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  1. #1
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    Is this an O.K. cycle for losing fat and getting a jumpstart

    I plan on doing Deca at 175mg per week for 4 wks, then kicking it to 325 per week for a total of ten weeks.The last 2 weeks I'll stack Winstrol (50 ml/cc injectible) every 3 days untill 10 cc bottle is gone. I have used before. Sustanon 250 w/ Deca w/ great results, but I no longer want size. I'm after a more vascular look and am about 30 lbs overweight. I am still rather strong but hav'nt worked out for years. Does anyone know if adding creatine and a good protein powder w/ vitamens will help in my adventure? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am 32 yrs old, 5'7" and weigh 210. My goal is a vascular 180-185. I will lift relatively light with lots of reps and sets and do 45 min to 1 hr of arobic per day. Sound o.k.?
    Last edited by General Patton; 09-23-2004 at 12:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Nope, not a good idea IMO....

    Like most parrotts, I will tell you that you need test as the base in a good cycle...

    Also, with no test, you will get deca -dick (limp) more than likely....

    Do a search.....

    Also, you should worry about getting back in the gym a while before turning to sauce.. worry about your Diet first of all, then get your training on track.... 2 great forums for that here as well....

    My advice:

    Diet: Clean your diet up alot, and maybe look into Clen ... again, do a search.... this will help you become more vascular, and help shed some fat.... but Diet is #1.... Check out the 'Cutting Sticky' at the top of the Diet Forum main page....

    Training: Stick to around 10-12 reps, as you're not trying to gain alot of mass, also, perform cardio, at 65-75% HR, for 40-60 mins, 4-6 times a week...

    Leave the sauce for later on....
    Last edited by Blown_SC; 09-23-2004 at 12:29 AM.

  3. #3
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    You havent worked out for a year? why the F are you doing steroids then

  4. #4
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    o.k, what about doing diet, gym and juice all at once. I have great will power when I want to. Never had a prob w/ the Deca thing before and Test is a no no for me cause I get to big to quick. I dont want size, I want more lean muscle mass and vascularity. The results could come from diet and exercise alone, but is my cycle thought really that bad of an idea?

  5. #5
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Patton
    o.k, what about doing diet, gym and juice all at once. I have great will power when I want to. Never had a prob w/ the Deca thing before and Test is a no no for me cause I get to big to quick. I dont want size, I want more lean muscle mass and vascularity. The results could come from diet and exercise alone, but is my cycle thought really that bad of an idea?
    Hmm.. did you read what was posted?

    Get back in the gym, you obviously haven't been in one in a while right? You need to worry about your Diet first bro, then training, sleep, etc.. before sauce...

    And test is a no-no?

    Yes, your cycle really is that bad bro....READ HERE

    Worry about DIET first, it is your friend.. you will lose most of the fat you want form that alone, and like I said, clen will help that, as well as get you more vascular....

    Leave the sauce alone...

  6. #6
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    Dude, I'm 32 and I need to jumpstart this whole pile of lumpy crap i've been lugging around. Do ya think I'm wasting money and time unless i get into decent shape first? My thought was to juice and get my ambition back by seeing some results and feeling better in the process! I also hunt alot and have a reconstructed left knee that would like a drink of deca . Is it really that bad of an idea???

  7. #7
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Patton
    Dude, I'm 32 and I need to jumpstart this whole pile of lumpy crap i've been lugging around. Do ya think I'm wasting money and time unless i get into decent shape first? My thought was to juice and get my ambition back by seeing some results and feeling better in the process! I also hunt alot and have a reconstructed left knee that would like a drink of deca . Is it really that bad of an idea???
    I know for a fact that jumping into AS after being out of the gym will prolly fuk you up... think about it... I'm not being smart, but honestly.. it's not a miracle-cure....

    Diet, and Dedication will 'jumpstart that pile of lumpy crap' alot more than you think....

    Yes, wasting money, and hurting yourself... especially by doing deca and winny, alone, with no test, and even worse than that, together... not suggested.. read the link I posted bro....

    Ambition should come now!!!! Wanting to change!! That's ambition enough...
    You don't need AS for the placebo effect.. leave it alone for now.. and certainly don't do what you have planned out....

    Get back in the gym for at least 6 months.. at least... and then, maybe, look into a Test Prop / Eq cycle, or something along that line...
    Last edited by Blown_SC; 03-14-2005 at 10:54 PM.

  8. #8
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    ok, I have access to Enathate 300. How about doing 200 mg of deca w/ 250 enathate w/ creatine, then adding the winny at the end.? I have no access to Nolvadex , so I have to be careful w/ Test.

  9. #9
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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  10. #10
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    I'm reading the links you put up inbetween our chit-chat.

  11. #11
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Patton
    ok, I have access to Enathate 300. How about doing 200 mg of deca w/ 250 enathate w/ creatine, then adding the winny at the end.? I have no access to Nolvadex, so I have to be careful w/ Test.
    Bro, deca doesn't make you lose fat... and winny doesn't burn fat on it's own either...

    Like I said... NO STEROIDS ...

    You don't need them... and they shouldn't be used as a crutch because you let yourself go....

    Even if you were going to use sauce, you would need to figure your diet out... read my above post.. and follow the link.... it's a basic guideline for cutting that will help you alot bro......

    Look into ASteroids later on....much later bro.....

  12. #12
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Blown, I read the links and see yr point. In the gym I go at 6:00 am tomorrow morn, but only for 2-3 months with a good diet like on the link you provided. Then I'm off! Enant, deca , wv and creatine. I think it'll work. Thanks for the input. Anyone else got anyting to add?

  13. #13
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    This is for info only... get to the diet forum and start reading.. great bros there.. that will help you alot.. IF YOU RESEARCH first....

    Use that Cutting Sticky as a guideline to help yourself create a diet made for you... alter the 'guideline' that is given... but, retain the principles....

    For Example, here is some great info from Slizzut here at AR:

    """Diet and cardio are the 2 most important elements to shedding body fat. Its important that when you decide to start cutting you do cardio 5-7 days a week, in the morning on an empty stomach for 45-60 minutes. Your heart rate should remaind between 60-70%.

    On Cardio/Lifting days diet goes as follows:

    General Guidelines to follow:
    -Get plenty of sleep
    -Drink at least 1.5 gallons of water a day
    -Don't combine fat/carbs
    -Don't eat protein alone
    -Don't have carbs before bed
    -Have protein shakes with water
    -Don't have sugars

    *Before Cardio Take Glutamine
    **Take your ECA/ECY/Thermo now if you choose to do so

    Cardio 45-60mins

    m1(approx 30-40 mins after cardio):
    Pro/Fat: 1 6-8oz piece of lean meat or egg whites/1oz almonds(usually 28 almonds). Thats about 50g of protein/15g of fat.

    m2:Pro/Fat Lean Meat, 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter. Approx. 50g of protein and 15g of fat.

    m3: Pro/Fat 2 Scoops of whey and 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil. Approx. 50g of Protein and 15g of fat.


    m4(PWO): 1 scoop of whey, 1/3 cup of dextrose. Approx. 25g protein/50g carb

    m5(PPWO): 6-8oz Lean Meat(NOT STEAK OR SALMON), and half a cup of brown rice. Approx 50 protein/35carb

    m6(before bed): 2 scoops whey, 1 teaspoon glutamine powder, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil.

    Cardio Only Days (Follow the food outline from above for your sources of EFA's(essential fatty acids) and protein:

    Cardio 45-60mins
    m1: Pro/Fat
    m2: Pro/Fat
    m3: Pro/Fat (optional Pro/Carb)
    m4: Pro/Fat
    m5: Pro/Fat

    Lifting Only Days:

    m1: Pro/Fat
    m2: Pro/Fat
    m3: Pro/Fat
    m4(PWO): Pro/Dex
    m5(PPWO): Pro/Carb
    m6: Pro/Fat

    Your source of protein can be chicken, tuna, lean ground beef, turkey or egg whites(eggs). Steak and salmon can also be used but not in PPWO meal.

    Cheat one meal, once a week don’t overdue it.""""

  14. #14
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Patton
    Thanks Blown, I read the links and see yr point. In the gym I go at 6:00 am tomorrow morn, but only for 2-3 months with a good diet like on the link you provided. Then I'm off! Enant, deca, wv and creatine. I think it'll work. Thanks for the input. Anyone else got anyting to add?
    You should lift naturally for along time before touching the sauce, wait at LEAST that long... other than that, follow what I have laid out, it's solid info IMO, and has helped me alot as well..... you don't need the sauce bro, you really don't, I'd like to tell you to go ahead and stick yourself, but it would be wrong for me to do so.. give it time, and dedication, and make sure that you take before/after pics....

  15. #15
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Also, when you do decide to use AS, you should look into Test Prop... and Eq.....

    EQ is used in cutters, not deca ..... as is Fina, but you may want to letave that for later on...

    You can use Test Enth if you want, but like I say, Eq is better for cutting that Deca is, as is Fina.....

  16. #16
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    I don't understand. You say you don't want to blow up so you are against using Test but you will use Deca . Seems to me that Deca is great at blowing people up. You probably should diet and excersise first. Then go on a cycle of Test Prop at 100mg eod and 75 Tren eod.

  17. #17
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks, I will mull over the info. Hmmmm, got me thinkin. I definately need to get going again before saucin it up. The diet thing is complex! I'm use to Taco bell and B-BQ steaks w/baked potatoes! LOL Flaxseed , what the heck is that? I'll check it all out. Thanks again for your help. No sauce 4 now, just hard work and some discipline. Cool, and thanks again!

  18. #18
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04
    I don't understand. You say you don't want to blow up so you are against using Test but you will use Deca. Seems to me that Deca is great at blowing people up. You probably should diet and excersise first. Then go on a cycle of Test Prop at 100mg eod and 75 Tren eod.
    He needs to understand that deca won't help him shed fat on it's own... quite the opposite in most cases....

  19. #19
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Patton
    Thanks, I will mull over the info. Hmmmm, got me thinkin. I definately need to get going again before saucin it up. The diet thing is complex! I'm use to Taco bell and B-BQ steaks w/baked potatoes! LOL Flaxseed , what the heck is that? I'll check it all out. Thanks again for your help. No sauce 4 now, just hard work and some discipline. Cool, and thanks again!
    See? Diet is EVERYTHING.. you will probably get the results you want from it alone... look into Clen though! It will help with your vascularity, and fatloss tremendously....


    Good to see you are making the right choices bro.... good head on your shoulders, and it will be cheaper too... DIET, training, dedication, sleep.........
    Last edited by Blown_SC; 09-23-2004 at 01:06 AM.

  20. #20
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    I must be way out of the loop, cause I have no access to any of the products yall are talkin about. Here we got sus250, deca , wv, primoteston, and enantate. Mostly from Mexico, but some of my old and trusted friends get good results and I know enough to stay away from fakes. Fina, great but where to get it, and EQ, only in my dreams have i got any EQ. Would love to get some Equipoise , but around here EQ is watered down deca! Enlighten me on some safe sources. I own my own business and have a 6 month old, so I have to be super careful!!

  21. #21
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Patton
    I must be way out of the loop, cause I have no access to any of the products yall are talkin about. Here we got sus250, deca, wv, primoteston, and enantate. Mostly from Mexico, but some of my old and trusted friends get good results and I know enough to stay away from fakes. Fina, great but where to get it, and EQ, only in my dreams have i got any EQ. Would love to get some Equipoise, but around here EQ is watered down deca! Enlighten me on some safe sources. I own my own business and have a 6 month old, so I have to be super careful!!
    Sorry bro, but I can't enlighten you on sources, you'll get banned for source posting around here....

    Also, I would stay away from Sust in the future, stick to Enth....

    P.S. You can get clenbuterol from here: LINK
    Just take a look at it.. you can order it from that site.. they are a sponsor of this board, and are very reputable.. with great products and services...

    Clen will help you.. if you choose to use it, and you can order it from that site....

  22. #22
    General Patton's Avatar
    General Patton is offline Junior Member
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    Gottcha- latr, Patton out.

  23. #23
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Patton
    Gottcha- latr, Patton out.
    Put together a diet, then come back and the boys will critique.. good luck bro!

  24. #24
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    My advice:

    Leave the sauce for later on....
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Like I said... NO STEROIDS ...

    You don't need them... and they shouldn't be used as a crutch because you let yourself go...
    General Patton,

    Blown_SC has given you excellent advice. Just because you're over 30 years old, does not mean you should pay any less attention to what is being told to everyone else regarding when to use steroids , how to use them and, how to diet.

    If you're 30 lbs overweight and your goal is to become vascular, then save your money--don't buy any steroids yet. At your weight, steroids are not going to get you thinner any faster than a clean diet and cardio. Do a cycle after you lose the 30 lbs.

    BTW, if you're 30lbs overweight and you're just beginning to try to loose weight (i.e., "jumpstart..[your] pile of lumpy crap"), then you're diet is probably not in order.

    Do yourself a favor and learn this now:
    1. Using steroids does not guarantee success. Steroids aren't magic. They only enhance your efforts when the basics are being done correctly and consistently (The basics = diet, rest, workout intensity). Steroids don't work when the basics are being done wrong or inconsistently.
    2. Whether bulking or cutting, if your diet and cardio aren't adjusted properly, you're not going to make any major changes to your body that coincide with your goal of bulking or cutting.
    3. Do not try to bulk and cut at the same time.
    4. If you don't follow rules 1, 2 & 3, then adjusting the dose of steroids you take (no matter how high) will NOT compensate for neglecting to perfect the basics (The basics = diet, rest, workout intensity).
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 09-23-2004 at 01:52 AM.

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