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Thread: Novice Cycles???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Novice Cycles???

    I was wondering if the Novice Cycles on the home pages are the best to go with if you are a beginner. I have worked out for a few years now. I am a very hard gainner. My dad was 5'11 145lbs when he was 35, skinny as hell, so it's in my genes. Putting on weight is very hard for me. I live at a University Dorm so all my meals are cooked for me, I eat good. Right know I weight about 160 and I am 5 '11, 22 years old. I'm not totally sure what would be the best cycle for me to start with. If anyone could help that would be great..Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    look around the educational threads and read up you dont want to just jump into doing steroids if you dont have a full understanding of them

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Originally Posted by SKiN
    Stats? Age?
    You can make some real good gains running test alone. Im guessing your test is 250mg/ml. I think 250mg is fine for a beginners first cycle but most here will say bump it up to 500... Either way run it like this..

    Test 250mg 1-10wks
    Dbol 35mg ed 1-4wks
    Nolva 10mg ED
    Pct w/ 20mg ed

    Shoot every 3.5 days, mon thurs ex.
    You can throw dbol in there to jump start it.. I would...

    This is a good one that skin just posted.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I've done my homework. I know alot about this sortta thing but reading from a book and getting info people who have experenced is two different things.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    ok i was just makin sure bro then the cycle posted by getinbig is a good one

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by getinbig
    Originally Posted by SKiN
    Stats? Age?
    You can make some real good gains running test alone. Im guessing your test is 250mg/ml. I think 250mg is fine for a beginners first cycle but most here will say bump it up to 500... Either way run it like this..

    Test 250mg 1-10wks
    Dbol 35mg ed 1-4wks
    Nolva 10mg ED
    Pct w/ 20mg ed

    Shoot every 3.5 days, mon thurs ex.
    You can throw dbol in there to jump start it.. I would...

    This is a good one that skin just posted.
    couldn't say it much better, i would say 500 a week and but i wouldn't even do the d-bol until you see how your body reacts with test alone also make sure you have some clomid for you PCT

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

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