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Thread: Deca/Sustanon250/Anabol Cycle

  1. #1

    Deca/Sustanon250/Anabol Cycle

    Hello all, I have got the following items coming to me and was wondering what the best cycle was in order to achieve maximum gains:

    21 Vials of Deca-Durabolin (100mgx1ml)

    x2 Bottles of Sustanon 250 (2500mg bottles)

    I have 1000 Thai Anabol too.

    What would be a good mass cycle for the above and what would be the frequency of injection per week so I dont get oil build ups etc. Could I take 3 vials of Deca in one go and the Sustanon on another day?

    Thanks very much for any help offered.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Whats your cycle history and stats?

  3. #3

    Deca/Sustanon250/Anabol Cycle

    Hello and thanks for the reply.

    I have previously taken Thai Anabol and Sustanon 250 at 250mg a week. I was taking about 30mg of Anabol per day and got some good gains in the chest and shoulder area for some reason.

    I weigh in at around 14 stone (god knows how many pounds that is). Not sure whether to take the Anabol so open to suggestions re: just Sustanon and Deca. Any help much appreciated.

    How much could you gain with just Deca and Sustanon?

  4. #4
    u should take sust at around 500mg a a week and it should be shot eod,but i guess u could do it twice a week ie... tues fri.
    also u could mix ur deca with it,but u should take 400mg of deca a week also,could also run 10 mg of nolva all way through cycle and then dont forget ur pct...... clomid etc.

    also theres 14lb to one stone ..

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