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Thread: Hi every one, I would really appreciate some help (1st cycle). Thanks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Talking Hi every one, I would really appreciate some help (1st cycle). Thanks

    Hi all, gr8 place, looking to learn and eventually contribute, unfortunatly my ADHD is getting the worse of me and Im struggling with all the info. If you can provide an honest opinion which I shall view as that id really appreciate it. Im 20, am 6ft, and weigh a meer 10.5st, have been bed ridden from M.E and depression for months. I am a fitness freek and have lost 1.5st, it hurts mentally. I feel non existant. Im getting myself fit again so my body has a strong base prior to my cycle. Just need some advice taking into account I can only use pill form, what would be a suitable cycle at my age taking into account i have no body fat, dont put fat on, am always defined. I mainly want something to encourage mass at pressent (dianabol perhaps) and wondered if i could cut prior to the end (winstrol perhaps). What are your suggestions on QTY's, Types, when and for how long. Also ive been given many mixed opinions on clomid use and nov. Please help me, its taken me an hour to write this and im struggling concerntrating reading endless varying documents, half written cycles by scamers. Thanks guys, Tom

    P.S, Think i have legit supplies, im in the uk and am allowed to import for percies. Any suggestions, I cant afford to be stitched. Thanks again and take it eazy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    dude orals are a big limit to a cycle. why? orals are hard on the liver therefore you are limit to 6 weeks some push 8 weeks, lots of water and milk thistle to aid the liver.
    1-6 d-bol 30mg ED
    1-6 Andriol 1 ED
    1-6 Winny 50mg ED
    Milk thistle 1000mg ED (thats 5 caps)
    eat twice your body weight in protein and 3 time in carbs daily. thats as safe as I can suggest.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    why only orals?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    bump for someone to help him

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    If you must do a pill based cycle, use anavar and throw all the other stuff in the closet for later or you will be looking at a lot of side effects.

  6. #6
    you probably shouldnt do aas if you have been bed ridden because of depression, because say if you take dbol u will feel like a million bucks but when u come off u wont feel like that nomore and chances are you will end up right where u started from. what you should do is look in the diet forum for some advise and also hit up some weight gainer shakes. hope i helped

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    hey thanks guys, only reason for no needles if my girl friend, i respect her, (ish) but its my body, will concider stabin instead, would you suggest a perticular cycle? I have 15.% fat, am 6ft and want to assist mass but keep in tone, snsnew;

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    thanks again, Mithical

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    was thinking of 35mgs of dbol for 4 weeks and switching to 35mgs of winstrol for 3 weeks at the end. Ive been an ex heavy user of cocaine mdma since 16 etc and my liver is all sweet, Id rather strain my liver busting weights than getting high, if i look after my self id hope not to have a problem. I just wanna get back up to around the 12 stone mark, i always begin to plateau around 11.25st no matter what i eat and do to for training. Do you recon this would be safe? THANKS PEEPS

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'd not recommend an oral only - shots are actually way less hassle than you'd think - for example with test E you can get away with 1 shot a week as opposed to an oral which would probably involve taking tabs 2 to 4 times a day.....which turns out to be way more conspicuous if thats what you're worried about....

    If you're set on doing an oral only then I'd say Anavar is the best bet - I've done Var only cycles & they do work & aren't too bad in terms of sides......but var is very expensive & only does its best work when you have a low BF. Also it's way bettter if you stack it with test. ( My fave is.. 400mg Test E EW + 50mg Var ED )

    However seeing as you have had more LBM in the past I'd train natrually for a bit so you're back up to speed with your lifting & diet - then look into AS.......
    Taking AS without training & eating properly will just be an expensive way to get fat / tits / no nuts etc....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Kewl, sound advice, much appreciated, just need to find the most suitable cycle, keep lifting and eating prior to my start. Anyone have an ideal first cycle regardless of admission type. Thanks again, hope to learn enough to give back to this community, Bye bye.

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