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Thread: MOD's please respond

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    MOD's please respond

    Ok I am a fairly new member. I have read many posts on this site to try to become more aware about AAS and how to use them correctly. I have also read the novice cycles on the main page of Steroid .com. What I am geting at is that on the cycles for the novice should be changed. This site is made to help inform people who are looking to improve there knolage about AAS. I am currently on the noviece cycle 1-3. it is Deca @ 300/week Test E. @500/week and Nolva and B-6.... I also used l-dex just to be safe. Ok now the problem with that. Nolva does not do anything for PROGRESTERONE GYNO! Why is it listed in there if it doesen't work for Gyno caused by Deca?! I don't know if you mods can change that or not or maybe you can give me a reason why it is listed. I just know that I tried to research my cycle and do it safely but misinformation does not help.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by rippinup02
    I am currently on the noviece cycle 1-3. it is Deca @ 300/week Test E. @500/week and Nolva and B-6.... I also used l-dex just to be safe. Ok now the problem with that. Nolva does not do anything for PROGRESTERONE GYNO! Why is it listed in there if it doesen't work for Gyno caused by Deca?! I don't know if you mods can change that or not or maybe you can give me a reason why it is listed. I just know that I tried to research my cycle and do it safely but misinformation does not help.
    The nolva is to prevent gyno from the test e and the b-6 injections help prevent gyno from Deca. Nolva IS NEEDED because of the testosterone. b-6 is also needed for the deca

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    prog gyno is a little more rare, and ultimately is caused by the hormone imbalance of test/estrogen.... and the addition of b-6 helps to keep the prog potential sides down. b-6 is a whole lot more easily accesable than dostinex
    But props to you for doing your research and learning how to utilize all the information on this site. there is no one magic forumla for gains/sides/etc. that is why it is so hard to critique "cycles." everyone is different and responds differently to certain items. To keep you busy, and to help you with your intrest in progesterone and deca, look into bromo or something

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by rippinup02
    Ok I am a fairly new member. I have read many posts on this site to try to become more aware about AAS and how to use them correctly. I have also read the novice cycles on the main page of Steroid .com. What I am geting at is that on the cycles for the novice should be changed. This site is made to help inform people who are looking to improve there knolage about AAS. I am currently on the noviece cycle 1-3. it is Deca @ 300/week Test E. @500/week and Nolva and B-6.... I also used l-dex just to be safe. Ok now the problem with that. Nolva does not do anything for PROGRESTERONE GYNO! Why is it listed in there if it doesen't work for Gyno caused by Deca?! I don't know if you mods can change that or not or maybe you can give me a reason why it is listed. I just know that I tried to research my cycle and do it safely but misinformation does not help.

    Nice try..... but the Nolva is needed....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SKiN
    Nice try..... but the Nolva is needed....

    No Sh!t the nolva is needed. But what about the gyno caused by the deca. There was no warning about progestone gyno in the steroid profile! I just belive that they should include a defferent anti-e in the stack that is more affective than b-6.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wow, shame on this location for not catering to your beck and call.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by rippinup02
    No Sh!t the nolva is needed. But what about the gyno caused by the deca. There was no warning about progestone gyno in the steroid profile! I just belive that they should include a defferent anti-e in the stack that is more affective than b-6.
    there is already an effective anti estrogen... what you are referring to is an anti-progesterone, get it right
    quit your b*tching woman

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ive said it would be nice to have an online book published on here, but they wont do it. I guess no one wants to write one.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    alright i give. I guess that I should have done more research.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by rippinup02
    alright i give. I guess that I should have done more research.
    dont get discouraged it can be overwhelming depending on how far you want to go with things. research is never-ending!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    dont get discouraged it can be overwhelming depending on how far you want to go with things. research is never-ending!

    yeah I know but it just seems like there are quite a few threads about people who did't know about deca and progestorone gyno. I just thought that it might be a good idea that something like that be included in the novice cycles. just to help people not to do something stupid like I did.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by rippinup02
    yeah I know but it just seems like there are quite a few threads about people who did't know about deca and progestorone gyno. I just thought that it might be a good idea that something like that be included in the novice cycles. just to help people not to do something stupid like I did.
    what did you do that was so stupid in your opinion? did you ultimately get gyno, and do you have the comprehensive bloodwork to prove that was the culpret?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    what did you do that was so stupid in your opinion? did you ultimately get gyno, and do you have the comprehensive bloodwork to prove that was the culpret?

    Do you mean... Do I know it was the deca? I am taking anti-e's nolva and l-dex right now. This is my second cycle. My first cycle was 400/week of test. I never took anti-e's in the first cycle other than pct. I also didn't have any problems with gyno. But now I figured that I would be as safe as possible and use anti-e's and now I belive that I am seeing signs of gyno. I have not yet seen the doc to prove without a doubt but I am fairly sure.

    Is that what you wanted to know?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rippinup02
    Do you mean... Do I know it was the deca? I am taking anti-e's nolva and l-dex right now. This is my second cycle. My first cycle was 400/week of test. I never took anti-e's in the first cycle other than pct. I also didn't have any problems with gyno. But now I figured that I would be as safe as possible and use anti-e's and now I belive that I am seeing signs of gyno. I have not yet seen the doc to prove without a doubt but I am fairly sure.

    Is that what you wanted to know?
    whats your b=6 dose at?? if you think you are having problems then bump the nolva up to 80 mg for a few days and maybe the b-6 until the sides go away. Also it could be mental, i know i always think im getting it and i think the more you think about it the more the "sides" appear.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Skin who is that girl in your avatar? She's Hotttttt
    Last edited by BigMike J; 09-19-2004 at 10:54 PM.

  16. #16
    Haha, No Idea....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    she's my wife , where the h*ll did you get that pic

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