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Thread: Drinking while juicing
10-04-2004, 10:20 AM #1
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Drinking while juicing
Is it ok to drink while on a cycle? I like to go out on weekends and i usually have 3-4 drinks on a weekend night. I did my first cycle like this and did not see any negative affects. Does drinking 2 nights a week effect the results of a cycle?
10-04-2004, 10:41 AM #2
bro, do a search. there are countless posts on this topic. i personally will get smashed occasionally while on cycle, but i try to keep it to an absolute minimum. some say that the dehidration will hamper the nutrients needed to build muscle. the only thing that effects me is i dont feel like working out the next day.
10-04-2004, 10:45 AM #3
10-04-2004, 10:52 AM #4
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yeah dude i also hear lots more chances of bad sides such as gyno due to more estrogen release while drinking keep it to a minimum i personally dont drink at all while on cycle.
10-04-2004, 11:06 AM #5
^^ LOL, your kidding right?
10-04-2004, 11:09 AM #6
I, like most people, say NO drinking on cycle. But like BLT said, it depends. Definitely limit your alcohol (preferably none) if you are taking 17aa aas or prohormone, which are already very toxic to your liver
10-04-2004, 11:11 AM #7
i usually drink while on but afeter this weekend i have noticed it does hinder gains because the next day your not as sharp and appaitite is down. but the biggest effect it has on me is the dehydation it just ruins me while on a cycle. i say keep it to a bare minium or not at all
10-04-2004, 11:26 AM #8
Be careful especially with orals. Alcohol and oral steroids are a really bad combo. Separate from the effects that it may have on your workouts, or gains, you're stressing your liver more than you need to. Best just to stay away from the alcohol. If you can't keep from drinking right now, maybe you should wait on the cycle till you can.
10-04-2004, 12:19 PM #9
alcohol lowers test levels..... nuff said
10-04-2004, 01:02 PM #10
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unwise, whether with oral or not.
liver strain is the main considered issue... however alcohol also upregulates aromatase production.
10-04-2004, 01:03 PM #11
Originally Posted by w_rballs
10-04-2004, 01:44 PM #12
Originally Posted by joevette
no it isnt gonna take it out of your blood, but check out macrophage69alpha post above. that shows it lowers test
10-04-2004, 02:09 PM #13
i didnt have a drop during my first cycle. I recently started my second (prop/tren ). This weekend i decided to try ONE drink (saphire and tonic) while on a date. After which, I had a pain in my side (assuming kidneys) that was so bad nothing could touch it. I drank a gallon of water when i got home and took 800 mg of motrin and that didnt even dent the pain. Now it's almost 3 days later and the pain is still slightly there. So anyway, the moral of the story is....I'm not gonna drink on cycle again, it just isnt worth it. Plus, you only get out of a cycle what your willing to put in as far as dedication (training, eating, sleeping) why not apply yourself 100% and just give it up!!!
10-04-2004, 04:14 PM #14
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ok thankyou for you opinions. I guess i will keep to a min. I am just taking prop and deca .
10-04-2004, 04:22 PM #15
10-04-2004, 04:27 PM #16
drink bro! live man. but have your limits and drinks tones of water and mentally get yourself ready next day to eat and workout like you always do. the next day can not be lazyday if you know what I mean.
10-04-2004, 04:37 PM #17
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i just have a few beers like maybe three im not really a drinker and i have not really noticed any problems but i try still not to even have any beer .
10-04-2004, 04:44 PM #18
The herb hops which is in every beer has been proven to lower test levels. Alcohol deteriorates muscle tissue and dehydrates you. Muscles need oxygen to grow, alcohol thins the oxygen in the blood, hence why you get a buzz, less oxygen to the brain. Its your body and your money. IMO if I am going to spend ANY amount of money on juice I am going to make sure I get the most I can out of it.
10-04-2004, 04:46 PM #19
Just don't do it, you can sacrifice for the time your on. Juice and alchool dont mix bro...
10-04-2004, 04:49 PM #20
Originally Posted by Hugh-Hefner's-Son
10-04-2004, 05:00 PM #21
I unfortunately do have a dring here and there while on a cycle. Everything the other members say is true but its your body. I do keep my drinking to an absolute minimum but your only human and sometimes the most prepaired give in to peer pressure. JUST KEEP IT TO AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM
10-04-2004, 06:39 PM #22
im in college so imagine how hard it must be. i only go drinking about once a week at most. its your investment....get every penny out of it
10-04-2004, 07:01 PM #23
let me use my common sense, after ...............NO is not good but you can try it.
10-05-2004, 09:01 AM #24
Originally Posted by 2timer
dont listen to this moron!
plain and simple we have givinen u all the adverse oaffects of drinking on a cycle.... but if u are dumb enough to do it, go ahead, but i hope it is worth the gains u will be losing cause of it
10-05-2004, 10:00 AM #25
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You should not be drinking or doing any other recreational drugs at all while you are on. Saying that you should not even be using any kind of steroids at all. Its people like you that draw bad attention to Steroids because you are to $ucking lazy to do some research. Just stay home and drink your couple of beers and get fat, oh yea dont forget about your bad kidneys. Good Luck
10-05-2004, 06:08 PM #26
Having a cople beers here or there isnt gonna hinder gains much if at all. Just dont over do it. I am talking like a couple drinks(2-3) every 10 -15 days or so.Look at Chris Cormier........
10-05-2004, 06:24 PM #27
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blkplys, fall back, i asked a simple question and Im happy with the responces everybody gave me, but yours was on some other **** talking about being lazy and not using steroids at all. Just calm down.
10-05-2004, 06:41 PM #28
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Wow another beer thread. It was already said drinking affects test levels and can increase estrogen by limiting the liver to convert and lowering zinc levels. Zinc is kinda like a AI blocking the aromatization of test to estrogen and is important for test production under non aas use. Of course you will not notice a few drinks but your liver and p450 system does. And while on aas this is critical and one more point alcohol increases b/p and dehydrates you something you do not want..
10-06-2004, 02:33 PM #29
I have dranked on weekends and I have gained on cycle 25lb to 30lbs on 350mg of test only and I was using stimulants and running lika bitch. just think I wasn't doing cardio or stimulants or t-3? if you are telling me drinking once a week is going to hinder your gains you just not educated! you go and inject your ass 1000's of mgs of roids and you gain like 15-20lbs and you call yourself expert. don't call me a moron. the guy is college or atleast around and eveyone drinks. it is hard to not to drink. enjoy your college life and and if you think you can't do both lifes roids and drinking then give up one. you only get one crack at college this is the best time of your life then it is working and working you won't have anytime. I have done it both and I am the biggest strongest and rippest guy in gym always. just have limits and mental prepration that is all. sorry a little pissed for calling me a moron. alcohol is not the biggest enemy of bodybuilding!
10-07-2004, 09:02 AM #30
Ok guys, we're reaching about a 9 on the ole tension scale here... I think that 2timer and blkplys have good points, and they go back to what I've said in the past. If you choose to do AS then you take on the responsibility of doing them CORRECTLY! People need to choose whether they want to party every night or get on the gear, you just can't have both. Having said that a drink once in a blue moon won't hurt. (everything in moderation)
I agree though, if you can't get around drinking 3 nights a week, then maybe you should hold off on the cycle for a little while.
10-07-2004, 05:14 PM #31
Originally Posted by 2timer
first bro, its called bloat that u gained, i find it rather tough to swallow that u gained that much off of so little? maybe off of 350mg test 600eq and 400deca.
second yes he is in college, but if he cant abstain from not drinking then he isnt ready to juice. maybe u think jucing is no big deal, but for a ton of people here it is something major, i know i use to drink while on cycle, but that changed quickly. no if i plan on drinking i dont plan on cyclying. i go to the bars with my girl 3 nights a week and u konw what........ all i have it water
10-07-2004, 06:05 PM #32
Originally Posted by w_rballs
10-08-2004, 11:23 AM #33
who said drinking is good on cycle? you are just not funny buddy . I just said it is not the worst think that is all. drinking is unhealthy period. and regards to test 350lbs I went from 190lbs to 217lbs and I stayed at 213lbs about before cutting. yes little dosage can make you grow too. it is how you workout and what you eat and maybe drugs just work with me good. and as far as steroids not being serious. steroid are the most important thing to me when I am on it. I take quit seriously. everytime I am on it. I feel like I am hurting my body everytime mentally it is hard. trust me, it is not that easy for me.
10-08-2004, 11:28 AM #34
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cycle help
I have two bottles of deca and two bottles of test 200 I have been pyramiding these for the past two weeks. I am now being told to drop the pyramid and give 500mg a week of test and 400 mg a week of deca. Is this right. Also should I be spliting these injection into two shots each a week.
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