Is this a good idea- run anadrol and test prop. for 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Repeat this for a bout 3 cycles
Is this a good idea- run anadrol and test prop. for 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Repeat this for a bout 3 cycles
no? why not?? whats up with that idea?? i like it, i am a big fan of short esters and orals mixed in short cycles, I would say you can gain some good weight doing that however just watch for the constant use of drol and liver sides, maybe have your blood work done on the 3rd week off in between each one, check liver and kidney values and ldl and hdl levels. It also depends on your experience, maybe you can alternate, dbol/prop drol/prop and for the last one to harden up winnie/prop or var/prop/tren ace something like that. You would need to watch your diet though and plan it out carefully stick to your plan
Thanks for the advice
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