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  1. #1
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    clen/eca cutting cycle

    hey guys,

    almost finished my cycle, and plan on running clen /eca for 12 wks to shed some excess bf in the time off before i start my next cycle

    anyway below is what id planned, with a few q's

    Clen / ECA (Y) 2 on 2/off for 12 wks

    WK1-2: Clen
    Day 1: 20mcg
    Day 2: 40
    Day 3: 60
    Day 4: 80
    Day 5: 100
    Day 6: 120
    Day 7: 120
    Day 8: 120
    Day 9: 120
    Day 10: 120
    Day 11: 120
    Day 12: 120
    Day 13: 120
    Day 14: 120

    Wk 3-4: ECA
    Day 1:
    Day 2:
    Day 3:
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:
    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 10:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:

    Wk 5-6: Clen
    Day 1: 20mcg
    Day 2: 40
    Day 3: 60
    Day 4: 80
    Day 5: 100
    Day 6: 120
    Day 7: 120
    Day 8: 120
    Day 9: 120
    Day 10: 120
    Day 11: 120
    Day 12: 120
    Day 13: 120
    Day 14: 120

    Wk 7-8: ECA
    Day 1:
    Day 2:
    Day 3:
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:
    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 10:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:

    WK 9-10: Clen
    Day 1: 20mcg
    Day 2: 40
    Day 3: 60
    Day 4: 80
    Day 5: 100
    Day 6: 120
    Day 7: 120
    Day 8: 120
    Day 9: 120
    Day 10: 120
    Day 11: 120
    Day 12: 120
    Day 13: 120
    Day 14: 120

    Wk 11-12:ECA
    Day 1:
    Day 2:
    Day 3:
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:
    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 10:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:

    Taking it after cardio and before 4pm , taurine at 3-5g a day to avoid cramps and potassium 400mg a day

    Only thing im unsure of is how much ECa to take for the eca weeks

    i read someone saying he took 3 eca a day i.e. 3 lots of 25mg ephedrine, 200mg caff, 20mg aspiring

    and was wondering what i should take

    any help appreciated


  2. #2
    w_rballs's Avatar
    w_rballs is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds good to me bro. although when u resart the clen ever time u dont need to start all over again from 20mcg. maybe start off at 60 or so. thats what i did, and i was fine

  3. #3
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    so after the first week start at say 60mcg for the remaining weeks for clen ?

    what about the eca dose mate?


  4. #4
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    so after the first week start at say 60mcg for the remaining weeks for clen ?

    what about the eca dose mate?


    no when u satrt your second roung with clen start off @ 60mcg then progess from there. this way u dont have to start off @ 20 mcg all over again then build up. 20 mcg did nothign for me.
    sopme guys i know start off after the 2 week break right where they left off from the last one.

    as for the ECA... the dose looks good to me. that is what i was taking except i used 81mg of aspiring each time(baby aspirin)

  5. #5
    map200uk's Avatar
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    hmm im not sure what u mean by no to the clen ?

    what i meant was after the first 2 wks of clen i start at 60mcg for the rest of the weeks right?

    and the eca is 3x a day, split up during the day?

    and clen once as it has a long hl?

    cheers mate

  6. #6
    thick one is offline Associate Member
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    are you starting this cutting cycle after pct or during? also, taking eca 3x's a day can have a dramatic effect on sleep or should i say lack of. i can only use the eca stack 2x's a day, if i go 3x's a day i get about 2 hours of sleep and feel like sh!t most of the time. what kind of diet will you be using? also cardio??

  7. #7
    map200uk's Avatar
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    hey thick,
    this will be after pct, i want to keep cals high during pct to keep as much of my gains as possible

    and well cardio yep

    im going to try 5-7 days a week 45-60mins before breakfast on an empty stomach at 65-75% max hr

    as for diet, im not sure about changing my diet, i havent done any cardio during my bulking and im not exactly super fat, so i was thinking maybe the extra cardio + clen /eca alone would be sufficient? and maybe its best to do that first and then alter diet if results arent as id like?

  8. #8
    BassMuscle's Avatar
    BassMuscle is offline Associate Member
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    The eca sound good, I do it at 5am, 12pm and 4 pm, and have no problem sleeping.


  9. #9
    thick one is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    hey thick,
    this will be after pct, i want to keep cals high during pct to keep as much of my gains as possible

    and well cardio yep

    im going to try 5-7 days a week 45-60mins before breakfast on an empty stomach at 65-75% max hr

    as for diet, im not sure about changing my diet, i havent done any cardio during my bulking and im not exactly super fat, so i was thinking maybe the extra cardio + clen/eca alone would be sufficient? and maybe its best to do that first and then alter diet if results arent as id like?
    I was hoping you were going to wait until after pct. i hear of so many people that gain fat during bulking and start cutting/cardio/and restricting calories right after thier last shot. and they wonder why they lost most of thier gains. everything else looks great. I myself will be following similiar protocol when i'm done with my bulk cycle.

  10. #10
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    aha cool

    hey thick, you doing clen /eca too?
    and 5am jesus, im never awake then:P
    guess i may have to be

  11. #11
    BassMuscle's Avatar
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    I usually start my day at 4:20am but take the eca 10 min before my workout


  12. #12
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Before?! i guess to give you a kick? you using clen too or just eca at present?

  13. #13
    thick one is offline Associate Member
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    eca befor cardio ok. clen befor cardio, not ok. causes breathing problems for many that try to do cardio after taking clen. and yes, i will be doing clen/eca after my pct also..

  14. #14
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    ive read to bring the dosages down a bit on say like day 14 and 15 so that your not going from 120mcg on day 15 to nothing at all on day 16... is this true?

  15. #15
    map200uk's Avatar
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    hmm phat i read about that too, but then asked someone else and was told its all personal preference

  16. #16
    w_rballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    hmm phat i read about that too, but then asked someone else and was told its all personal preference

    ok bro sorry it took long to get back to u... but what i meant was on week 5-6 when u start clen again do soething like this maybe

    day 1: 60mcg
    day 2: 60mcg
    day 3: 80 mcg
    day 4: 80 mcg

    and so on till u hit your max dose again.

    i never ramped down the last few days, because even if u go from 140mcg on day 14, u have ECA on day 15

  17. #17
    Soup's Avatar
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    when you get back on the clen cycle week 5-6 I would only start about 20mcg lower than you were. I ran it this way and really didn't have the headache ect. from jumping back on so personally I would start back up at around 100mcg.

  18. #18
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    start at 100mcg?! u sure?

  19. #19
    BigGenes's Avatar
    BigGenes is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    start at 100mcg?! u sure?
    Yes he is. The sole purpose for loading up during your first week is to make sure your body can handle sides. You see some people have no problem taking a very high dose, while others need to stay around 100mcg. If we did the math than the average dose might be around 150mcg(lets just say that). What would happen to a person that took that dose at one time and didn't know how his body would react? He would look like a crack addict and probable not go to sleep that night. These are drugs we are talking about and they affect everyone differently. tapering up in that first week is important, after that you know how your body is going to react. I personally don't get haed aches at all! I also just stop taking clen all at once. After 2 weeks on the dose I maintain my body starts to get use to it. So when I come off by that time its not a whole lot different than not having anything in me at all. Your body will get use to the clen, thus the reason for having off weeks. I only advise 2 doses ed of ECA, but try it out and see how you like it, if you feel you can up the dose and sleep ok, than go for it. I say take 1 dose of ECA in the am and the other anywhere from 2-4 IMO. Good luck and I hope this helps.

  20. #20
    BassMuscle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    Before?! i guess to give you a kick? you using clen too or just eca at present?

    Just the eca before the workout, not the clen , did that one time boy was I sorry. No clen before a workout period.


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