to see results? in five weeks I plan on taking clomid. Does anybody have anythin to say?
    Can you draw out your cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: question about sust+winny cycle

    Originally posted by the bandit
    what kind of results can i expect out of this cycle and should i add deca to it, it will be my second cycle and am only looking to put on about 15 -20 pounds and keeping it. i was thinking od doing sust and winny now and then deca and winny before summer to help harden up. i am 5 9 160 and pretty hard as it is.
    500 mg sus a week for 10 weeks
    400 mg deca a week for 10 weeks
    50 mg winnie ed weeks 6-12
    Clomid 3 days after last winnie dose
    0.25 mg arimidex ed.

    Eat, eat, eat... that should give you the results you are looking for.

  7. #7
    good cycle arthur.....
    you can substitute Eq for the deca if you want to hold less water while on the cycle and have a more "cut" look....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I am also currently on a sust,winny, deca cycle so far i've gained 100 pounds of hard muscle but i think i'm gonna go with vipers advice and switch from deca to eq

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I'm not to familiar with the whole PCT thing cuz after my first cycle I didnt take anything else. I want to do a sus deca and win cycle. If i do 500mg sus and 400mg deca a week for 10 weeks, and then do the injectable win...should I start it towards the middle of my cycle or all throughout?

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