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Thread: A few questions from a newbie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Post A few questions from a newbie

    I've been doing some research on steroids, pro hormones etc.. for the last few weeks. I have only just turned 18, and live in Australia (which poses as a problem due to certain laws i think?) I am approximately 6 foot, and weight about 65kg which is the equivilant to 143lbs. I would consider myself to be a good athlete. I would say I eat quite a lot, and i do a tremendous amount of exercise, so I never tend to put on any weight. Recent blood tests say I have a low iron intake, and they point out that I have a relatively high metabalism. Unfortunately, I very rarely go to the gym, but do Rugby, Swimming, Athletics etc.. instead. I have tried many many supplements ontop of meals, such as protein shakes, weight gainer shakes, things like that.... but they never really help.

    Im just curious if anyone could help me out with some kind of rough plan? A friend, who is 20, and I were curious about steroids...

    Can anyone recommend anything for an extreme novice? I know your probably going to point me in a separate direction but I am really searching for a solution.

    My goal is to ultimately gain an extra 15kg, which is about 33lbs.

    I'd really appreciate any insight into this matter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bennet87
    I've been doing some research on steroids, pro hormones etc.. for the last few weeks. I have only just turned 18, and live in Australia (which poses as a problem due to certain laws i think?) I am approximately 6 foot, and weight about 65kg which is the equivilant to 143lbs. I would consider myself to be a good athlete. I would say I eat quite a lot, and i do a tremendous amount of exercise, so I never tend to put on any weight. Recent blood tests say I have a low iron intake, and they point out that I have a relatively high metabalism. Unfortunately, I very rarely go to the gym, but do Rugby, Swimming, Athletics etc.. instead. I have tried many many supplements ontop of meals, such as protein shakes, weight gainer shakes, things like that.... but they never really help.

    Im just curious if anyone could help me out with some kind of rough plan? A friend, who is 20, and I were curious about steroids...

    Can anyone recommend anything for an extreme novice? I know your probably going to point me in a separate direction but I am really searching for a solution.

    My goal is to ultimately gain an extra 15kg, which is about 33lbs.

    I'd really appreciate any insight into this matter

    if your 6' and only 143 pounds, then you must be small. because i am 5'7" and weigh 150 and i only have 7% body fat. i have a fast metabolism as well but i found when i started to eat right then i finally put on weight. you can train all you want but if you do not eat right, then all your hard work in the gym will be for nothing. i don't care what anybody says about "oh i can't put on weight because i eat all the time and i just have bad genetics." i used to think the exact same thing but when i did start to eat RIGHT, i started gaining and you will do the same. you are also too young, i mean i am 20 and still too young, despite that i will still go through my planned cycle in february. you need to get a better base build before you start steroids and need to be older. good luck to you bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    if you really are hell bent on doing a cycle, which i strongly urge you not to, because you really do need to get your diet in check along with training but i would rather you get good information from an educated board such as this one than somebody who doesn't know who there are talking about. if you must desperatley go through with a cycle, and i will say again that you should not to do, then i would suggest something as a d-bol/test e cycle. many novices use that cycle and claim great results. be warned thought that if you do go through with a cycle, with what weight you have and what base, you will not be able to keep your gains. if your body can't sustain muscle while not being on AAS, what makes you think you would be able to keep any of what you gain while being on AAS. just my .02. like i said, either way you choose good luck to you and be careful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bennet87
    I've been doing some research on steroids, pro hormones etc.. for the last few weeks. I have only just turned 18, and live in Australia (which poses as a problem due to certain laws i think?) I am approximately 6 foot, and weight about 65kg which is the equivilant to 143lbs. I would consider myself to be a good athlete. I would say I eat quite a lot, and i do a tremendous amount of exercise, so I never tend to put on any weight. Recent blood tests say I have a low iron intake, and they point out that I have a relatively high metabalism. Unfortunately, I very rarely go to the gym, but do Rugby, Swimming, Athletics etc.. instead. I have tried many many supplements ontop of meals, such as protein shakes, weight gainer shakes, things like that.... but they never really help.

    Im just curious if anyone could help me out with some kind of rough plan? A friend, who is 20, and I were curious about steroids...

    Can anyone recommend anything for an extreme novice? I know your probably going to point me in a separate direction but I am really searching for a solution.

    My goal is to ultimately gain an extra 15kg, which is about 33lbs.

    I'd really appreciate any insight into this matter

    Bro, first off go to the gym!! And eat 4 - 5000 calories a day!

    You'll never gain anything if you don't lift! @ 6'0 & 143 your tiny!

    You need to work your ass off at the gym for a a couple of years. You need to wake up in the morning and eat and eat and eat and eat some more, then when you have eaten so much that you think your going to puke, eat a little more.

    You said you took weight gainer shakes, for how long? And I guess you didn't lift weights either during this time...?

    If you are looking for that magic pill it doesn't exist! Youhave to work your *** off if you are serious..

    When I was 30 I was 6'0 & 150 Ibs.. I was so small I had a major complex about it.. Now I am 35yrs old still 6'0 (lol) but weigh 235Ibs and I am only now even considering taking AS..

    Kind of ranting here a bit but bro there is no substitute for hard work and proper diet!

    Hell, lot's of my bro's take AS and the all end up working even harder in the gym

    Good luck bro..

  5. #5
    brotherman you have 3-7 years to still's just not your time to go down this road yet have natural test levels that are threw the roof. all you need is to learn how to eat to grow then go to the gym....the muscle will come. I was your size at you age. I'm 6'1 250 it took time to fill out. My shoulders didn't fill in till I was 23. here is an good articl for you ...
    Eat To Grow

    What if I told you your success or failure in the gym has very little to do with what you do in the gym. You would probably look at me like I was crazy. Guess what, nutrition is by far the most important factor to making progress on any fitness program. Why have the so called "experts" made nutrition so confusing? I am going to attempt to take some of the confusion out of this subject and simplify things for you. First, lets start off by getting rid of the word "nutrition" and call it eating.


    The first determination we need to make is how many calories should we be consuming each day? Unfortunately, everybody does not have the same caloric demands. Therefore, we must come up with a caloric figure to meet your specific demands. To determine what your caloric intake should be, simply take your current body weight and multiply by 12. The number you get will be the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight (assuming you are training regularly). If you would like to gain weight, simply multiply your current body weight by a factor of 15. If you would like to lose some weight, simply multiply your body weight by a factor of 10. (Example: Maintenance, 200lb male X 12 = 2400 calories per day).

    Remember, everybody has a different metabolism. Therefore, you may need to adjust these factors slightly to fit your specific demands. Basically, these figures serve as an ideal starting point to figure out what your personal caloric demands are.


    I am a strong proponent of the high protein, low carbohydrate and low fat way of eating. I even go as far as putting some of my clients on regimens consisting of 60% protein, 30% carbohydrate and 10% fat. For purposes of this article I will suggest that 50% of your calories come from protein, 30% from carbohydrates and 20% from fat. A gram of protein is equal to 4 calories and a gram of carbohydrate is also equal to 4 calories. Each gram of fat is equal to 9 calories. Now, take the above formula and figure out how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and protein you should be consuming each day. (Example: Maintenance, 200lb man requires 2400 calories, 300 grams of protein, 180 grams of carbohydrate, 53 grams of fat).


    I suggest that you consume a meal every two and a half to three hours throughout the day. The easiest way to calculate when to eat your meals is to plan it out in advance. Therefore, write down what time it will be three hours from your first meal (breakfast) and then every three hours thereafter. Basically what I am saying is to eat when the clock tells you to, not when your stomach tells you. (Example: If you ate breakfast at 8:00 a.m., your next meals would be at 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 5:00p.m. and 8:00 p.m.). Attempt to eat each meal using the 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fat breakdown. Also, if your caloric demand is roughly 2400 calories per day try to get in about 500 calories at each meal. Eating in this manner makes it very easy to stay disciplined.


    I guess this one depends upon what you like to eat. Remember, I am trying to make this eating concept easy for you. First, let me give you some examples of what protein, carbohydrates and fats are. Examples of good protein include: red meat, fish, chicken, turkey, milk, eggs and whey. Examples of carbohydrates include: rice, potatoes, breads, grains, fruits and vegetables. Examples of good fats include: flax seed oil, safflower oil, borage seed oil, fish oil, conjugated lineic acid and MCT oil. Obviously there are many more examples of the food groups I have mentioned, however, these are the most common.

    Using the foods I have mentioned above in the right quantity would give you all you ever needed to succeed in the gym. The problem is preparing food during your busy day is not convenient. Therefore the solution is using meal replacement powders. These powders come in convenient packs, are easily mixed with water and the nutritional breakdown is great. There are many companies such as Met Rx, Myoplex, Perfect Rx and Rx Fuel which make decent meal replacement s. I highly recommend that you incorporate one of these products into your daily eating program. I suggest eating three regular food meals and two meal replacement s per day. If you are trying to lose weight you may want to eat three meal replacement s and two regular food meals. If you are trying to gain weight you may try eating three regular meals and three or even four meal replacement s.


    The most common complaint about eating properly is not having enough time to prepare good meals. We have already discussed the convenience of meal replacement powders, so I will give you some dishes that are easy and enjoyable. I usually start my day off with a bowl of oatmeal mixed with egg whites, a scoop of whey protein powder, and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. To spice it up I will add apple filling, cinnamon or equal packets. This recipe is quick, easy, tastes good and yields about 50 grams of protein (8 egg whites and one scoop of whey protein), 35 grams of carbs, 14 grams of fat (flaxseed oil) and roughly 500 calories. As you can see, this concoction fits exactly into my nutritional profile.

    Another meal I eat frequently for lunch or dinner is a mixture of white rice, boiled egg whites and tuna (chicken may be substituted). I simply cook about 3 oz. of white rice and boil six eggs. I mix the rice together with six egg whites and one yolk. I then add in a can of white chunk tuna, flaxseed oil and some garlic powder (or your favorite spice). This recipe yields about 60 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbs, 15 grams of fat and roughly 500 calories.



    Protein is essential in your quest to build quality muscle. The question is how much protein should you be consuming? A good rule of thumb is to consume 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. The easiest way to get enough protein into your body is with a good whey protein supplement. In addition to your meals, mix two scoops of whey protein with some water. Also, try to mix up your protein sources throughout the day. For example, eat tuna at one meal, chicken at the next and eggs at the next meal. No matter what you do, consume at least your minimum protein requirement everyday.


    Try to sip on water constantly throughout the day. Water may be the most underrated piece of the bodybuilding puzzle. As we know, the body is made up of approximately 67% water. Water is desperately needed to cleanse the body and help to regenerate muscle cells. As a rule of thumb, try to consume at least one gallon of water per day.


    The first thing I tell my bodybuilding clients is to write down everything that goes into their body. Writing down what you eat is the only way to analyze any changes that need to be made for future progress. It is very hard to make changes in your diet if you don't know what time you eat, what kind of protein you eat and how many grams of protein, carbs, fats and calories you are ingesting. The more detailed your log is, the easier it will be for you to go back and analyze it.


    Yes you need carbohydrates in your body. The question becomes are all carbs created equal. The answer is no. Without getting into too much detail, simple carbs cause a high insulin spike because they have a high glycemic index. This is usually not a good thing when trying to keep fat off of your body. Simple carbs are basically your sugars, sweets and fruits. Try to stick to carbs like potatoes, rice and vegetables. The best time to consume simple carbs is within two hours after training. During this period your muscles are very receptive to simple sugars.


    Yes, you read that correctly. Fat is not always the enemy. There is nothing wrong with consuming moderate amounts of fat in your diet. In fact, research has shown that fat is essential to growth, recovery, skin and connective tissue. A good rule of thumb is to stay away from hydrogenated oils, "shelf oils" and vegetable oils. These are the fats found in potato chips and snacks. Also, limit your saturated fat intake to that which is found naturally in the protein you eat. Finally, make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of essential fatty acids in your diet. Try to add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your protein shakes or meals.


    What are you doing? You should be looking at the clock to see if it is time to eat again. As I stated earlier, eating is the key to your success or failure in the gym. Once you begin to gain more of an understanding of what your body's demands are, you will be able to customize a more intricate eating plan for yourself. For now, keep a detailed journal and watch your body change for the better

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    brotherman you have 3-7 years to still's just not your time to go down this road yet have natural test levels that are threw the roof. all you need is to learn how to eat to grow then go to the gym....the muscle will come. I was your size at you age. I'm 6'1 250 it took time to fill out. My shoulders didn't fill in till I was 23. here is an good articl for you ...
    Eat To Grow

    What if I told you your success or failure in the gym has very little to do with what you do in the gym. You would probably look at me like I was crazy. Guess what, nutrition is by far the most important factor to making progress on any fitness program. Why have the so called "experts" made nutrition so confusing? I am going to attempt to take some of the confusion out of this subject and simplify things for you. First, lets start off by getting rid of the word "nutrition" and call it eating.


    The first determination we need to make is how many calories should we be consuming each day? Unfortunately, everybody does not have the same caloric demands. Therefore, we must come up with a caloric figure to meet your specific demands. To determine what your caloric intake should be, simply take your current body weight and multiply by 12. The number you get will be the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight (assuming you are training regularly). If you would like to gain weight, simply multiply your current body weight by a factor of 15. If you would like to lose some weight, simply multiply your body weight by a factor of 10. (Example: Maintenance, 200lb male X 12 = 2400 calories per day).

    Remember, everybody has a different metabolism. Therefore, you may need to adjust these factors slightly to fit your specific demands. Basically, these figures serve as an ideal starting point to figure out what your personal caloric demands are.


    I am a strong proponent of the high protein, low carbohydrate and low fat way of eating. I even go as far as putting some of my clients on regimens consisting of 60% protein, 30% carbohydrate and 10% fat. For purposes of this article I will suggest that 50% of your calories come from protein, 30% from carbohydrates and 20% from fat. A gram of protein is equal to 4 calories and a gram of carbohydrate is also equal to 4 calories. Each gram of fat is equal to 9 calories. Now, take the above formula and figure out how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and protein you should be consuming each day. (Example: Maintenance, 200lb man requires 2400 calories, 300 grams of protein, 180 grams of carbohydrate, 53 grams of fat).


    I suggest that you consume a meal every two and a half to three hours throughout the day. The easiest way to calculate when to eat your meals is to plan it out in advance. Therefore, write down what time it will be three hours from your first meal (breakfast) and then every three hours thereafter. Basically what I am saying is to eat when the clock tells you to, not when your stomach tells you. (Example: If you ate breakfast at 8:00 a.m., your next meals would be at 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 5:00p.m. and 8:00 p.m.). Attempt to eat each meal using the 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fat breakdown. Also, if your caloric demand is roughly 2400 calories per day try to get in about 500 calories at each meal. Eating in this manner makes it very easy to stay disciplined.


    I guess this one depends upon what you like to eat. Remember, I am trying to make this eating concept easy for you. First, let me give you some examples of what protein, carbohydrates and fats are. Examples of good protein include: red meat, fish, chicken, turkey, milk, eggs and whey. Examples of carbohydrates include: rice, potatoes, breads, grains, fruits and vegetables. Examples of good fats include: flax seed oil, safflower oil, borage seed oil, fish oil, conjugated lineic acid and MCT oil. Obviously there are many more examples of the food groups I have mentioned, however, these are the most common.

    Using the foods I have mentioned above in the right quantity would give you all you ever needed to succeed in the gym. The problem is preparing food during your busy day is not convenient. Therefore the solution is using meal replacement powders. These powders come in convenient packs, are easily mixed with water and the nutritional breakdown is great. There are many companies such as Met Rx, Myoplex, Perfect Rx and Rx Fuel which make decent meal replacement s. I highly recommend that you incorporate one of these products into your daily eating program. I suggest eating three regular food meals and two meal replacement s per day. If you are trying to lose weight you may want to eat three meal replacement s and two regular food meals. If you are trying to gain weight you may try eating three regular meals and three or even four meal replacement s.


    The most common complaint about eating properly is not having enough time to prepare good meals. We have already discussed the convenience of meal replacement powders, so I will give you some dishes that are easy and enjoyable. I usually start my day off with a bowl of oatmeal mixed with egg whites, a scoop of whey protein powder, and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. To spice it up I will add apple filling, cinnamon or equal packets. This recipe is quick, easy, tastes good and yields about 50 grams of protein (8 egg whites and one scoop of whey protein), 35 grams of carbs, 14 grams of fat (flaxseed oil) and roughly 500 calories. As you can see, this concoction fits exactly into my nutritional profile.

    Another meal I eat frequently for lunch or dinner is a mixture of white rice, boiled egg whites and tuna (chicken may be substituted). I simply cook about 3 oz. of white rice and boil six eggs. I mix the rice together with six egg whites and one yolk. I then add in a can of white chunk tuna, flaxseed oil and some garlic powder (or your favorite spice). This recipe yields about 60 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbs, 15 grams of fat and roughly 500 calories.



    Protein is essential in your quest to build quality muscle. The question is how much protein should you be consuming? A good rule of thumb is to consume 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. The easiest way to get enough protein into your body is with a good whey protein supplement. In addition to your meals, mix two scoops of whey protein with some water. Also, try to mix up your protein sources throughout the day. For example, eat tuna at one meal, chicken at the next and eggs at the next meal. No matter what you do, consume at least your minimum protein requirement everyday.


    Try to sip on water constantly throughout the day. Water may be the most underrated piece of the bodybuilding puzzle. As we know, the body is made up of approximately 67% water. Water is desperately needed to cleanse the body and help to regenerate muscle cells. As a rule of thumb, try to consume at least one gallon of water per day.


    The first thing I tell my bodybuilding clients is to write down everything that goes into their body. Writing down what you eat is the only way to analyze any changes that need to be made for future progress. It is very hard to make changes in your diet if you don't know what time you eat, what kind of protein you eat and how many grams of protein, carbs, fats and calories you are ingesting. The more detailed your log is, the easier it will be for you to go back and analyze it.


    Yes you need carbohydrates in your body. The question becomes are all carbs created equal. The answer is no. Without getting into too much detail, simple carbs cause a high insulin spike because they have a high glycemic index. This is usually not a good thing when trying to keep fat off of your body. Simple carbs are basically your sugars, sweets and fruits. Try to stick to carbs like potatoes, rice and vegetables. The best time to consume simple carbs is within two hours after training. During this period your muscles are very receptive to simple sugars.


    Yes, you read that correctly. Fat is not always the enemy. There is nothing wrong with consuming moderate amounts of fat in your diet. In fact, research has shown that fat is essential to growth, recovery, skin and connective tissue. A good rule of thumb is to stay away from hydrogenated oils, "shelf oils" and vegetable oils. These are the fats found in potato chips and snacks. Also, limit your saturated fat intake to that which is found naturally in the protein you eat. Finally, make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of essential fatty acids in your diet. Try to add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your protein shakes or meals.


    What are you doing? You should be looking at the clock to see if it is time to eat again. As I stated earlier, eating is the key to your success or failure in the gym. Once you begin to gain more of an understanding of what your body's demands are, you will be able to customize a more intricate eating plan for yourself. For now, keep a detailed journal and watch your body change for the better

    Great Article Lion!!

    Thx for that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    im with the majority on this one. if your only 143lbs at that height your a bean pole. you either havent been lifting or havent been lifting right. i think it obvious that you havnt been eating right. you need to start eating good and really lifting hard. keep it up for a couple years and youll gain some weight. then in about 3 years if you have been workingout real hard then maybe you'll be ready to start taking roids. but right now im not going to tell you what steroids to take because i dont think you should be taken any. it would be a waste of money and time if you were to start now. if you dont eat and train right then your not going to grow. i dont care how much roids you take, without the proper training and diet you cant grow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    [QUOTE=Bennet87]I've been doing some research on steroids, pro hormones etc.. for the last few weeks. I have only just turned 18, and live in Australia (which poses as a problem due to certain laws i think?) I am approximately 6 foot, and weight about 65kg which is the equivilant to 143lbs. I would consider myself to be a good athlete. I would say I eat quite a lot, and i do a tremendous amount of exercise, so I never tend to put on any weight. Recent blood tests say I have a low iron intake, and they point out that I have a relatively high metabalism. Unfortunately, I very rarely go to the gym, but do Rugby, Swimming, Athletics etc.. instead.

    This is your problem - If you want to gain weight you HAVE to so to the gym on a regular basis and lift HEAVY, concentrate your workouts on SQAUTS, DEAD LIFTS and BENCH PRESS. imo I'd drop the rugby, swimming and athletics (or at least one of them) and EAT EAT EAT at least 4000 caloies a day and you WILL grow. If you've never really gone to the gym and lifted, I don't understand how you can't understant why you don't gain weight. And the comments about protein shakes and supplements not really doing anything aren't justified until you use them in conjunction with weight training.

    Best of luck, hope this helps, even though it's probably not what you wanted to hear!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    dirty to tallyho
    gr8 post lion i wish i would have read that when i first started working out years ago

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    For ages I was working out 3 times a week and not growing at all.

    Then I started eating properly.

    I've realised my whole lifestyle has changed in order to accomodate for my meal. But the gains are worth it.

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