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  1. #1
    A|X's Avatar
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    a few problems here. would def appreciate some help

    heya monsters.. i've got a few problems which i cannot seem to figure out nor find information on

    1. I was informed by a friend that RWR(the vial with a metallic purple cap) had stopped producing winny back from 2002. However all the features of it matched the descriptions of it(separation of solvent & solute, pics etc). Question is do you guys know anything about the legitimacy of RWR winny on the market right now?

    2. I'm currently on a 12 week cycle:
    wks 1-6: dbol (bd) - 40mg ed
    wks 5-12: winny(rwr) - 50mg eod
    wks 1-12: sust(indian/green) - 500mg mon/thurs

    i'm into my 6th week, gained 22lbs so far of which i would say is water weight. strength increases were averagely good. However my left shoulder joint suffered from injuries which disables me from achieving a higher bench target . I do NOT have problems training my shoulders though.

    Throughout the cycle i have taken precautions in warming up my joints and muscles before workout, however in addition to my left shoulder joints, my knee joints and left elbow joints started to hurt progressively, much affecting my lifts. from what i reckon i should not be having these joint aches in the 1st place, whats more AAS doesn't seem to help at all. question being: should i end my cycle early, go for some therapy and start a brand new cycle after 3 months? or is there anything else i can consume other than glucosamine?

    3. This is considered the 3rd cycle i'm runnin the 1st 2 had been carried out on the wrong foot with little to no knowledge(which i had so deeply regretted thank you). How much possibility are there that these 2 initial cycles are taking its toll on my 3rd cycle(not making progressively good strength and mass gains)?

    or is it that the vitamins and supplements that i'm taking are inhibiting the gains of what the AAS is capable of giving me?
    currently im consuming mega men, 100mg b complex & multi oils from GNC(YES GNC), iron capsules(300mg ferrous sulphate) which are prescribed as i'm suffering from low haemogoblin count(WHICH I WONDER WHY? ).

    pls note: above all i try my best to keep my diet clean, high calories/carbs/protein, low sat fats. i train 7 days a week, an hour/a bodypart each session, taking one day rest in 2 weeks.

    I know that this is a f*ck*n long post guys, any patience would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A|X
    heya monsters.. i've got a few problems which i cannot seem to figure out nor find information on

    1. I was informed by a friend that RWR(the vial with a metallic purple cap) had stopped producing winny back from 2002. However all the features of it matched the descriptions of it(separation of solvent & solute, pics etc). Question is do you guys know anything about the legitimacy of RWR winny on the market right now?

    2. I'm currently on a 12 week cycle:
    wks 1-6: dbol (bd) - 40mg ed
    wks 5-12: winny(rwr) - 50mg eod
    wks 1-12: sust(indian/green) - 500mg mon/thurs

    i'm into my 6th week, gained 22lbs so far of which i would say is water weight. strength increases were averagely good. However my left shoulder joint suffered from injuries which disables me from achieving a higher bench target . I do NOT have problems training my shoulders though.

    Throughout the cycle i have taken precautions in warming up my joints and muscles before workout, however in addition to my left shoulder joints, my knee joints and left elbow joints started to hurt progressively, much affecting my lifts. from what i reckon i should not be having these joint aches in the 1st place, whats more AAS doesn't seem to help at all. question being: should i end my cycle early, go for some therapy and start a brand new cycle after 3 months? or is there anything else i can consume other than glucosamine?

    3. This is considered the 3rd cycle i'm runnin the 1st 2 had been carried out on the wrong foot with little to no knowledge(which i had so deeply regretted thank you). How much possibility are there that these 2 initial cycles are taking its toll on my 3rd cycle(not making progressively good strength and mass gains)?

    or is it that the vitamins and supplements that i'm taking are inhibiting the gains of what the AAS is capable of giving me?
    currently im consuming mega men, 100mg b complex & multi oils from GNC(YES GNC), iron capsules(300mg ferrous sulphate) which are prescribed as i'm suffering from low haemogoblin count(WHICH I WONDER WHY? ).

    pls note: above all i try my best to keep my diet clean, high calories/carbs/protein, low sat fats. i train 7 days a week, an hour/a bodypart each session, taking one day rest in 2 weeks.

    I know that this is a f*ck*n long post guys, any patience would be much appreciated.
    i am just finishing a prop/eq/win cycle and my joints were destroyed....they were bd 50tabs......dont know why i talked myself into winnie again...
    anyways im not sure of the rwr, im assuming its aussie gear....but anyways imo you have joint pains not caused by 50mg/eod for 1 week....noways.....imo drop the winnie and hit the glucosamine for sure until your joints don't hurt

  3. #3
    A|X's Avatar
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    oh and i forgot sth important, my woody ain't performing well in several aspects:
    1. Ain't gettin as horny as i used to in the 1st 2 cycles
    2. AIn't producing as much cream as i used to. In fact, very much lesser compared to off cycles

    whats with that?!

  4. #4
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A|X
    oh and i forgot sth important, my woody ain't performing well in several aspects:
    1. Ain't gettin as horny as i used to in the 1st 2 cycles
    2. AIn't producing as much cream as i used to. In fact, very much lesser compared to off cycles

    whats with that?!
    on 1 and 2, it happens from time to time.....although i might point the finger at the sus because you are running it 500/2 shots a week.....hard to keep blood levels constant running it like that

  5. #5
    A|X's Avatar
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  6. #6
    A|X's Avatar
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    cmon guys...bump

  7. #7
    floyd_turbo's Avatar
    floyd_turbo is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by A|X
    oh and i forgot sth important, my woody ain't performing well in several aspects:
    1. Ain't gettin as horny as i used to in the 1st 2 cycles
    2. AIn't producing as much cream as i used to. In fact, very much lesser compared to off cycles

    whats with that?!
    what anti e-s are u taking?? get used to producing less pimp juice its a common side

  8. #8
    A|X's Avatar
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    not on anti e's. not prone to gyno so ya.

    any help from any guys with regards to my unanswered queries?

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