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    MEMBERS please give input on our NILEVAR profile before we take posession.

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    This article was put to gether from Hooker.


    Here's my Nilevar Profile. Questions, Comments, or Concerns welcome....


    [17-alpha-ethyl-19-nor-4-androstene-3-one, 17b-ol]
    Molecular Weight: 302.4558
    Manufacturer: Searle
    Release date (in USA): 1956
    Effective dose: 20-40mgs/day
    Active life: 12-16 hours
    Anabolic /Androgenic ratio (range): 100-200/22-55

    Nilevar was one of the first oral AASs’ (Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid ) available in the United States. It was essentially Searle’s answer to Ciba’s Dianabol (Methandrostenolone ), which was released that same year. In fact, with respect to Nilivar’s effects on weight gain, anabolism, and water-retention, it is frequently compared to Dianabol. Seven years prior, to the release of Nilevar, the Mayo Clinic heralded the dramatic effectiveness of cortisone in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This in turn stimulated tremendous interest in all facets of steroid chemistry, endocrinology, and related fields. G. D. Searle & Co. promptly initiated a major effort in steroid research, with the objective of discovering better steroidal compounds than were previously available, and new steroids that could be used for conditions for which no other compounds were available. This effort resulted in the introduction of Norethandrolone, marketed in 1956 as Nilevar, the first anabolic agent with a favorable separation between protein building and virilization (which is the development of androgynous characteristics). (Steroids. 1992 Dec;57(12):624-30.) Paradoxically, in men, only weak androgenic effects are found (possibly because it is deactivated by 5-alpha-reductase, which we don’t need to delve into….just remember that in men, only mild androgenic effects are generally seen), though in women virilization is very common (for women this would mean developing male physiological characteristics: a deepening of the voice, the growth of extra body hair, and a tendency to leave the toilet seat up). I wouldn’t recommend this drug for use by female athletes, not only due to these side- effects but also due to some issues with infertility, which are also possible in females, though probably not with males.( J Reprod Fertil. 1966 Dec;12(3):489-99 & Contraception. 1975 Feb;11(2):193-207) . The anabolic effect of this drug is moderate, and this is probably due to its moderately strong binding to the Androgen Receptor (this makes it quite different from Dianabol, which has a poor binding to the Androgen Receptor) as well as it’s ability to stimulate protein synthesis (which it has in common with Dianabol) and stop protein catabolism (Lancet. 1958 Oct 25;2(7052):885-6).

    A quick look at the molecular structure of this drug tells us that it is a 19-nor steroid, which means that it could/should possess some of the same characteristics as Nandrolone , which is why it is often referred to as “Oral Deca ”. Although this is a gross oversimplification of this drug, it’s the easiest place to start when describing this compound. Norethandrolone, shares many characteristics with the injectable Nandrolones; it aromatizes and it is also a progestin. This means that it can convert to estrogen (since it aromatizes) and also fits into and stimulates the progesterone receptor (being a progestin)… And unfortunately, progestins fall into the category of being severely gonadotrophin suppressive compounds) (Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2003 Apr;58(4):506-12) . This means, very much like Nandrolone, that it can shut down your natural Testosterone production and HPTA (which is the term used to describe a whole hose of interdependent hormones and processes within your endocrine system). And it does all of this while also causing side effects such as gyno, acne, and water retention. If I were going to use Nilevar, I’d strongly consider having anti-progesteronic compounds on hand (preferably Bromocriptine which I’d take at a dose of 2.5mgs/day). On the positive side of being a 19-nor compound, it must be noted that you also can reap many of the positive effects of other such compounds including a relatively strong bind to the Androgen Receptor, which is positively correlated with lypolysis (fat-burning). (Xu X, et al. "The effects of androgens on the regulation of lipolysis in adipose precursor cells." Endocrinology 1990 Feb;126(2):1229 ). Although at first glance, I’d say that you should consider Nilevar as a “bulking” type of drug, I’m speculating that if you use something to keep the water-retention to a minimum while using this compound (for this purpose, Femera or possibly Arimidex would be my recommendation) , it can successfully be used in a cutting cycle. Users who experience joint pains may find similar relief with Nilevar as they would with Deca….sadly, though, as Nilevar is an oral steroid, it can’t be used for the same length of time as Deca, so it’s use for joint relief is probably contraindicated by possible issues with hepatoxicity (Liver Toxicity) stemming from its being 17 alpha-alkylated. On the bright side, since it is orally active and not estrified like the injectable 19-nor drugs (like Deca), it’s metabolites will most likely clear your body in much less time than with the injectables, the most common estimate being roughly 5 weeks. I’ll also speculate that a novel use for this drug may be in the middle/end portion of a heavy bulking or powerlifting cycle (which doesn’t include another 19-nor compound), when Nilevar can be used for a month or so when the heaviest lifting is involved, and the joint relief (and obviously the anabolic effect) it provides could allow the athlete to lift heavier than would normally be possible.

    Before we consider putting it in our next stack, it should be noted that this compound is rarely (if ever, anymore) counterfeited, and even more rarely seen on the black market. It’s not in high demand, but that doesn’t mean it’s not useful. Allegedly, Arthur Jones was very fond of putting his athletes on it (instead of the more popular Dianabol), and Bill Pearl almost certainly used it as his main bulking agent, and for an entire cycle (10mgs/day) before a Mr. Universe win, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Casey Viator and the Mentzer brothers dabbled in Nilevar. Based on what these guys looked like, I’d venture a guess that this drug was (and possibly still is) most commonly used for bulking, and by the larger powerlifters and other athletes not worried about staying in a particular weight class. Your best bet for finding this stuff is either through a source who has a “connection” at a local pharmacy, and you’ll probably be looking at a price of .20-.40 cents per 10mg tablet (it only comes in 10mg tablets). As I said, it’s not exactly readily available, so that could create a bit of a sellers market…on the other hand, since it’s not in high demand it could be a buyers market. In either case, I wouldn’t be thrilled with paying more than .25cents per tab.

    So lets see where that leaves us in terms of designing a cycle using Nilevar:
    We’d want to have a form of testosterone in our cycle, regardless of whether we’re going to use Nilevar to bulk up or to get cut….remember, Nilevar will probably reduce your natural testosterone levels to nothing. So lets say, to start off, we’re looking at using injectable testosterone at roughly 400-500mgs/week, to make sure that we replace the testosterone that we’re not going to produce naturally. In a bulking cycle we’d use a long ester testosterone (Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthenate), while in a cutting cycle we’d probably want to consider the use of a shorter ester (Testosterone Propionate is the most popular for cutting cycles, as anecdotally, it seems to produce less water retention). We’re going to avoid any form of injectable Nandrolone (Nandrolone Decanoate, Nandrolone Phenyl-propionate , etc…) as well as any form of Trenbolone , in this cycle, as we don’t want to stack 2 progestins together (and Nandrolone and Trenbolone, are both progestins). So that leaves us with a host of other drugs we can stack with our Nilevar and Testosterone. I’d suggest using Equipoise (Boldenone Undeclyenate) on a bulking cycle, at 400-600mgs. This will serve the dual purpose of keeping your red blood count high (which is important for anabolism) as well as keeping your appetite high. In a cutting cycle, I’d suggest the use of Masteron (Drostanolone), at 400-500mgs/week, probably injected with the same frequency as your Testosterone Propionate. Now, I’d probably suggest keeping Bromocriptine on hand, and using it if you start to hold too much water or develop gynocomastia….I’d say that 1.25mgs-2.5mgs/day is enough( which is going to prevent progesteronic side effects, as well as stimulate fat burning), and this recommendation is regardless of whether you choose to use Nilevar in a bulking or cutting cycle. We’re not going to use any other orals in this cycle, either, as we’ve already discussed Nilevar’s hepatoxic properties, and we don’t want to stress our livers unnecessarily. Unlike most orals, I’d suggest using Nilevar at 20-40mgs/day in the middle of either cycle, as opposed to the beginning, so that the bulk of your heavy lifting is done while you reap the benefits of the joint protection Nilevar provides. Here are our 2 cycles, the first for bulking, and the second for cutting:

    Week Testosterone EQ Nilevar
    (Cyp or Enanth)
    1 500mgs 600mgs
    2 500mgs 600mgs
    3 500mgs 600mgs
    4 500mgs 600mgs 40mgs
    5 500mgs 600mgs 40mgs
    6 500mgs 600mgs 40mgs
    7 500mgs 600mgs 40mgs
    8 500mgs 600mgs 40mgs
    9 500mgs 600mgs 40mgs
    10 500mgs 600mgs
    11 500mgs 600mgs
    12 500mgs 600mgs

    Week Testosterone Masteron Nilevar
    1 500mgs 400mgs
    2 500mgs 400mgs
    3 500mgs 400mgs
    4 500mgs 400mgs 40mgs
    5 500mgs 400mgs 40mgs
    6 500mgs 400mgs 40mgs
    7 500mgs 400mgs 40mgs
    8 500mgs 400mgs 40mgs
    9 500mgs 400mgs 40mgs
    10 500mgs 400mgs
    11 500mgs 400mgs
    12 500mgs 400mgs
    (Remember that both of these cycles should include Bromocriptine on hand, and it’s use at 1.25-2.5mgs/day, along with a proper Post Cycle Therapy upon cessation of the cycle.)
    (General information not specifically referenced was taken from Chemfinder, Pubmed/Medline,,, the World Anabolic Review, and Chemically Enhanced Muscle)

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    Any info that can and should be added to make this even better, please tell us.

    It is very exciting to see so many members participating in this project! Any input will only make our site that much better.

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  4. #4
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    on the dip rack.
    This article is from Cat at

    Effective dose: 20-40 mg / day
    Average Street-price: $2 for 10 tablets of 10 mg each
    Available Doses: 10 mg tabs

    Brands & Products:

    Searle Nilevar (FR, CH) 10 mg tabs
    Nilevar (o.c.) (US) 10 mg tabs


    This is supposedly one of the first steroids in circulation in bodybuilding circles. Its what Arthur Jones had Bill Pearl on in 1956, and it gave him a gain of 30 pounds to win the Universe that year. Not coincidentally 1956 was the release of Nilevar by Searle in the US. The same company that would later bring us Anavar (oxandrolone) which was a lot milder on the system and notably less toxic. Nilevar is rarely used these days.

    One could state, though not technically correct, that the substrate is an oral Deca preparation. It stems from the same base steroid (nortestosterone) and acts in a very similar fashion. It too is a potent stimulator of the androgen receptor, substantiated by its readiness to cause virilization in female users. Its likewise deactivated by the 5-alpha-reductase, which explains why in lower end doses its actually one of the mildest steroids, androgenically, in men. Norethandrolone is also a noted progestin and also aromatizes at some rate. This means, very much like nandrolone , that it can cause estrogenic side-effects with small amounts of circulating estrogen thanks to the estrogen-agonizing properties of the progestagenic activity.

    It's basically nandrolone every step of the way, just slightly weaker androgenically and a little more potent estrogenically. The gains will be bulky due to high water retention, a lubrication of the joints is noted because of this. Nortestosterone metabolites such as norandrosterone can be detected quite long after use in tests, again due to high amounts of esterification in the adipose tissue, so norethandrolone should not be used by drug-tested athletes.

    When 30-40 mg are used, good gains in strength can be maintained as well as decent size gains, but they aren't particularly easy to maintain due to the suppressive effect norethandrolone has on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA).

    Unlike nandrolone, one thing should be noted. Norethandrolone is a 17-alpha-alkylated compound. This gives it two distinct differences from the parent compound. The first being that its not esterified rapidly. So while detection of metabolites can be seen a long time after last use, its not quite as long as you would notice with nandrolone. The second is that it has a certain degree of hepatoxicity. That means you probably wouldn't use Nilevar as a base compound for stacking like you would Deca. Its use should be limited to 4-6 weeks and no longer, and regular checks of liver values are recommended just to be on the safe side. Liver values should restore rapidly after cessation of use. Use of the compound is usually accompanied by headaches, gastro-intestinal discomfort and high blood pressure.

    Unlike Anavar, which was Searle's reply to the high rate of side-effects with norethandrolone, Nilevar is very readily available and isn't expensive at all. Probably because not many athletes consider using it anymore. Its most used in the higher weight classes of weight-lifting competitions. And with great success I might add. Powerlifters are also very fond of it. But due to the high rate of side-effects, the limited use and the bulky results, Nilevar is mostly passed up for more effective compounds in bodybuilding circles. Its progestagenic activity also makes a lot of people weary of stacking it for bulking purpose with other compounds that may aromatize, as this heightens the risk of estrogen related side-effects.

    Stacking and Use:

    Nilevar is a moderately anabolic oral 17-alpha alkylated steroid. Its alkylated with an ethyl group rather than a methyl group, as is commonly done. Its hepatoxicity is well-established, though not quite at the level of anadrol or Halotestin . But nonetheless you want to refrain from using it for long periods of time. Using 20-40 mg a day seems to be the proper use. There is no need to split doses up. In fact it may not even be necessary to take it every day, since nandrolone interacts very well with esterase and stores well in the adipose tissue. Mind you, norethandrolone's effect in this matter is strongly reduced as opposed to a nandrolone ester due to its ethyl group. But single daily dose seems to make most sense.

    The best stacking opportunities are analog to those of nandrolone esters, meaning aromatizable steroids such as testosterone , dianabol or anadrol. The orals make most sense since they would be used for a similar period of time as the Nilevar. There is of course the hazard of stacking norethandrolone and oxymetholone, both steroids that cause estrogenic build-up. In this case the stacking with an anti-aromatase AND a receptor antagonist would be highly advised, as well as adding in some Stanazolol. But 30-40 mg of Nilevar with 30-40 mg of methandrostenolone or 50-100 mg of anadrol would deliver very positive results. Methyltestosterone at 30-40 mg might make a pretty good match for some real bulk as well. The danger of stacking 17AA orals of course is a very real increase in liver toxicity.

    The use of secondary drugs is highly advised with Nilevar, especially when stacked with the four aforementioned substances. Using Nolvadex throughout the stack at about 20-30 mg every day seems to be the best way to go. And adding in some arimidex (0.5 mg ed) or Proviron (50-100 mg ed) seems cautious as well, especially with dianabol or methyltestosterone. Post-cycle use of clomid or Nolvadex should be encouraged and maintained for 3-4 weeks with tapering doses between 50 and 25 mg. Nolvadex being the preferred compound over clomid due to its higher affinity for the estrogen receptor.

  5. #5
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    from http://www.welshamateurbodybuilding....var%20Page.htm

    This is an oral steroid which is a derivative of nortesterone. It is interesting that Nilevar is produced by the same manufacturer who also introduced the well-known Anavar to the U.S. market. Nilevar, which was already sold in American pharmacies in 1956, was a precursor of Anavar which was introduced to the market in 1964 by Searle USA. It has since been voluntarily removed from the mar-ket. Thus it is not surprising that Nilevar has certain similarities to Anavar or Oxandrolone. 11ke Oxandrolone it has only a weak anabolic effect, whereas the androgenic component is distinctly stronger. Nilevar, even in low dosages, aromatizes easily so that the in-creased estrogen level could become a problem. The main effect of Nilevar, in part, is a considerable strength gain. This gain often goes hand in hand with a distinct water retention, especially if high dosages are taken, which also explains the gain in body weight of its users. The manufacturer of the French and Swiss Nilevar recommends a daily dose of 10-30 mg. Athletes using Nilevar-usually power lifters-take 30-40 mg/day, divided into two to three equal dosages. it is mostly used for a short period, a maximum of 4-6 weeks. Women should not take Nilevar since it can cause considerable virilization symptoms. Nilevar is I 7-alpha alkylated and there-fore potentially hepatoxic which put-, stress on the liver. Other possible side effects are acne, gynaecomastia, aggressiveness, headaches, gastrointestinal pain, reduced production of the body's own hormones and high blood pressure. A package of thirty 10 mg tablets costs approx. $4 in the pharmacy. Because of its price it is an interesting compound, yet Nilevar is rarely used by bodybuilders in Europe since other steroids are readily available.

  6. #6
    system admin is offline Owner
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    I dont see any similarity in the two????

  7. #7
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    Nilevar : (norethandrolone) 10mg/tab 100/bottle
    This is a very androgenic steroid . It is used for size and strength, and for some it is quite effective. Unfortunately this drug is very toxic and aromatises easily. Many users reported heavy water retention (edema) while taking Nilevar. Dosage of 30mg to 40mg daily are suspected average. This drug is very rarely seen on the market

  8. #8
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    on the dip rack.
    i didnt really read through them, only the last, but if there are any copywrite issues or problems, they should be in those articles, as those articles are the only ones you will be able to find on the net on nilevar .

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  11. #11
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    nilevar is mispelled "nilivar" in the third sentence.

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