Even though it seems wise to say since test are low on during pct emphasises the fact the depression is due to that and that alone. While I reject this theory.
Who has any evidence that test will make you euphoric and lack of test will cause depression. Depression is a complex chemical problem that get triggered through some stress yet to known or exactly pinpointed.
from experience, I am not a usual depression type don't get me wrong I do get depressed sometimes but that is normal fact of life. Anyways, right now I am on clomid100mg+40mgnolvedex. I feel very low and everything feels weird and pointless. Can’t get over ex. the fact I might not have a chance to go to med school. Stuff like that. The only time I have felt like this when I was on phetermine and anyone experienced this dangerous drug knows how it makes you both mentally and physically depressed. I believe there is something that clomid does that changes brain chemistry and therefore causes depression same ways as phetermine in no means I am qualified for the science but still believe this. Here is a poll. Depression during cycle is caused by... do the poll!