There's never a bad time to learn something new, and I realized a few weeks ago that one area in which I was not that knowledgable was the subject of hernias. (In fact, in one recent thread, bravo11p provided an answer that was far more detailed than anything I could have come up with.)
So I decided to make the ultimate research sacrifice . . . by getting a hernia. Well, not really for research, but it sounds like a great excuse now.
Seriously, I felt a pain in my lower abdominal area about a week ago, pressed on the area and felt a small lump, and said to myself, "Oh, shit. I bet that's a hernia." A quick trip to the doctor and it was confirmed - a left inguinal hernia.
Anyway, no big whoop. I decided to do a crash course in herniology (I think that's an original term, but it's one that makes sense) - even did an A.R. search, and found bravo11p's great post from a few weeks ago. Went to the usual medical web sites (the reliable ones, not the ones that have things to sell) and learned more than I ever thought I would have to know about the wonderful, wacky world of hernias.
Anyway, fellow roidites (and naturalites, too), I immediately took myself out of commission. No major pain, but why risk it? Fortunately, here in the States, we have no major wait for non-emergency surgery, so I'm getting it patched up next week. In the meantime, as you can imagine, the biggest drag comes from not hitting the gym. (I probably could, but since I"m having the surgery done almost so soon after diagnosis, why risk any complications?)
I iknow I won't be lifting for at least a couple of weeks, and then doing only very light weights. (I have no illusions about bouncing back into it immediately, and intend to play it very carefully. As with AS use or recovery from any other injury or illness, intelligent indulgence is the watchphrase here. So my game plan is light-to-moderate cardio about two weeks after the surgery, followed by very light upper-body lifting that doesn't require leg support (as in, no bench pressing), and easing back into a heavier routine as I'm ready.
No big reports about it here, but suffice to say that the next time a hernia or abdominal pain question comes up, I hope to be as literate about the subject as bravo11p.
Anyway, think about me Monday afternoon (3/11). I want to feel the vibes from everyone here as I'm on the table, while the surgeon is getting precariously close to the family jewels . . .
And do me a favor . . . Since I'll probably be home Monday evening, back on the computer with insomnia once the sedation wears off, don't write any really whacked-out posts. I don't want to laugh too hard.*
* Shit, I probably shouldn't have written that. It's almost like setting up a challenge for a few folks around here who come to mind.