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Thread: New Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hos Ka Bos Ka

    New Cycle

    looking to add bulk, then cut, have some sust,deca,prop,test enan left over.

    dbol 40md ed for 3.5 wks
    sust 250 eod wks 1-5
    prop 100mg eod wks 1-5

    deca 500mg 2x wk wks 4-10
    test enan 600mg 2x wk wks 4-11

    Tren Enan 150mg 2x wk wks 11-16
    Eq 200mg 2x wk wks 11-16
    masteron 100mg eod wks 11-16

    would i need to add some test to wks 11-16??

  2. #2
    i'd choose one or the other. whats your cycle experience?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hos Ka Bos Ka
    so i should drop the
    Tren Enan 150mg 2x wk wks 11-16
    Eq 200mg 2x wk wks 11-16
    masteron 100mg eod wks 11-16?

    and extend to 16wks?

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