A friend of a friend (i'm dead serious), went on a Sus cycle, and only took Sus. He did 250mg of it about every 5 days. However, this guy didn't know much about steroids, and still doesn't know that much now. He didn't listen to us when we told him the shit he needs (Clomid, Nolva).
Anyways, he did his cycle near the beginning of the school year, he took the Sus for 10 weeks. He gained a total of 20 pounds and his strength increased quite a bit as well. However, he didn't take any Clomid after the cycle, he got very weak and very depressed. He was able to bench 225+ with EASE and could barely push 155 after his cycle. He even skipped working out for about a month. He also got a big as case of MAD acne all over his back and his face. He's had it for about 4 months and they won't go away. He's gone to the doctor for help and all, but I don't know the details with what happened with the doc.
Basically, the acne would have happened to him either way right? I mean, even if he took Nolva/Arimidex/Clomid? He couldn't avoid it right? Also I forgot to mention, since he didn't take Clomid...he lost 15 of the 20 pounds he had gained!!