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  1. #1
    jssmc's Avatar
    jssmc is offline Associate Member
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    Question On Needles?

    I want to use some smaller needles for injecting. I use 22 1 and a halfers. I want something smaller for my shoulders. I am stacking sustanon and equipoise . Will the sus 250 go through a 25 gauge like i heard it would? That would be nice. The 22 are gettting a little old. More scar tissue! If so, what are some good online sites that would ship to cali? I know andro usa. Anybody recomend anymore?

  2. #2
    BullDogg20's Avatar
    BullDogg20 is offline Member
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    no sustanon 250 will not go thru 25 gauge it has trouble going thru 22 gauge i would stick with 21 gauge and always use a new needle eveytime no matter what

  3. #3
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    try carecenter.....not positive theyll ship ti cali though...

  4. #4
    Lush's Avatar
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    I gotta disgree. I haven't tried sust, but I've injected tons of Omna through a 25gauge.
    I'm assuming its about the same viscosity as sust. Although i've heard it has a bit more alcohol in it, so maybe not.

    Also injected Eq 200 through a 25 no problem. And test200.

  5. #5
    The Iron Game Guest

    I am not hear to father you or mother you, I am here to help you.

    Anything will go through a 23gauge and if not then the company steroid is shit.

    The smaller the syringe the greater the pressure, I am using a 2cc syringe and shooting zambons with a 28gauge as of today. It goes through like water.

    I also opened up an old amp of sust and no problems with a 25g through the same size syringe

  6. #6
    BullDogg20's Avatar
    BullDogg20 is offline Member
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    i just have a lot of truoble getting the sustanon into a 22 gauge pin it takes like 5 minutes for me and i always get airbubbles, so i have to let it sit and flick it and wist some juice each time beacause i find it just to hard to get it thru

  7. #7
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Okay, sport, here are the rules of the game . . .

    If it's oil based, draw with a 20 g. (or even an 18 g.), then inject with a 22 g. or 23 g. Best bet (IMO, FWIW): B-D syringes or needles. Draw the solution, pull out the needle and draw another 1/4-1/2 cc of air, then unscrew the needle from the syringe and screw on a 22 or 23 g. needle. Tap your nail against the upside-down syringe to get any air to the top, then push until you see a drop come off the needle. (Leave the drop on - it makes it easier to stick in.) Always use a new, sterile syringe and needle, and buy yourself a "sharps" container at any drug store into which you should toss the used gear (it's fun to watch it fill up).

    Water based solution? 25 g. is fine (literally), but stick with 22 g. or 23 g. for the oil-based stuff. The thinner the needle, the slower the injection will go into you, but the less the stick will hurt.

    FWIW, manufacturers tend to recommend thicker needles. Oil-based Delatestryl (test. enanthate ), for example, is manufactured both in 5 ml vials and in individual doses; the individual doses come with 20 g. needles. For water-based cyanocobalimin (Vitamin B12), they usually recommend 22 g. needles, but medical professionals generally use 25 g. needles. And so it goes.

    Finally, think 1-1/2" inches for the glut (upper outer quadrant of the butt), and 1" for quads and delts. If you do glut or delt, find a friend and make sure s/he knows what the f*ck s/he's doing - if you try glut or delt injections on yourself, you'll turn into a lutz real fast.

    That will be five cents, please . . .

  8. #8
    B182 is offline New Member
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    It'll work fine. Just make sure if you're shooting with a 25g and up that you're using a small circumference 1ml syringe; the smaller surface area of the plunger provides greater force per area and increases the hydraulic pressure, making it much easier to shoot it than if using a larger circumference syringe, like a 3 ml.

  9. #9
    B182 is offline New Member
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    Also don't forget to use a separate drawing needle too!

  10. #10
    ZTEM is offline Associate Member
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    I know for a fact that the sus will come shoot correctly from a 25g 5/8" needle....but the trick is you have to load it up with the needle of a 23g and then switch the tips to the 25g....i did it may times, works fine, i shot it in my shoulder just like you are intending on doing

  11. #11
    BullDogg20's Avatar
    BullDogg20 is offline Member
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    ahhaha well i learned something neew today,
    i hoenestly thought it would go thru a 25 gauge, but i was wrong oh well

  12. #12
    Pete235's Avatar
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  13. #13
    BigPoppa is offline Junior Member
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    I used some 25 guage pins for T-400 which is thick as shit! I is time consuming but it works. Good luck.

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