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Thread: 2nd Cycle I do beleive I got it, but check anyway

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    2nd Cycle I do beleive I got it, but check anyway

    This is my 2nd Cycle, my first one was a Test E only. It went real well.

    Wk 1-4 700mg Test Prop 100mg injected ED
    Wk 1-10 400mg Nandrolone Deca 200mg injected TAW
    Wk 1-10 750mg Test Enant 375mg injected TAW
    Wk 11-12 700mg Test Prop 100mg injected ED

    Week 1-13 Nolva 10mg ED
    Week 13-14 Nolva 20mg ED
    week 13 Clomid 300mg 1 day only
    Week 13 Clomid 100mg ED
    week 14-15 Clomid 50mg ED

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I am not a fan of front loading with prop, just b/c I don't like prop. But if you have some good UG prop it can be painless and great on gains. I would suggest d-bol for your front load, but thats me. Both would be good its really just a preferance thing. I want to know why you are running prop for one week at the end though? But the cycle looks good and I think it will fit you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Accually Im running prop for 2 weeks at the end of my cycle. This is what i was told to do and also looking at other peoples cycles. I wanted a 12 week cycle too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I don't know why you would want to do that other than to keep a high sex drive right before PCT. If I made your cycle it would looke more like this for you.

    maybe a front load with d-bol or prop(but thats up to you)
    Test enanth 1-12 750mg ew
    Deca1-12 300mg ew
    nolva at 10mg ed through out
    and PCT as your suppose to

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    Wk 1-4 525mg Test Prop 75mg injected ED
    Wk 1-10 400mg Nandrolone Deca 200mg injected TAW
    Wk 1-10 700mg Test Enant 350mg injected TAW
    Wk 11-13 700mg Test Prop 100mg injected ED

    Week 1-13 Nolva 10mg ED
    Week 13-16 Nolva 20mg ED
    week 13 Clomid 300mg 1 day
    Clomid 100mg ED 10days
    Clomid 50mg ED 10days

    Cycle looks good but I am just going to fine tune it for you a bit. For instance, Nolva should be ran 1 wk past clomid, and Prop should be run 21 days past Deca, so the Deca has time to clear out of your system. And I also know that you were worried about pushing 1.4g that first week, so run 75mg ED for the first 4 weeks. That will give you a nice kickstart without pushing too much gear. By week four, as Test E levels reach maintenance, you will be pushing alot of gear with 700mg of prop. After thinking about it, for only a second cycle it isn't necessary and probably a bit excessive. Its really your choice, but as is, it is still a good cycle.

    Running prop alone for 21 days before starting PCT does more than keep your libido up. It will give great gains all the way up to PCT. In other words, you'll be going full throttle right up until PCT, as opposed to having your test levels slowly diminish until it finally time to start PCT, and it also takes the guess work of estimating how much Exogenous test is still in your system.

    I lowered the E to 700mg because it is still only your second cycle. I think that is a healthier choice. But again it is up to you bro.

    Also start your prop dosage on Wk11--taken on the day of you next scheduled Test E dose.

    Good Luck bro
    Last edited by BeefCakeStew; 09-18-2004 at 01:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    front loading test prop for 4 weeks to kick start test e, 2 weeks of test prop at end of cycle to prevent deca d!ck. Do tou think this is to much test for a 2nd cycle. At first I thought so.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Thanks for the advice BeefCakeStew. You da man. peace.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    Quote Originally Posted by RAM2500
    front loading test prop for 4 weeks to kick start test e, 2 weeks of test prop at end of cycle to prevent deca d!ck. Do tou think this is to much test for a 2nd cycle. At first I thought so.

    Deca takes 21 days to clear system, so that is why you run 21 days past Deca--to make sure it is out of your system.

    For only a second cycle, yes I think 1.4g for the first week is a bit much, so I tweeked it a tiny bit and dropped your Test E dosage to 700mg.

    If you dont do prop at the end, you will not get Deca Dick because your test levels will still be above normal. You run prop towards the end for reasons other than that. I gave a few of those reasons in my last post.

    When you start PCT however, don't be surprised to lose some of your libido as your Natty test is low and Exogenous test is depleting below natural levels. I ran 10g trib ED during the bridge and PCT and I experienced no loss in sex drive during my last cycle--you want to consider it along with 1-2g tongkat ali ED.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM
    agree w/beefcake 100%

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