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Thread: test/deca or test/tren

  1. #1

    test/deca or test/tren

    What do you guys think. This will be my second cycle. I want to put on mass and gain strength, but I'm not sure what would better suit me. I don't want to inject ED and some have said that this is necessary with trenbolone acetate.
    5'11" 181lbs. 10-12%bf. I have another post asking for a critique of my second cycle. It lists anything you may need to know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Whats the cycle your planning?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Why not do this one Test/Equipoise/Tren. The only reason I say this is you need to take something like Deca, Equipoise, Primobolan, Winstrol to maintain collagen synthesis.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by motoman
    What do you guys think. This will be my second cycle. I want to put on mass and gain strength, but I'm not sure what would better suit me. I don't want to inject ED and some have said that this is necessary with trenbolone acetate.
    5'11" 181lbs. 10-12%bf. I have another post asking for a critique of my second cycle. It lists anything you may need to know.
    You can always look into Tren Enth.. 2inj's / week

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You could allways get some Parabolan instead of Tren acetate.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I'd pic test/deca. It's a classic bulking stack yet milder on the body than than test/tren.

    For your second cycle, your doses really don't need to be above 400mg per week of each: 300-400mg of test enan or cyp EW stacked with 200-300mg of deca EW along with a great diet, sufficient rest and intense workout will allow you to gro 20-25lbs in 10-12 weeks.

    Rule of thumb: run the deca at 100mg less than the dose of testosterone.

  7. #7
    Thanks guys. I think I'm going to run the test/deca for this one. I've heard good things about tren, but I'll wait to the next cycle to try it. By the way, what does everyone prefer for keeping some of the water off with dbol/deca/cyp.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by motoman
    Thanks guys. I think I'm going to run the test/deca for this one. I've heard good things about tren, but I'll wait to the next cycle to try it. By the way, what does everyone prefer for keeping some of the water off with dbol/deca/cyp.
    Most people will tell you to run your cycle with an anti-e from the start. However, I disagree.

    Some people don't have any problems while running their cycles without an anti-e. If you haven't done so on your first cycle, then consider running the cycle without using anti-e's and note your results.

    Keep nolvadex on hand so that, if a problem arises, you can frontload it immediately then run 10-20mg ED thereafter, until the end of your cycle. Read more on deca gyno to learn how to combat it. Consider keeping proviron, arimidex or L-dex (liquidex) on hand too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    id also go for the test-deca cycle. i love tren and would choose it for myself but your light and need to put on some weight and the deca-test cycle wiil do that for you. i also agree that you should keep nolva on hand just incase you need it. but if i were you i wouldnt use it from the start unless you know that you are gyno prone. you want all the weight you can get and the nolva will keep the water down.

  11. #11
    Thanks. I've read that its best to run the test a couple of weeks longer than the deca.
    Here's what I had planned.
    week 1-4 30mg dbol/day
    week 1-12 600mg cyp ---200E3D
    week 1-10 300mg/deca---100E3D

    PCT to follow 3 weeks after last injection.

    I would prefer to run the test and deca two weeks shorter, but I read that I would be wasting my time with only 8 weeks of deca. What do you say...Could I run the test for 10 and the deca for 8.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by motoman
    Thanks. I've read that its best to run the test a couple of weeks longer than the deca.
    Here's what I had planned.
    week 1-4 30mg dbol/day
    week 1-12 600mg cyp ---200E3D
    week 1-10 300mg/deca---100E3D

    PCT to follow 3 weeks after last injection.

    I would prefer to run the test and deca two weeks shorter, but I read that I would be wasting my time with only 8 weeks of deca. What do you say...Could I run the test for 10 and the deca for 8.

    Running the deca 8 weeks is fine, also get some b6

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by motoman
    Thanks. I've read that its best to run the test a couple of weeks longer than the deca.
    Here's what I had planned.
    week 1-4 30mg dbol/day
    week 1-12 600mg cyp ---200E3D
    week 1-10 300mg/deca---100E3D

    PCT to follow 3 weeks after last injection.

    I would prefer to run the test and deca two weeks shorter, but I read that I would be wasting my time with only 8 weeks of deca. What do you say...Could I run the test for 10 and the deca for 8.
    why would you want to run it shorterthe test/deca wll just be kicking in @ week 5 so that only would leave you 3 weeks to get any real benifits from it.stick with your original plan

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    waste of sauce if u run shorter period of each listed compound.....go all out and don't change anyting especially in the middle of ur cycle. deca10/test12..i usually run deca to eleven weeks.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    I'd pic test/deca. It's a classic bulking stack yet milder on the body than than test/tren.

    For your second cycle, your doses really don't need to be above 400mg per week of each: 300-400mg of test enan or cyp EW stacked with 200-300mg of deca EW along with a great diet, sufficient rest and intense workout will allow you to gro 20-25lbs in 10-12 weeks.

    Rule of thumb: run the deca at 100mg less than the dose of testosterone.
    totally agree.....deca makes for a nice bulker, is easier on the body, lubes joints enabling intense workouts....only downfall is very harsh on the hpta so do like b8 said and run the test higher, and a week or 2 longer

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