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  1. #1
    MorMass is offline New Member
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    Feb 2002

    Is now too soon?

    Question #1

    I am toward the end of bulking cycle (8weeks). I've gained 22 lbs. (started at 208 & now am 230...though not quite sure how much is fat and water)so far and would like to try to squeeze out 5 more, but I'm ready to start shedding this layer of hibernation fat. I'm going for 4 more weeks on my current enanthate , deca cycle & am throwing winstrol @ 50mg ed starting in 2 weeks (week 10) and running through week 14 (suspend the bulking stack at week 12). Will dieting and cardio hinder any more gains or can I conceivable gain a little more muscle while cutting? ( to tell the truth I am getting a little tired of eating this much).

    Question #2
    Also...when I came off of the d-bol(mid-cycle)I lost a little strength and weight. I would have liked to have ran the d-bol the entire time, but didn't want to raise liver values any higher than they were. Since d-bol produces mainly water gains does it have any other positive values than as a cycle starter or could I throw it in the mornings at the end of cycle? I read on one of the posts here that you can use an oral steroid in the mornings during post A.S therapy to keep gains while your body adjusts and begins to produce it own test. The idea behind this is, that if there is not an around the clock high androgen level and if they are only high in the mornings there is very little or no suppression. Who agrees with this? Would you use d-bol for this or continue w/ winstrol or would you stop all use completely w/ no "bridging"?

    Question #3
    I started taking nolvadex (only 10 mg. a day) when I stopped D-bol, because that the average concensus on the board to throw in anti-e's around week 4-5 for the duration. I never have had any signs of gyno
    or any other major estrogen related side-effects. As a matter of fact I don't lose hair or break out very bad other than the occasional. Do I need to continue the Nolv's anyway or if I stop will I have an estrogen overload? If I throw in some proviron or arimidex will the aromatizing stop and the existing estrogen die? What is the half life of estrogen? I'm mainly afraid that I am hindering my gains since the nolvadex fights for the receptor possibly making it harder to receive the full benefits of all this money I spent!

    Brothers it's alot but I've been thinking for awhile. And I know that you guys are "smarter than the average bear".

    Please forgive if I crossed into other topics other than this forum area.

  2. #2
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    how old r u?

  3. #3
    BIG ZEUS is offline New Member
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    ontario, Canada
    i dont see a problem in taking another 5 pounds in that much time...i doint understand why you would start cutting while you are still on your cycle?!?!?!?...dont bulk and cut on a cycle..its one or the other....bulk through out all of the cycle..wait a few weeks then cut.....but dont waste the last weeks of a cycle to cut Bro...

    .you are wasting those last weeks if you cut......just my opinion....... and you have lots of time till summer.... don't go jumpin' the gun Bro

  4. #4
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    q1: 20 minutes of cardio shouldn't burn muscle. 20mins 4 or 5 times a week and cutting carbs should get some water off and get you looking better.

  5. #5
    MorMass is offline New Member
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    Feb 2002
    I'm 28, 6'1" . I didn't want to cut at the beginning but now I feel bloated and my muscles look big but not refined. I know that I have a while to summer but my pants fit a whole lot tighter than I can stand. Plus I'm a business owner & at this point of my business I do very little physical work. So between 4000 cals. a day and not being very active I have had time to rest betwwen work outs but maybe a little too much.

    If you guys think that I should wait until next cycle to cut then fine, but please give me some basis. I have heard many times that a cycle of winstrol at the end can help to solidify gains.

    I think that I will start some cardio now nevertheless to at least slim down a little.

    Any opinions on the bridging stated above?

    Thanks one and all!

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