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Thread: Can you propose me a cycle with these products !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Question Can you propose me a cycle with these products !!!

    Hi everyone ,

    just want to have your experience i have all the stuff listed below , what can you propose as for a 2nd cycle.

    Test E

    of course Proviron and nolvadex and PCT

    i wanted to do an injectable + oral and switch to another oral and incjectable after 5 week

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    Im not trying to be arse but you should read this thread

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    just an example: dbol weeks 1-4 @20 mg ED. And Test E @400 mg /week. This is just an example. It all depends on how much of each you have. I would keep it real basic being a second cycle. YOu have many possibilities, this is just an example of what I would do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ok you are right this what i was supposed to do

    week 1-5 400mg Test E
    week 1-5 250 mg Deca
    Week 1-5 1tab Anadrol-50 (first 2week 1/2 tab)
    Week 6-9 250 mg sustanon
    week 6-10 300 mg primo
    week 6-10 35mg of Diana

    so what do you think ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    just an example: dbol weeks 1-4 @20 mg ED. And Test E @400 mg /week. This is just an example. It all depends on how much of each you have. I would keep it real basic being a second cycle. YOu have many possibilities, this is just an example of what I would do.

    i was thinking to keep real basic

    perhaps daca test e and dianabol, in fact or i do the cycle posted before or small basic cycle perhaps who will give me slowly some wheight and keep most of them after ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    in my experience, it will take about 5-6 weeks for sust to even kick in, so I dont think it would be wise to use for only four weeks. It takes a while for some of the esters to kick in. Either stick with sust all the way through or test E all the way through. I think you have wayyyy too much sauce for a 2nd cycle. Keep it simple bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    deca, test e, and dbol is a good combo. Run the deca lighter than the test though.dbol weeks 1-4

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    What was your first cycle?

    Bro read through this thread and youll find alot of the answers your are looking for.

    Based on your proposed cycle, it appears you have done very little research. Normally I would help more but steroids are no joke bro and you need to understand why and how long your are putting these potentially dangerous substances into your body.

    BTW What are your stats?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i read a lot and have lots of books , the first cycle i put 10week long is made py a pro bodybuilder he is doing lots of competition i do not want to put his name , i just want to be sure that it is a good 2nd cycle for me , i doubt ?(too big )

    so i think i will go for a basic cycle .
    the thread you show me i already read it know the half life of each steroid

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    Quote Originally Posted by hab_s
    i read a lot and have lots of books , the first cycle i put 10week long is made py a pro bodybuilder he is doing lots of competition i do not want to put his name , i just want to be sure that it is a good 2nd cycle for me , i doubt ?(too big )

    so i think i will go for a basic cycle .
    the thread you show me i already read it know the half life of each steroid
    My point is, if you would have read the whole thread you would have seen that there is proposed first and second timer cycles with many of the compounds you are considering using. like the Test/Deca/Dbol cycle Doc proposed.

    As for reading alot, that's good that you have been researching; however, I can only assume what you know by what you have posted. So I assumed that because you were asking about a cycle that was posted in the way that yours was, that you didn't know why it was or was not a good cycle--since you were asking about it and all.

    As for your ProBodyBuilding friend, he appears to be misguided and guiding you in the wrong direction as well. Remember just because someone is Huge doesn't mean they have a PHD in edoncrinology. Any massive amounts of steroids used, inappropriately or not, will make someone grow if they know how to diet and train right. Nonetheless, there are certainly wrong ways and right ways to run Steroids--and yes, you can grow well on the wrong ways of running them also.

    Bro, Im just trying to watch your back. Check out the cycles that Doc posted because they are pretty well laid out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ok thanks beefcakestew , i think i did not ask the correct question. i just wanted confirmation about the first cycle proposed by my friend.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by hab_s
    ok you are right this what i was supposed to do

    week 1-5 400mg Test E
    week 1-5 250 mg Deca
    Week 1-5 1tab Anadrol-50 (first 2week 1/2 tab)
    Week 6-9 250 mg sustanon
    week 6-10 300 mg primo
    week 6-10 35mg of Diana

    so what do you think ?
    this is a very bad first cycle imo (and a bad cycle in general)

    first cycle should be test only (with or without a kickstart with dbols or prop),
    i think u need to read a lot about (--> use search function!):
    - first cycle
    - cyle newbie
    - anti e's
    - pct
    - prolactin level
    - liver protectans / protection
    and a lot more!

    i just tell u that the following drugs:
    ... are not good for a first cycle (save them for the future or send to me for my help)

    something else to say... ah, ok, read well "how to" with sustanon and remember that "generally" u have to keep constant the level of aas in your body!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I think I'll be a bit of a help.. just follow cycle #3 and you will be fine

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