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Thread: Smoking Cigarettes on AAS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States

    Smoking Cigarettes on AAS

    I have a buddy who just started a Test only cycle. I told him that he had to quit smoking before he went on it due to estrogen problems. He has been off the smokes for a couple weeks now. He is having withdrawls and keeps asking me if he can use a nicotine patch to cure his cravings. I have heard of increased estrogen levels if you smoke but he thinks that maybe its the other millions of chemicals in cigs that cause that not the nicotine. Any advise I can tell him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    well i smoked on cycle and used the nicotine gum on cycle. the nicotine gum helps a lot to curve the cravings. i didnt use nolva the whole cycle at 600mg/week test and i didnt have ne signs of gyno. that doesnt mean nicotine doesnt raise estrogene levels (although ive never heard this) but in my experience it dont cause me to get gyno or other estrogen related problems

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I quit smoking 4 years ago and it took 2 years for the cravings to go. If he's already made 2 weeks (which were the all time worst for me), he's best to stick it out. The patch will only extend his cravings.... imo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04
    I have a buddy who just started a Test only cycle. I told him that he had to quit smoking before he went on it due to estrogen problems. He has been off the smokes for a couple weeks now. He is having withdrawls and keeps asking me if he can use a nicotine patch to cure his cravings. I have heard of increased estrogen levels if you smoke but he thinks that maybe its the other millions of chemicals in cigs that cause that not the nicotine. Any advise I can tell him.

    You're thinking of the estrogenic effects from smoking MARIJUANA. There's no evidence that smoking effects your T or E levels.

    That being said, it really hurts your training. Recovery, intensity, and desire/drive all suffered greatly when I smoked.

    For God's sake get him on the patch. The niccotine itself isn't much worse for you than caffeinie. Makes quitting 10x easier as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I think what he's sying is it OK to go on the patch while on a cycle?? IMO, dont know if its safe or not but I would do the patch...

    Im sure hegot past the part about steriods being safe or not and now hes on it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States
    I could have been confused about the marijuana or cigarette estrogen situation. I'll have to look back. I tell him to use the patch if he really needs to.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bigboi83, Veda guerra has the best ass

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    I agree with JoeB, the patches only prolong the suffering and don't solve anything - the addiction is still there. Its all down to mental attitude, just make a decision and stop. It shouldn't be a problem if you have willpower, the cravings are hyped up so much by all the adverts on TV that the moment you extinguish 'the last one' you're just waiting for these mad cravings to kick in - its all BS. When I gave up if I so much as thought about having a cigarette I would think about how pathetically weak I was for needing one and how much I would hate myself if I caved in - worked for me. Tell your buddy to man up and just quit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I agree with JoeB, the patches only prolong the suffering and don't solve anything - the addiction is still there. Its all down to mental attitude, just make a decision and stop. It shouldn't be a problem if you have willpower, the cravings are hyped up so much by all the adverts on TV that the moment you extinguish 'the last one' you're just waiting for these mad cravings to kick in - its all BS. When I gave up if I so much as thought about having a cigarette I would think about how pathetically weak I was for needing one and how much I would hate myself if I caved in - worked for me. Tell your buddy to man up and just quit.
    Niccotine is both physically and phsychologically addictive. The patches make the physical withdrawl more bearable.

    If needlessly putting up with irritibility, insomnia, appetite and digestive issues makes you "more of a man", then by all means smash some of your toes with a hammer. It makes about as much sense.

    The gum IMO is a whole different story...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by MMC78
    Niccotine is both physically and phsychologically addictive. The patches make the physical withdrawl more bearable.

    If needlessly putting up with irritibility, insomnia, appetite and digestive issues makes you "more of a man", then by all means smash some of your toes with a hammer. It makes about as much sense.

    The gum IMO is a whole different story...
    The patches are an unnecessary rip off.

    Physical withdrawals only last a day or so unless you prolong the problem with patches - after that it's all in your head.

    If wasting money makes you feel better then flush some down the toilet. It makes about as much sense.

    I could never get the dam patches lit anyway...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    The patches are an unnecessary rip off.

    Physical withdrawals only last a day or so unless you prolong the problem with patches - after that it's all in your head.

    If wasting money makes you feel better then flush some down the toilet. It makes about as much sense.

    I could never get the dam patches lit anyway...
    Well, I now see that I'm dealing with a medical expert. With nothing less than first hand experience quitting with the patch. Thank you for your brilliant insight.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    As one of the old guys on here, my nicotine addiction was chewing tobacco 25 yrs from years of playing ball. The only way to quit is admit you are a nicotene addict and never touch the stuff in any form, including cigars, gum, patches or just one cigarette tonight and no more. I quit 3 years ago and while I still have days I miss it, I never break the rule. It is a killer that does you no good. Leave it to the joe bag of donuts.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04
    I have a buddy who just started a Test only cycle. I told him that he had to quit smoking before he went on it due to estrogen problems. He has been off the smokes for a couple weeks now. He is having withdrawls and keeps asking me if he can use a nicotine patch to cure his cravings. I have heard of increased estrogen levels if you smoke but he thinks that maybe its the other millions of chemicals in cigs that cause that not the nicotine. Any advise I can tell him.
    I couldnt quit smoking during my last cycle, did 750 mg of testosterone a week and did next to no anti-e's during cycle, maybe a nolva dose once every 2 weeks when nipples got itchy and I dont have any trace of gyno.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by MMC78
    Well, I now see that I'm dealing with a medical expert. With nothing less than first hand experience quitting with the patch. Thank you for your brilliant insight.
    Yes I have got first hand experience. I quit once before relying on the patches to solve the problem for me and guess what - I started again. I failed because I lacked the determination to quit at that point.

    One year later I was moving into a new built house with my brother, he had quit 3 months before. The house was brand new and smelt of fresh paint, it would have been very unfair on my brother to ruin that because of my addiction, I also didn't want to become one of those desperate figures huddled in a doorway on a rainy day getting my fix. I was smoking 20 a day at this point and had 15 left in a pack, I handed them to my buddy and quit - cold turkey and simply told myself that I was no longer a smoker.

    That was 7 years ago and I haven't had one since, they disgust me and I have become the smokers worst enemy - the annoying reformed smoker!

    So going back to what you said, no I am not a medical expert but yes I am speaking from personal experience which in my opinion is more relevant than the views of any theoretical expert.

    And if you couldn't tell that the last sentence of my previous post was a joke (albeit not a great one) then maybe the nicotine had negative effects on your sense of humour before you quit.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    That was 7 years ago and I haven't had one since, they disgust me and I have become the smokers worst enemy - the annoying reformed smoker!
    Good for you! But I managed to quit 3 years ago without becoming an asshole

    Good luck quitting that, I don't think you'll have to worry about a patch.

    Just busting your balls. Sortof.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by MMC78
    Good for you! But I managed to quit 3 years ago without becoming an asshole
    Maybe you didn't notice it at first but it's definitely kicked in now!

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