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Thread: The Newbie tried to kill me!

  1. #1

    The Newbie tried to kill me!

    Originally posted by D00fy
    arimidex helps with water retention .25 ed or .5 eod novadex will hinder gains if u take throughout your cycle,recommend takin when u notice symptoms of gyno start of at 40mg until symptoms go away and 20mg until end of cycle

    Hey newbie, where did you get that information? I did what you said and it almost killed me! Did you verify it somewhere or just repeat something that sounded good to you?

  2. #2
    Just f'n with ya!

  3. #3
    Point is, you shouldn't post something as a mater of fact unless you know for a fact. I see it way too much. Plus, I like the newbie.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    yep its D00fy Da Newbie

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    In the gym..........
    What did you almost die of?? " Water retention "

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Stockholm, Sweden
    I don't get it. You can't get aas info anywhere else, is that what you are saying? If you dont have a certain number of post you are not allowed to give advice? Don't get me wrong this is a great site but it's not the only one.

    Either way your reg date says: Feb 2002. Maybe you changed user name or whatever....

    Very confusing, feel free to set me straight if I have misunderstood something.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    BB....I think what Metheuseleah means is this, when a member asks for information they expect to get accurate information from either a person with experience, a person with vast knowledge of AAS or a person who has done/used the exact same thing/stack that they are asking about. In this particular case D00fy was correct, BUT he is a 19 year old kid who is has never used and is smack dab in the midle of researching himself (research is good). No flame D00fy but I would NEVER take anything you say as gospel (at least not at this stage). I've said this before and I'll say it again, if you ABSOLUTELY know an answer, go ahead and post it, BUT....PLEASE preface your answer with "I'm new myself and my research has indicated...." or " I asked that same question and the answer I was given was..." That way the member looking for the info HAS a starting point and can either go ahead or reseach further. If I were asking a question and TNT, Juice Junkie, eye_candy, Big_Guns_21, IG, Kiser_soce, Big Kev, Ranger, CYCLEON, The original jason or Mike search would be over BUT this is serious and I always double check anybody elses answers....I suggest we all do the same.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    hey DOOfy
    you didnt by any chance go under the user name AMAF at elite did ya?.................

    just kiddin bro...........

    peace bb79

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Big_Brick
    I don't get it. You can't get aas info anywhere else, is that what you are saying? If you dont have a certain number of post you are not allowed to give advice? Don't get me wrong this is a great site but it's not the only one.

    Either way your reg date says: Feb 2002. Maybe you changed user name or whatever....

    Very confusing, feel free to set me straight if I have misunderstood something.
    1.) You can get information on AAS anywhere. The boards are only a good source when someone takes the time to research and post factual clinical information. The medical/clinical information is the best. Actual experience is great also if not better. Take a look at some of my posts that are backed up with medical information, the vets and mods usually post with supporting information and so do a ton of the other senior members.

    2.) This board is nothing more than a data base that anyone can querry. There is no need to repeat gossip. Perhaps find a good thread and post the link.

    3.) The number of posts that a member makes is not a measure of the members credibility, it's the content of the post that counts. You should not give advice that is based on something that you read on the board. Advice is something that other members may follow; it should be based on experience or substantiated data.

    4.) I see alot of post that say, "You should do this and take xxmg eod". I rarely see the next paragraph that says, "And here's why...". And, "here is credible text that you can reference".

    5.) I like the newbie. He's a 19 year old jr. bro with a heart of gold. He is tenacious about learning and has a lot of potential. He is one of the few, if not the only that got flamed in a big way and was a big enough man to accept the humiliation and be the kind of member we want in this cyber family. Teaching him to be credible is my pleasure. Keep your eye on him, although he is not old enough to do AAS yet himself, he will take the time to study and will contribute greatly to the rest of us while he's waiting for his next birthdays to pass. Take a look at how he was flamed and how he responded, he's a big man. So, I like to f*ck with him. He's sort of the AR mascot in my eyes.

    p.s. Pete235 gets it, so does Diesel. Read their posts.
    Last edited by Methuselah; 03-09-2002 at 08:01 AM.

  11. #11
    Unfortunately when alot of us started using we did not have this internet advantage. Many of us had to learn by either making trips to the library, talking with other local users or by trail and error. Sometimes I think that the board make it to easy to access information, but I find myself learning more and more everyday because of it. I agree with Pete, when your posting a reply, state how you have obtained the information, have asked the same question, learned from experience, read it in a book etc... We are all here to learn, and even if a mod or a vet post a reply, dont take that one answer as gospel, not that they are not trustworthy or knowledgable, because they are. Compile several answers and if many of them seem similiar than you've more likely than not found the correct answer.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by sk*
    I might get bitched at for this, but here's my take on it. Believe it or not the mods berely post, not just on this board but all the boards. Once a board starts they are all over every single post, but after some time they get bored and stop posting. I am not blaming them or anything, we all have lives and the mods don't get payed, but that isn't the point. We all have to recieve the information, and most likely if a "newbie" asks a question and one of the members gives a false answer then other members will correct him. Questions like nolvadex dosage and what to stack with what are something all the regular members see everyday, you don't need a "mod" to answer it.

    There is, ofcourse, the wonderful search button they can use, but everyone seems to forget its location.
    Bro that is an unfair comment most of the mods have a family,work,and also mod/post on other boards.Despite popular belief we do not get paid for offering a little bit of info and we pay for our own time on the internet.You are however correct i see no problem with members offering advice as more often than not a mod/vet will reply to it if the advice is wrong.I read most of the posts here but I can't reply to everyone !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Methuselah

    So, I like to f*ck with him. He's sort of the AR mascot in my eyes.

    Geeeesh, I thought that was my role here at AR....

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