So, how do you keep your HPTA alive and producing a bit of your OWN testosterone while on cycle, say, on a cycle of 500mg test cyp/week for 10 weeks?
Is there a way of keeping your own test production going, even though it might be minimal, and preventing testicular atrophy during a cycle.
Some people advocate taking Clomid through the whole cycle and as part of PCT. Will Nolvadex also do this?
I am also aware that some people prefer not to take anit-estrogens while on cycle because thy might limit gains. What kind of limits are we talking about? Are they significant, or just a question of a couple of pounds (I know it varies, obviously, but just in general, are PCT drugs really counterproductive during cycle?)
I really WANT to keep my HPTA going and my balls at a decent size while on cycle.