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Thread: Producing your OWN test during cycle

  1. #1

    Producing your OWN test during cycle

    So, how do you keep your HPTA alive and producing a bit of your OWN testosterone while on cycle, say, on a cycle of 500mg test cyp/week for 10 weeks?

    Is there a way of keeping your own test production going, even though it might be minimal, and preventing testicular atrophy during a cycle.

    Some people advocate taking Clomid through the whole cycle and as part of PCT. Will Nolvadex also do this?

    I am also aware that some people prefer not to take anit-estrogens while on cycle because thy might limit gains. What kind of limits are we talking about? Are they significant, or just a question of a couple of pounds (I know it varies, obviously, but just in general, are PCT drugs really counterproductive during cycle?)

    I really WANT to keep my HPTA going and my balls at a decent size while on cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    use clomid or hcg at low dose all along,or at intervals during cycle.I reccomend hcg.Great stuff.

  3. #3
    Thanks, Susta. How about Novadex? Or, is Clomid a better choice?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    5g of tribulus a day will help keep your nuts plump. Nolva at 10mg a day will curb any gyno. I would save the clomid for PCT...I heard that it can cause eye damage with extended use. Not sure how true it is...but the tribulus works fine.

  5. #5
    I've been a big proponent of Tribulus for a while now, and I usually mega-dose it at about 4grams a day. I definitely feel more sexual drive (not much muscle gain from it, no surprise, but the libido is definitely affected in some way.)

    Good points, guys . . . keep 'em coming if you can!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Trib 3-5g ED

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Clomid during cycle? It won't even work. Androgen levels have to be low or else Clomid is rendered useless. Use Trib if concerned.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by IronAdam
    5g of tribulus a day will help keep your nuts plump. Nolva at 10mg a day will curb any gyno. I would save the clomid for PCT...I heard that it can cause eye damage with extended use. Not sure how true it is...but the tribulus works fine.
    Clomid for some reason is most effective at blocking estrogen in your balls, most testicular shrinkage is actually caused from the effect of estrogen on your balls and not because of lack of testosterone production. People on HRT/TRT and low doses of testosterone that are low enough not to produce excess estrogen experience very little or no testicular shrinkage as compared to high doses.

    Tribulus is good, some have used tongkat because of its intense suppression of sex hormone binding globulins, helps get you much higher free testosterone while on cycle and is somewhat stronger then tribulus in that it blocks estrogen/testosterone detection in the HTPA and might possibly allow some testosterone production while on a cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    Are any of these things available over the counte do you think ? I live in the UK so the laws my vary. I know I can get anti-e's over the counter here but what about the others ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hey shaun- you can get trib at holland & barett but it's v expensive, ************* is pretty cheap, you can get tongkat there also.
    I didn't know you could get anti-e's over the counter in the UK??? Even without a script?
    Nolva & clomid are available from the site sponsor (see banner @ top right of page) they ship to the UK & are v quick.
    ps. Mike XXL is a proponent fo clomid throughout cycle - do a search - he's got some good stuff to say about it.

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