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Thread: changing from sutanon to enenthate

  1. #1

    changing from sutanon to enenthate

    am currently on a cycle of sustanon EOD and I only had enough fro 6 weeks and I am just begining the 5th and just begining to feel it kicking in! I cant get a hold of more susta right now but I have plenty of enenthate about 28 vaials of 250 Primoteston from schering! so any way I plan to start enenthate on weeks 7 to 14 I know I should had bought enough susta to begin with but My question is how much enenthate should i use a week I was planning 875 a week ! is this too much or maybe just 750 remember that I was using aroung 875 a week of sustanon!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    in a gym
    If i was you I would not change what you were planning on doing.I would try harder to find some or just start pct and plan better for next cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    id change if it was all i could get. id rather change in a sec then quite my cycle. just extend the cycle a couple weeks. test is test anyway.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    The enathate will keep a much better consistent level of testosterone
    thus it would give him better more keepable results not to mention enathate
    is some fire its all on how much u want to run.

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