Will 1mg/ed of Finasteride be enough for Prostate protection.. what are some of the symptoms of Enlargement? Cause right now I'm just having weird pains down there and I remember reading that is a symptom. Help a brother out..
Will 1mg/ed of Finasteride be enough for Prostate protection.. what are some of the symptoms of Enlargement? Cause right now I'm just having weird pains down there and I remember reading that is a symptom. Help a brother out..
feel like you have to pee when you dont, or can't pee as easily as before.Originally Posted by dieseL atC
Will 1mg/ed of Finasteride be enough to protect the prostate? Right now I am running 90mg Prop/ED.. just started 4 days ago.
difficulty urinating,weak stream, burning sensation, dull ache be carefull with this I got it from a cycle and have to live with it for the rest of my life and im only 20.
Look into beta sitosterol its a plant sterol that reduces the pain and swelling of the prostate and releives the symptoms. run a search on the net you can find it for as low as 6 bucks a bottle 300mg in morning/evening does the trick and its cheap so the more protection the better.
scentists have found out that it is actually a combo of to much DHT and estro but mainly the abundance of estro that enlarges the prostate.DHT mainly just irratating the existing condition so keep the estro in check also
Thanks guys, bump..
Need more info fellas.. help a brother out.
1mg IMHO will not be enough. Proscar (5mg finasteride) is what I take b/c I get enlarged prostate while on. It feels like I'm sitting on something. When I sneeze it aches. It can also feel weird when ejaculating.
I just got my Rx renewed yesterday. I have been on it for juyst over 6 months and I have noticed a big difference. My Dr made sure I was on it for a while...b/c it can take a while to help reduce the prostate. My Dr, Urologist, and their website all say 6 months until fully working and the prostate is reduced.
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